General Discussion

General DiscussionOverranked - Want to decrease my MMR.

Overranked - Want to decrease my MMR. in General Discussion

    How do i decrease my MMR to the level it deserves to be while still avoiding to throw games? Its coz ive steadily been dropping from 3k to 2,4k MMR but its been over the last 1k games idk so i rather just take a quick jump down to the MMR i belong in rather than having to go back and forth the next 1k games and then find myself @ 2k. But i dont feel like throwing games intentionally, thats just sad imo, even tho it would get me to the rank i belong in more quickly. I wanna do my best everygame so i can improve, but i also want to play with players that are equal to me in terms of skill, thats just more fun :) Im 2800 group MMR so yeah thats kind of an issue as well, but i guess its ok if i can just bring my solo mmr rank to the proper level :)

    casual gamer

      pick heroes that u cannot play

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Pick shit heroes so even if you play like shit you can blame it on the hero.


          didnt think about that :D sounds like a good way to test heroes i absolutely cant play like invoker and meepo and such. thanks :)


            dont bother with meepo and shit. Try weak heroes in this meta that can turn up t be good in later meta! mirana, naix, furion, etc


              How will u know they will be good in later patches ;o. and ive played naix furion too much and quite a bit of mirana as well so i dont feel like playing them more.


                Heroes like them.


                  heroes like them? what u mean? carries?


                    OK GO f YOURSELF IM TIRED f YOU


                      ? night

                      King of Low Prio


                        find my teammates and learn from them how to do it


                          LMAO benao that guy..


                            Play some more Tinker, Brewmusta, and Death Prophet :D

                            Not that strong at the moment, but high chance to come back into meta


                              tinker is boring :P early game hes fun but mid/late boring ;s.


                                Dude the difference in skill between 2k and 2.4 k can be overcome in ime or 2 weeks of studying practicing and watching videos . I don't think you need to fall to 2k just learn as much as you can so you will eventfully have like a 300-400 mmr spike before dropping back down like 200 mmr then rinse and repeat .


                                  Filthy - I may want to drop lower than 2k, maybe 1.7k or so :) Then i can climb back up if i think they are not so good


                                    @nexon holy shit dude sorry for ur red streak, wut mmr now?


                                      ^Honestly I have no idea why u would do that. The fastest way of improving in dota is playing with people that are better then you.


                                        @sunris im back 4.5k agan :S
                                        But I jumped tha Leshrac Hype train today, so that's gonna change Kappa


                                          ayyyy, gl dude


                                            Not really nexon :)

                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                              Picking heroes you can't play sounds like the best way if "without throwing the game" is a rule.

                                              Also go shitty builds based on recommended items (rush items with expensive components as well. Dont buy stuff like drums, aquilla and SY) and never start with stout or rop so the enemy can harass you better in lane (still get regen though) and try to do any common 2K mistake you can think about.

                                              Always go towards fights over farming. The more farm you can avoid the worse you'll do in fights having near no items. And never ping when you see enemies moving somewhere on the map, try to lure a teammate there with you instead so you both get ganked. Helping your team get ganked is the best way to lose.

                                              Also always go dagon on int heroes if you're against a bunch of tanky and/or magic resisiting heroes.


                                                It also goes with your mentality. I tried it before on my smurf calibrated at 3k. I wanted to go as low as possible but as soon as you want to win, you will do it with your full capability. Tryharders are bad in deliberately dropping MMR. No matter what shit hero or shit build they play.

                                                Unless you are not. Then go ahead. You will do well I guess.

                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                  Ah yeah. Try to tilt yourself too. Put as much negative thoughts in your head as you can and distract yourself by daydreaming. It's probably a lot harder when you actually want to lose though.


                                                    When I play like a shit and feel like losing, I get tryhard teammates who carry my feeding ass. :(


                                                      Lol check out this feed win ;)

                                                      Kaiju,Hack  Retired

                                                        Whats the point in playing a video game when there is no challenge? You wont to be in a lower bracket so you can feel good for 5 minutes after winning? Whats the point? I wish I could report you to valve. People like you should be playing LoL. You get better by playing better players and saying to yourself "What could I have done better" Not "Oh i wanna play noobies so i can feel like im getting better"
                                                        Hah. Im surprised there arnt more people making fun of you. Does no one take pride in the game they play? Im guessing you guys dont

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          I would play heroes you want to learn and try to do well. Play pudge 50 times or something, your hooks at start will suck and you'll be good by end of it. Or just play terrorblade every game.


                                                            Derankers exist in Dota 2 as well ?

                                                            Miku Plays

                                                              Play jungle shadow demon, stack hard camp pull lane, stack hard camp, do double pull, stack hard camp and clear with your poison. Rush necrobook then get ac/blink/aghs watever u want. Tell team its new meta


                                                                Go ancients necro.


                                                                  Lol man. how can be your skill 1.7k after like 3k games?
                                                                  So sad.
                                                                  Add me in steam, maybe i can help u improve your level.

                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                    Nexon is right. The only way to improve, or lets actually call it the fastest way to improve is by playing with better players. And anyway a 400 mmr difference in 2k bracket can be overcame in 1 week


                                                                        just throw u pu$sy

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          Bullshit. What did you learn when you played with me, exacly, nuthing.

                                                                          By your logic sheever should be 5k by now


                                                                            why don't you use this opportunity and try to improve when playing against better people


                                                                              I can only talk from my expiernce but it's pretty much how i climbed mmr all the time.
                                                                              => Pick meta heroes (or lycan) and get to a rank u dont deserve
                                                                              => Start playing normal heroes and drop some mmr again
                                                                              => climb the amount u lost because u actually improved (Trhough playing, watching replays, learning stuff from your team / opponents)


                                                                                Kaiju - Youre totally missing the point. I want to play with players that im equal to, just like when people want higher MMR so they play with ppl they feel they are more equal to. You make no sense dude.

                                                                                saving private RTZ


                                                                                  because you suck weaboo ayy

                                                                                  dón kíj-

                                                                                    pick shadow demon, you will lose all games

                                                                                    report mid noob ever
                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        "Go ancients necro."

                                                                                        Would work at his mmr. Hell it works in 3k, you just rush mek first ~10 mins then go push everything. It's same as any other jungle hero (ie not the best for this meta but very viable).