General Discussion

General Discussionti5 proved techies is broken OP s*it

ti5 proved techies is broken OP s*it in General Discussion

    Am I right?

    one of the highest if not highest win rates of the tournament, makes me feel a little better about myself when even THE BEST F***ING TEAMS IN THE WORLD get skull f*cked by his op broken bull shi*.

    Swindlemelonz even said crowd's wont like techies picks in ti5 because it will make the game boring.


      The fact that cdec had to instaban him in ALL of their grand finals games, forcing them to first pick lesh as a 3rd ban instead of their second...... If techies wasn't in captains mode / ti5 we could have had an ENTIRELY different outcome.


        4 days ago,just as i was about to play some relaxing antimage afk farming game that will be 100% win, this motheRF***** decided that it was a great idea to lastpick techies against me.

        good game, had a lot of fun

        and it's not like he killed me many times or anything, but he did kill my teammates and severely limited my movement on the map and this game would have been so ezzz if not for 1 retarded hero (pardon my french).


          hero go reworked. mines exploding instantly makes him so much more potent.
          other than that he is same annoying shit to play against he always was.

          lesh is op. techies is annoying


            even without the insta explosion after being placed mine, techies is still much stronger than lesh...

            The hero itself, was poorly played by the team. And even aui, who didn't had tuskar to support him all the game, was carrying game alone, without using that new feature, and without inspiring the fear that restrict the moment on the map (cf first gem min 30, only 2 additional sentry bought in those 30 min, compare to usual)

            use less than 30% of the potential of the hero, proceed to carry alone. Even lesh cannt do that
            ofc aui is arguably top 3 best player in the world, but that doesn't explain everything

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              What can you possibly to do use %100 potential of the hero though? It's not like you have endless mana or something.


                A lot of pro teams just do not know how to deal with techies yet. In time they will learn. But when it comes out at TI there is no time for a team like CDEC to figure out a completely different hero they have probably NEVER seen in a pro game before.

                Beastmaster, Tusk, Visage, Storm Spirit, Elder Titan => no risk uphill vision is very important against a techies.

                Chen, Enchantress, Enigma, Beastmaster, Broodmother, Visage, PL => summons to deal with mines at no risk to heroes. Just getting manta styles and necrobooks makes it a lot easier.

                Pipe is required if you let the techies farm up to the point that he can one-shot the creep wave. You have to get your creeps safely to the tower. You can't stand outside the base and siege for risk of fstaff into mines.

                Techies takes a while to farm up and is really not that hard to gank and kill if you get ganking heroes. You can prevent him from ever having aghs. Very few teams were running gank heavy lineups that took towers by killing the heroes first.

                Bkb's and blinks to charge the base over a mine stack... there are lots of ways to deal with techies. But a team that has never had to try these before will not figure them out on the fly and will not want to test such concepts with no practice on a $3 million game. So they just banned techies. But over time people will show that techies is not really that hard to defeat.


                  The theory of Techies reaching 100% is unrealistic. Can be compared to meepo. It's this kind of that that is impossible to do.



                    qUote: "Beastmaster, Tusk, Visage, Storm Spirit, Elder Titan => no risk uphill vision is very important against a techies."

                    This is not why Techies is strong at all.


                      You cann't call that you used even half of the potential of techies, if enemy don't even have to buy sentry/early gem and are able to move freely on the map.
                      You cann't say that you used 100% of the potential of techies, if you never use those instant land mine (ofc if you don't have tusk, and/or have 4 feeder during the game, it's pretty damn hard to use it)
                      You cann't say that you used 100% of the potential of techies, if you never dragged enemy on a prepared field to fight

                      But well, when 2 remote with agahnims are dealing more damage than a full luna ulty (without creep ofc), why would you even need to do anything from above ?

                      Edit: ofc it's unrealistic to use 100% of the potential of a heroes. not using some part of the hero (from what we could saw at it about techies), is like playing invoker, without using any single spell that has a quas in it. Or playing alchemist without goblin greed, playing gyrocopter without flak canon etc...
                      they use so few of it's potential... (well still better than 99% of techies, who are like invoker without invoke ^^)

                      Edit2: btw relentless, most of the thing you proposed to counter techies are just not working. First with those heroes, what do you do if it's the enemy attacking ?
                      If you don't have enough of them, how to you push high ground against techies when enemy turtle properly
                      If you have none of them, how do you win ?

