General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat can i improve?

What can i improve? in General Discussion

    Hello there!

    Never played any MOBA before so i decided to try Dota.
    I started playind dota about 3months ago and i have hit 200hours right now.(200hours feels like 20, time passes quick damn)
    I lately started using dotabuff to keep track of my gameplay.

    I noticed that my K/D is pretty good but i have low winrate and not the best GPM/XPM.
    To be honest, was some matches that i trolled with friends lol so the real winrate is about 41-42.

    I know that winrate depends mostly on you and your team, and in fact i get mostly with noobs vs pros, why? probably because i am noob too :P
    So how can i improve by looking at my dotabuff profile?
    What i do very wrong and what can i do better?

    NextStep ®

      Normal Skill bracket uh.
      I guess the first thing you should focus is your farming. Try to aim at least 50 cs for the 1st 10min.


        Normal skill yeah, i don't even know how its possible to be in high lol
        My friends that have 1000-2000hours are in normal aswell and they got 3000 -+ mmr.

        50 last hits in 10min? that sounds impossible ;/ my best is about 30-40 with favorite last hitting heroes, and in manyy cases i am in lane vs 2 ranged that harass you, and you almost dont get farm ):
        Also some heroes just impossible to last hit early, with which i get max 10-15 at 10min.

        Is there any tip to last hit better?
        I correctly use the stop method and i practice alot but not much improve atm.

        meow maniac

          Have a support zone the enemies, pull the wave behind the tower to last hit, stack the easy camp and deny the creep wave to push the lane toward your tower, do jungle rotations when possible.

          Dire Wolf

            First stop playing invoker, he's not noob friendly.

            I just checked a couple of your PA games since she's your most played. You build battlefury a lot but then only have like 2 cs/min. that's terrible. Idk if you should even go battlefury but if you do you do it first and it's a farming item that should easily net you 5-6 cs/min, around 150 by 25-30 mins. The biggest improvement you can make is just focusing on farming and last hitting well in lane. Watch some pro games and notice where they move to to farm. When I was new I never knew where to go and would run between lanes all the time, and didn't know how to farm the jungle. I watched what my higher rated friends did and sort of improved there and my mmr shot up a bunch.

            And 3k isn't bad despite what forum people say. 3k for someone who has played a really long time just means you're like an average player, you know what to do sorta but don't execute that well. 3k is about high bracket, cutoff is right around there. Once you get there it's pretty much a very conscious decision to improve, you must play heroes you intend to improve on and not just dick around for fun or you'll stay there.


              Thx for answers
              Yeah my farm with PA is bad because it was one of first heroes i played, i didnt farm at all back then(no jungle).
              And i know that invoker is hard but i enjoy playing him, i'm quite good at using sun strike and other combos.

              How can i deny and do last hits at same time on lane to push enemy creeps to my tower?
              If i concentrate on deny i miss the last hits to do on enemy creeps and if i do last hits i miss the denies.
              If i will just deny to push enemy creeps without last hitting to my tower then i just miss the minutes of farm no?
              It's really really hard to do both, specialy when i miss alot of last hits without doing denies.


                bump . .


                  there are plenty of videos on youtube that cover the basics, mechanics and more advanced stuff

                  Dota 2 wiki - mechanics

                  Asian Guy №1 - Merlini

                  Then there's that, good shit here but it's more in depth (assumes you have some knowledge already)
                  Asian Guy №2 - Aui

                  Try to search around youtube, there's probably some good posts with compiled tutorials on reddit, but you have to look for it yourself


                    с у х а р и к

                    Paid actor

                      to improve ur lasthits try the 10min mid shadowfiend test. Create a lobby and go mid with shadowfiend and dont take any items or skill any abilities just u and the creeps, start lasthiting and denying for 10min. ur first goal should be getting like 60 lasthits+denies, try it alot of times, it will improve ur lasthitting quite alot.
