for some reason I just imagine super fast bloodseeker being chased around by a huskar that's chasing blood with lifebreak while being ruptured
lol salza.... you ever time an escape or blink mid huskar ult? he continues flying all the way to where you are.
New meta, IO chen or kotl TP mid huskar ult back to fountain lol. I'd pay to see a huskar fly across the map into an enemy fountain :P
!!! omg didn't even have to pay money, this video is so good lmao
I think this "glitch" is fixed by now. I believe there was a minor update fixing this not too long ago, so that life break stops if the distance >= X (around 2000 i think)
Btw last week I was hella thirsty with bs and huskar pounced on my ass while I was runing he chased my booty until I wasn't even thirsty anymore.
What you mean Old Huskar?
Old Huskar that got crazy dmg when he had low HP? Combined with Ghost Scepter + Crazy Damage while being able to attack thru ethereal form?
Bloodseeker ain't got nothing on you. Bloodseeker can't even fight todays Huskars if Huskar gets farmed
Huskar was a terror in the battlefield before and the current bs destroys players morale like no other, but who wins?!