                      It's the exact same thing as people saying: "naga counter techies". Yeah the moment you are usefull enough, you actually already lost since 20 minutes.
                      It remind me the sven dazzle sup to counter tusk techies, yeah you countered them on the lane, they just move else where and do the same shit + you have a really bad support for the rest of the game.
                      One last image:
                      You have to do so much to play against a good techies, that if it were to play against a good rubbik, all your team would be playing without any active skill



                        53-0 techies player - techies can dominate a game.

                        But he has weaknesses. He does not defend well against split pushes. He does not do well against bkbs. His laning is really quite early. He is bad against long ranged heroes and nukers. He wastes a lot of effort against summons and illusion heroes.

                        A pro level broodmother will absolutely crush a pro level techies player at all stages of the game because of the summons and the pathing available to brood that avoids the mines.

                        Techies can really only mine choke points and there are tons of heroes that do not need to pass through them. There are countless repositioning abilities besides blink dagger itself that allow you go past the line of defense and fight behind it. You just need the vision to make the jump - that is why a beastmaster hawk, a clockwerk rocket, a zues ult... whatever it takes to see up the hill - those things are critical to beating a good techies so you can jump into the base.

                        Nightstalker and Keeper of Light both now have aghs that will let them see uphill permanatly for even easier sieges. Its not hard to work either of them into a draft as a counter pick to techies. Gem Aghs on Nighstalker means you will know exactly what techies has set up. Kotl + PL crushes a techies easily now with that unobstructed vision and tanky illusions. It's very easy to beat him this way.


                          honestly the teams which banned techies (cdec and lgd?) didnt have naga support players which is his biggest counter

                          Dire Wolf

                            Idk if he's op but he changes the way the game is played so much that it's not enjoyable.

                            I think relentless is more right that pros didn't know what to do against him. Aui didn't even do that much with techies like matrice said, but the other team (ehome I think) was so freaked just by his presence they completely left that lane alone. Instead of going ok what do we do, they just said fuck it give them a free lane.

                            I don't really get why you think cdec was forced into picking lesh. Is letting EG have lesh worse than letting them have naga? And props to EG for figuring out how to exploit those matchups. You can say it would've been a far different TI without techies but EG was the only team to actually get decent with the hero. They are also the only team to win with naga in main event!

                            Check it out, naga not picked by EG was 1-7, picked by EG they won three games. Props to EG for forcing people into a few must bans, opens up a ton more hero choices when you have to pick between naga, lesh, techies, gyro to ban.


                              buy detection


                                  The thing with techies is you have to play abit differently the reason it works so well is some people don't want to alter what their doing or aren't CAPABLE of changing their mind set

                                  Vision is key (especially at the wel traveled rune areas) if you know where techies is or at least where he is going you have an idea where mines are/could be

                                  Techies basically preys on the weak minded.

                                  People simply can't handle not knowing where mines are...... I've seen supports drain themselves dry dropping sentries EVERYWHERE without knowing where I've been

                                  All Is Dust

                                    The problem with techies is the mines are way too spammable. There needs to be a "player skill" to "Use of hero" ratio. Meaning a healthy balance in the hero being self sufficient, but the player having to make good decisions on the hero in order to get full potential out of it. I think playing 3-4 mines before the game even starts is silly.

                                    I think the mines should do far more damage but the cap is decrease when of course increasing the mana cost for them and lvl1 cooldown. 1 mine should be enough for first blood. How annoying is it that you have to place a sentry and kill X mines because he spammed them in one area? Not only that but you have to find someone ranged and far enough so the mine doesnt blow up and still hurt you after you kill it. Its A HUGE time waster.

                                    Or what they could do is if you put a sentry wards down, all mines in that area are deactivated. Many you can walk on them. So everymine that is visible from a sentry is approachable. However this couldnt work with a gem.


                                      How is this hero still in the game


                                        who are you to decide that is in dota from 10+years..
                                        i still remember him in 6.14 in 2005....
                                        he was here long before u start to play dota...with time people will learn to play against him....cus now nobody trains against tech

                                        casual gamer

                                          I fucking hate when the game would be won except techies has 10-15 kills and so the game will go to 60 minutes because you can't push ever


                                            Some of the arguments in this thread are laughable. Techies was good in TI5 because pro teams don't know how to play against him.... ummmmm what? The *BEST* players in the *ENTIRE* world can't figure out the right way to play against him? You seriously think for a second that professional dota players on salary, who play dota at the highest competitive level, who know the game inside and out, are worse than you and should adopt your dog sh*t strategies? lolololol

                                            Make mines give you 10 gold for every one you kill, reduce their AOE, reduce damage, reduce the ease and spamminess of them, just do something for the love of god. 1 hero, in a game of 10, should not be able to play with one hand only while masterbating with the other to gay dog porn, and GG the game.
