General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some more advice for antimage

Need some more advice for antimage in General Discussion

    I decided to try to play AM, and instapick doom on enemy team.

    I had no support on my lane, since the guy who decided to support randomed techies.

    Anyways, they all had blinks and 4 man blink combos got me killed a lot, so I decided to buy BoT and try my best to split push and farm.

    Anything else I could've done to try to win alone? Should I have invested in a linkens, because this doom wasn't using lvl earth on me , so maybe he'd have wasted doom


    plz do


      casual gamer

        u need map awareness to know where they are even if you dont see them

        also you can win a lane with next to no support, although qop offlane can be tough to beat


          I was solo lane against TA and Centaur, and Centaur was trying to support.

          And early on I was doing fine with the map, but then they all got blink and BoT and IIRC doom in the entire game only doomed me, he left fights to find and doom me.

          Never felt so singled out

          Misery Wizard

            Drop the vlads and ultimate orb for a bkb and you might of been able to wipe the enemy to victory.


              you should try to get abyssal to jump on people and kill them before they use any spells. also if you see doom's cast animation, you can use manta during it and that will cause him to stop casting doom since your hero gets removed from the map temporarily.

              plus with only heart and vlads you only get like 3 hits in before they just run away from you. heart in all likelihood did nothing, because doom still dooms you, and you're going to die even with that extra 1k HP because of their slows. if you go abyssal then you have a small chance to win.

              linkens combined with bkb would have been good after a basher/abyssal. bkb on it's own is useless because qop ulti goes through and so does doom. but if u got bkb active and linkens off cooldown, the only spell they have on that team that goes through bkb is doom, so bkb + linkens prevents you being doomed for 10s

              saving private RTZ

                Eh, i wont say that heart was a bad pick, as they got some pure damage, and maybe that 1k hp could've saved you some times or at least give time for your team to react.

                Though, androgynous is probably right, bkb + linkens after basher/abbysal would've gived you around 600-700 HP i think, and could've saved you from doom's doom too so ya, probably that was a better built.

                But anyway, at the point your team get shitrolled, and you too get shutdown and find no space to farm, i guess there is no much things to do, as guys above said, abyssal/basher into bkb+linken would've been a chance but even than i doubt you would've have time to farm them

                @odd*future BKB alone does almost nothing against them, Doom work through bkb, QoP ulti is pure damage, TA and SF are mostly Auto attacks so it would done nothing alone

                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                  I did not know the manta thing, although I do know it reshuffles the 3 , I thought doom would automatically get cast on the right one.

                  That ultimate orb i had was becoming a linkens, I had the perseverance in stash but game got over before that.

                  bkb linkens in hindsight would've made more sense

                  jus chillen


                    watch this replay of professional antimage player

                    and you really should have at least 10 cs/min, because am just has the ability to farm more.
                    don't join fights that you can't contribute to, and as for doom = when he is casting doom you have plenty of time to use manta and this will reset his animation and he will have to cast it again (possibly on an illusion) and you just have enough time to blink away.


                      dont pick this hero its so shit

                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        Yeah, cs was a big issue, tbh I'm not too good at solo laning against 2, I just feel pressured into playing a bit too safe, this centaur basically just stood in front of my tower and let TA get free farm, I had 26 cs first 10 minutes, and got my bfury around 23 minutes, both are really bad timings, even for me.

                        saving private RTZ

                          ^ i wont watch the replay now, but from score table and stats it seems like triplesteal steamrolled them and created space for you even though rest of the team were feeders apparently so i dont see if it helps him as in his games the whole team was destroyed, maybe techies could've delay the game but failed miserably. though, i cant know for sure how the game was :P

                          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                            Techies is a guy I play with, he was gonna play support for me, but then he decided yolo random , and I begged him to switch, but he's like "its in my list of unplayed, looks easy"

                            He was shit at techies, no bombs anywhere lmao. But hes my friend so it was still jokes

                            I just want to find out if this was a solo game what would've been a better course of action

                            jus chillen

                              well if you need advice on laning = don't rush battlefury, you will get rekt unless u lane against noone.

                              get a pms, ring of health and boots.
                              skill blink 1 time and get stats stats stats maybe 1 point in passives but prioritize stats. (you don't need maxed blink until u got battlefury)

                              with this i don't think you are killable in lane unless 3 heavy disables/nukes.
                              you have good regen with ring, enough agility and damage block from pms to not care about physical hits.

                              then you go power treads and maybe a stick/wand before it when you are against heroes who spam skills. (most of the times anyway)

                              and then by min 13-16 you should have bf and 3-4 lvls in blink and just farm your woods for vlads.
                              with vlads farm enemy woods, all lanes (be aware of heroes that can kill you).
                              with vlads+yasha get roshan.

                              this is the best advice i can give

                              saving private RTZ

                       This game, i was against drow/AA on lane, with witch doctor who gaved first blood, i went PMS>RoH>Power Treads> very late battlefury min 18. Then i tried my best to splitpush, farm their jungle while they were ganking ours, lost mid rax, we manage to chase and kill them, get mid tower, rinse and repeat, we win another fight and go destroy mid barracks, though we lose then both barracks when my hole team dies into their fountain besides me cuz i had aegis.

                                I manage to kill drow, and go mid lane with lina to end the game as we took the T4 towers a push before, they tried to base race, pudge landed amazing hook on troll who didnt got buyback, dazzle and AA couldnt defend, and Invoker TPed a bit too late.

                                While the game wasnt tough as yours, i posted it to see that you can still farm under pressure. + I had a much worse lane with 2 ranged and one who can enchants attack damage, and the other one with a slow, you got basically a melee and a ranged with a range shorter than doom.

                                And yes, abyssal blade is very good on AM as it enchants his solo kill potential by a big margin. And even in figths, troll would bkb, insta stunned into axe call into pudge dismember, and if i went on drow she would melt in 3 seconds.

                                AM laning phase is underrated because everyone rush naked battlefury. When you got free farm is probably worthed but when your lane is contested PMS>PT>RoH(+situational ring of regen for future vlads) into battlefury and few points in stats make him a decent early game hero. you dont have to fight, just to survive if you get silenced for example, to survive before blink is available


                                  even if u lost the game, watch it again to check if your map awareness was good. the game was pretty recent so hopefully you remember some of your decision making e.g. when to back, which lane to split push etc.

                                  also your bf was super slow. what was your item order? did you get treads before bf, and how often did you rotate into the jungle when the lane is not safe to farm?

                                  i think i've went vlads first into bf 2nd item only once before, and i think i still got a 20 min bf or something. if your lane is complete garbage, you could have saved skill points and not levelled up mana burn, and then get morbid mask, then go vlads. i also remember kuroky going vlads + maelstrom on am when he was having a hard lane. you don't get enough mana regen to spam blink constantly but it's still a build worth trying.


                                    honestly you could've won this game so easily
                                    just your friend is retard
                                    a good strat would be: he picks jakiro, you rape their dual lane, he builds lotus orb and protects you from Doom, easy game.
                                    But he randomed techies and fed.
                                    "Anything else I could've done to try to win alone?" you queued with techies and then you rant because you want to win alone?


                                      telling someone what heroes his teammates could have picked doesnt help him improve at the game. the goal is to improve. a better player may have won the game alone as am with and against the same heroes. some games probably are unwinnable but i dont think this one is one of them.

                                      Pom Pom 🍕

                                        If you've already skilled mana break you could go an early ring of regen with your roh instead of morbid mask. Ring of regen used for vlads later obviously.

                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                          I didnt straight rush Bfury.

                                          Lately I've been trying to get treads and PMS before the bfury.

                                          I know my bfury was slow , the solo lane really cut back on my farm, and I got ganked consistently at our jungle, after I dewarded (coz surprise surprise no support=no wards), it was still better.

                                          i went bfury , and then vlads.

                                          I saw the replay , and I noticed early on, first 10-15 minutes, there were times when all 5 were off map, and I still tried to split push and got caught out, but it got better later on (by which time it was too late).

                                          I do go PMS and treads before the bfury, but the skill build was not something I thought about at that point i guess.

                                          Early on, I'd get cs from the wave, push one wave, and then rotate to jungle, but half the jungle was gone at most points, techies was trying to farm blink (not in my control). I did eventually try to farm their jungle, to decent success.

                                          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                            Reese: it's not a rant, nowhere do I see any all caps or shitposting about other people. (until now)

                                            Yes he could've played a support or a hero I could lane with better, but do I fucking control the other 9 picks? I can only try to do the best I can and hope for the best, hence I was asking what I PERSONALLY COULD'VE DONE BETTER.

                                            You're not even a VHS big e-peen guy , what's your deal trying to come in with nothing positive? Fuck off please


                                              did you ever try going into the enemy jungle if they commit their heroes to your side of the map? i didnt watch the game so idk if their ta or sf was farming the jungle while the other 3-4 went to gank you.

                                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                I did go to the enemy jungle, and that helped quite a bit, I farmed a quick BoT and then all I could do was keep tp'ing and try to push other lanes, I got the only towers in the game, i think it was 2 tier 1's and a tier 2 (top), and almost got top tier 3, but doom and TA would keep tp'ing back for me, since they both had blinks.

                                                My team couldn't fight 4v3, apparently SF was hitting them too hard, and tusk was too ballsy (literally)


                                                  did you go treads and sell them later or did you just stay on brown boots until you had travels? also what was your item order, even the small early game items like quelling or poor mans.
                                                  cos treads make a really big difference to your early game farm (or mid game considering your bf timing :^)


                                                    im too lazy to watch the replay

                                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                      OK basically I got a QB in 1st minute and then RoH next to try to sustain better so I can actually go in for last hits and then regen some health, then I got PMS, then treads.

                                                      After treads I finished perseverance (i think that was a mistake, maybe the broadsword first would've helped better)

                                                      Finished Bfury at 23 minutes, got vlads next.

                                                      Got the yasha after that , but by then I was being ganked so much, I decided to keep the yasha and got BoT next to try to farm lanes nonstop.

                                                      After BoT, manta, heart and then was starting to build linkens


                                                        what happened if we have roaming clinkz with orchid? that bone is really sick while roam, also orchid slark is quite epic tho. Melee clinkz -_-

                                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                          Huh, I'm confused?

                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                Idk how your game help him. You have basically a higher skill player snowballing and steamrolling 2k players. And then he buys divine for no reason


                                                                  Manta and linkens instead of heart

                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    Dont instapick am man! Never eva!