Nah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 02 INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 02I cleaned my pc, still same shit Mb paste... But I'm not sure LUL  INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 02Maybe I'm just gonna let my Cpu die so I'll have to buy a new one LULASSESS Product 年 - 月 - 02Cringe is realarin 年 - 月 - 02okay, back to playing supports.robert 年 - 月 - 02I just got perma ban by magnus  INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 02everybody did robert 年 - 月 - 02Vote for magnus to become the new mod  INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 02 5k gaming ASSESS Product 年 - 月 - 024 core = ez winrobert 年 - 月 - 02这个评论已被删除 年 - 月 - 02robert 年 - 月 - 02It's fine we got late game~~every 5 core game I playme, government hooker 年 - 月 - 02catched a 500 cp jynx PogChamparin 年 - 月 - 02wtf is wrong with steam api btwme, government hooker 年 - 月 - 02do u like this video guys D 年 - 月 - 02wait TI starts today?robert 年 - 月 - 02Wildcards only这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 02D 年 - 月 - 02ye checked yt saw like 20 TI streams LULMekarazium 年 - 月 - 02此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20 INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 02do u lose when u only play on 140%? also, will you win quicker when u play on 150%? analytical analizer 年 - 月 - 02is semagod still using aimer or uNah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 02@Alison Is this Benao at 0:43? xDD 年 - 月 - 02just like playing cs:go against silvers LMAO that shit was actually fun, u dont even need to use a gun mostly xDD 年 - 月 - 02LMAO benao xD getting bj'ed and distracted 年 - 月 - 02I went to Cavite for the last two days and nobody plays dota there Wutfaceywn 年 - 月 - 02nobody plays dota in denmarkD 年 - 月 - 02u play dota in denmark u fucking liarywn 年 - 月 - 02yes but thers noone to worship me like at my old school and shit if i was LoL player i would be a godme, government hooker 年 - 月 - 02xD D 年 - 月 - 02LMAO  INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 02im sure its easy to find a baka kawaii to worship you, senpai 这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 02D 年 - 月 - 02dude everything is RUINED! we had a star train and then u came smh NotLikeThis INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 02NotLikeThis arin 年 - 月 - 02i believe that it's time to have a break from dotame, government hooker 年 - 月 - 02u say that every dayarin 年 - 月 - 02l4d2 anyone?ywn 年 - 月 - 02well maybe just a few hours break XDD 年 - 月 - 02breaks 4Head u will be in dota in a few hours see ya there Keepo这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 02Yoshi 年 - 月 - 02benao is too YAG to be in a video disgusting weebs 年 - 月 - 02i won mmr arin lost mmr casino stream incoming got big bounty + 2 ice creams in the fridge =day is good 这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 02me, government hooker 年 - 月 - 02yag? young and gay?me, government hooker 年 - 月 - 02or its just gay backwards INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 02 I AM FAT AND FREE SCHOOL KILLING SPREE MY BRAIN HAS DELAY YOU GUESSED IT RIGHT IM FROM NA disgusting weebs 年 - 月 - 02kitraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakMekarazium 年 - 月 - 02此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20arin 年 - 月 - 02dammit i want to play dota again.disgusting weebs 年 - 月 - 02what the fuck is wrong with dota i can't even see how much pts i got for carrying my fucking retarded team to victoryNah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 02kitrak kuchuose no jutsu lmaoD 年 - 月 - 02LUL arin xDarin 年 - 月 - 02发表评论请登录用Steam登录
I cleaned my pc, still same shit
Mb paste... But I'm not sure LUL
Maybe I'm just gonna let my Cpu die so I'll have to buy a new one LUL
Cringe is real
okay, back to playing supports.
I just got perma ban by magnus
everybody did
Vote for magnus to become the new mod
5k gaming
4 core = ez win
It's fine we got late game~~every 5 core game I play
catched a 500 cp jynx PogChamp
wtf is wrong with steam api btw
do u like this video guys
wait TI starts today?
Wildcards only
ye checked yt saw like 20 TI streams LUL
do u lose when u only play on 140%? also, will you win quicker when u play on 150%?
is semagod still using aimer or u
Is this Benao at 0:43? xD
just like playing cs:go against silvers LMAO that shit was actually fun, u dont even need to use a gun mostly xD
LMAO benao xD
I went to Cavite for the last two days and nobody plays dota there Wutface
nobody plays dota in denmark
u play dota in denmark u fucking liar
yes but thers noone to worship me like at my old school and shit if i was LoL player i would be a god
im sure its easy to find a baka kawaii to worship you, senpai
dude everything is RUINED! we had a star train and then u came smh NotLikeThis
i believe that it's time to have a break from dota
u say that every day
l4d2 anyone?
well maybe just a few hours break XD
breaks 4Head u will be in dota in a few hours see ya there Keepo
benao is too YAG to be in a video
i won mmr
arin lost mmr
casino stream incoming
got big bounty + 2 ice creams in the fridge
=day is good
yag? young and gay?
or its just gay backwards
dammit i want to play dota again.
what the fuck is wrong with dota i can't even see how much pts i got for carrying my fucking retarded team to victory
kitrak kuchuose no jutsu
LUL arin xD