General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp, I'm shit.

Help, I'm shit. in General Discussion

    So I'm your typical 1-2k mmr player who started dota spamming carry. Teams are shit but still if I'm in the position to say that then I should be stomping them. Thing is my friends are around 4k or higher so I play a few games in higher bracket but I play support or offlane then and this doesn't really bode well when I play ranked in my own bracket since I can't carry really well and once in a blue moon when I pick carry with them I end up failing and well getting some flame from both teams. I just need some pointers on how to improve on carrying so I can play ranked and get out of my shit bracket and go and support players that I don't die 4 times over for, buyback, use guardian angel and die blocking enemies just to have my carry slark farm his BLOODSTONE 50 minutes in.
    I know how to keep creep equilibrium, alternate lane and jungle and keep farming even when I'm really tempted to do the mexican standoff midlane with everyone but my decision making in battle is horrible.
    Help pls Q___Q

    pura pura

      watch CLQ, probably the world best dota 2 player



        get items

        kill heroes

        win dotka ? `

        i honestly have no idea how 2k games works but my wild guess is just outplay them pick heroes that can kill early and dont just afk rice


          Qlc is maybe not the best to start with lol but panda is right about watching other people who play better than you. Watch player perspective in game of 5-6k player. You will get better in no time and this is probably the best advice you can get. Else improve on mechanics there are a million guides everywhere


            2k games work like this.
            Pick hero
            ask for safelane
            Lane safelane with dazzle
            Dazzle heals your creeps and takes last hits due to said heal
            Mid pudge against QOP
            QOP STILL LOSES MID (Pudge is such a shit mid hero IMO)
            Offlaner farming first item octa core over boots
            Try to farm, no fuck you says dazzle
            Go to jungle, Pudge begs to differ with 14 kills 5 minutes in
            Go offlane, "Report AM can't farm"
            20 minutes in
            Report AM only bf wtf


              ^at 2k mmr pretty sure you can have 5 0 at min 10 in any lane with any hero against any hero


                i played on a friends account (2.2K) i picked slark and solo killed weaver 3 times in a row


                  you play on Sea servers

                  RATMAN BELIEVER

                    ^..... you have no idea what I'd do to get out of sea.


                      play with higher ping in other servers. I played dota in south america with an avg of 300+ ping for like 2-3 years just because


                        hi, im shit too


                          ^here comes the one who said "4k scrubs" the other day


                          ok btw just pick ursa. if you can carry well, you will do well with it.


                            it was kinda sarcasm cz the person i said it to is 6k on his main, im not actually elitist or anything like that


                              this is ur last ranked match, u had lowest impact on ur team


                                He probably rat-ed, look at his tower damage.

                                Which still won them the game. That could be the right call since the other 4 can pretty much handle themselves, not like base defense will definitely go wrong without his presence.

                                Impact doesn't literally mean hero damage and kills. You won't want to measure Io's impact based on its autoattack damage would you?


                                  ^Your item choices for that match were bad. Manta useless against a Tiny and Ember, they destroy illusions in a sec. Since you didn't have a BKB, you were basically useless until your ult was up otherwise risk feeding with the disables and blademails they had. If you want to carry and win, you need to think about your items. Don't just blindly follow guides, you should itemize according to what the enemy is building or the skills they have. In this match for instance, you should've gotten a Skadi for the tankiness since the enemy lineup wasn't really right-click focused(Ember won't ever manfight you, Tiny didn't have enough items to have decent attack speed) so you're mainly dealing with a pudge, QoP nukes and ult and a Tiny combo. Evasion doesn't benefit you here as much as a BKB and Skadi would.


                                    I didn't watch any of your replays but I can give some general advise that helped me.

                                    Once you understand the basics of all heroes, you should choose just a few favourites to practice your other skills. Watch some replays of your practice hero from good players and try to repeat their farming pattern and skill build. Don't worry about kills, focus on the farming bit - just that will win you most of the games in low MMR. Carry a TP while farming so you can instantly join a fight. TP only when the action is close to the tower, especially diving, and you are sure you can score the kill - this sense will come with practice. Item build is the last thing you should be thinking about - use a standard one or the one from replays.


                                      I doubt you can build any hero using their standard build or learn from replays without adapting it to your actual game.

                                      Take Drow Ranger as example: if your enemies are Slardar and Bounty Hunter, you wouldn't want to follow the default build to go Shadow Blade. Or if your enemies can clear illusions effectively like Ember Spirit, Earthshaker do, going Manta Style without much debuffs to dispel will be waste of gold as well. BKB would do better in this case.

                                      Skill builds can also be altered by the game as well. Drow Ranger as example again: some players go only one level in Frost Arrow for the harassing, and maximize their damage output (i.e.: Precision Aura). However if your team doesn't have any lockdowns for you to do your damage, then you will need the slow.

                                      Not everything can be applied as it is from the default build, or from replays.


                                        2k scrubs


                                          2k? Ursa and Zeus. Done