General Discussion

General DiscussionDid they do drug tests at TI5??

Did they do drug tests at TI5?? in General Discussion

    The scene and prizepool has been getting larger and larger so I think eventually this should be done.

    inb4 people say it's not like sports where its as simple as getting stronger muscles, there are plenty of psychiatric and neurological medication that can be used to do stuff like drastically improve concentration.


      Speaking of drugs and dota. I think there should be a tournament where everyone has to get high right before the match. It'd be very amusing to watch, especially if we got to hear teams comms.


        ^ not sure if you are joking, but I think a drunk dota game with drunk casters would be hilarious.


          the whole drug testing concept would be tricky, some players are probably using adderall or ritalin (legal speed) since it is apparently super easy to get as a prescription drug


            inb4 half the pros have ADD/ADHD :horse: :horse: :horse:


              Yeah I was thinking off Adderall as well.

              Like no shit though, hours of gaming and strategizing in a tournament setting will take its toll leading to frustrated and tired players and then you get players who avoid all this by dopamine doping or taking psychostimulants.


                what if sumail was high on cocaine


                  ^he'd probably wouldn't pick ember then


                    I never play dota without concerta. EZ


                      I wonder if they screen hem for ear piece micro phones getting inside info on other team. I would think they do.

                      Dire Wolf

                        eh, I mean I would only do it if it's a safety concern that these kids (I say kids cus that's what they are. Fear is a grandpa compared to them) might not have the common sense to not harm themselves. I mean what if you're already all hopped up on monsters and then start popping aderals or no doze and get really sick? It can happen easily.

                        I actually am very interest in what the whole scene for the pros at TI is like. Like does valve provide them with accommodations or do they just book hotels? Cus most 20 year olds can't book a hotel. Do they share rooms and all sleep on the floor cus they're poor (until they win TI)? Who pays for the travel expenses like teams flying over from Russia and China? Are any parents there? PPD said something about staying up drinking with their coach, but there's a ton of underage kids. Is it just a huge party? Are there like adults from valve telling them where to be and shit? Do the pros mingle with everyone else between days/matches or are they separated? They should do like a documentary of it.


                          iirc Valve pays all travel expenses for players +3 other (management, coaches, gf/parents for some teams). They provide all meals, and even a midnight snack. Valve also provides things like rides to and from event/airport and translators. I'm sure there are a few people at valve who are just in charge of managing the players. Not to mention if you watched the stage at TI there were multiple stage managers taking the teams in and out of the booth. Teams were never alone in the booths and keyboards/mice are kept under lock and key while not playing.

                          Now for a "normal" tournament a lot of the overhead for travel goes on the team managers. They would book travel/accommodation etc. However, more and more tournaments are providing some travel assistance.


                            Do they Check for a hidden ear piece?

                            Dire Wolf

                              Do you know where they stay or is it like a secret? I just wonder if the bunk together like two teammates to a room or something, and then what the scene is like, if the players go practice, eat and sleep, or if it's laid back or if they like party. I mean do they stay up watching walking dead reruns or discussing strats? Or do they hit the town?


                                they didin't

                                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                  Based on pics arteezy posts, seems like the rooms have 2 beds, so i think 2 people to a room? does captain get a room solo to think?


                                    2 players on one bed, 2 on other, captain sleeps on the floor


                                      ^it seems like a light version of the students' parties in russia



                                        Krazy Kat

                                          I would like to see a drinking game tournament. Every time you die, you drink a shot.


                                            ez 0.10 reaction time

                                            ED WUNCLER

                                              those kids probably never drink. would be epic fun tho. wtf dexter ^


                                                not sure about this year, but at TI4 there were a lot of players drinking every night before they were eliminated. As you would expect their team did not win.

                                                ED WUNCLER

                                                  really ? ^ on what information .

                                                  ED WUNCLER

                                                    oh. nevermind you are a dotabuff member. sorry sir. you are right already. pardon ma poor peasant ass.

                                                    ED WUNCLER

                                                      still where are the proofs. noneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee