Na'Vi fangay here, they got me into dota so I'll support them regardless of anything that happens, also sonneiko is fucking fun to watch
ive been cheering for secret long enough. I hope S4 doesnt fuck up though. He's the weakest link. And i hope jerax and fly do good in their respective teams
can you make a Strawpoll Mokujin? I'll put in in OP.
Why do you think S4 is a weak link Benao?
based on previous lans and everything, unless other teams made big improvements, its pretty obvious secret will win
Omfg start the wild card matches already.......
And secret has a weak link it's name is zai.
every game secret has lost has been because S4's lane has been overwhelmed and he has fed and fed, then they proceed to win through that. Hopefully they dont ban qop against secret :)
^---eh what?
Secret old weakness = puppey small effective hero pool.
New weakness = zai not on his best offlaners or in a bad matchup.
clearly you dont see the same i see when watching games and analyzing them as they develop
as much as i want c9 to win they probably won't :(
\ BibleThump / EE take my energy \ BibleThump /
i wont waste time making a video (every defeat) to explain people how secret dota games are lost
No one asking you to. Try linking one match.
Last 3 losses of secret.
1 game s4 safelane storm other 2 games were both lost to EG and Lesh with heavy gank rotations.
Wow been watching the Archon - MVP series, really exciting good DOTA!
Makes me really look forward even more to TI now
The asian guy with glasses, the one that's not winter, I just want to punch him in the face for some reason
must be that smirk and/or the way he speaks hngggg
PogChamp 3 MERLINIS PogChamp WTF PogChamp PogChamp 3 MERLINIS PogChamp WTF PogChamp PogChamp 3 MERLINIS PogChamp WTF PogChamp PogChamp 3 MERLINIS PogChamp WTF PogChamp PogChamp 3 MERLINIS PogChamp WTF PogChamp PogChamp 3 MERLINIS PogChamp WTF PogChamp PogChamp 3 MERLINIS PogChamp WTF PogChamp PogChamp 3 MERLINIS PogChamp WTF PogChamp PogChamp 3 MERLINIS PogChamp WTF PogChamp PogChamp 3 MERLINIS PogChamp WTF PogChamp
I think that guy is Chobra and people liked him at ESL so he is here at TI5 as well.
Made one last year, let's keep the trend going.
Last years thread:
Who are you cheering for?