General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to say if you're a seasoned or veteran doto player?

How to say if you're a seasoned or veteran doto player? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Do you somehow base it on years of exp? no. of games played? game impact scores on heroes? Frequency of playing? etc? thoughts?


      Years sounds about right. Most of the wellknown dota-veterans have been playing for years now - including participation in good old dota 1 champs.


        look at your activity page, like this :


          definetly years

          if u dont play since atleast 2005 ur in no shape to even try to call urself veteran

          Need to talk,remove your ...

            Haha good Lord my pages look like shit compared to yours harvester



                Hehe, yes i did play actively between 2011 december and mid 2014s but then game became kinda boring with all the unnecessary and unmeaningful updates but i couldn't really leave it either until the end of 2014. i recently started again though :)


                  number of commends probably


                    Does it count for me if I started playing in 2003 but I quit from 2008-2014:)


                      I think most people need a lot of time to improve in dota because it's hard conceptually, not mechanically. It's exactly the why some people will never get passed a certain point not matter how much time they spend.

                      Like I haven't actually played that much Dota overall, maybe have 800-1000 matches played in DotA 1, but I've watched a lot of games, streams etc, since 2009. Never played consistently until 2013, because I've been addicted to WoW from Vanilla up until Blizzard ruined the game with Cataclysm


                        i played CS since 2006, but DotA 2 since 2012, never tried DotA


                          I played wow for 1 month then said fuck it they want me to go on another quest . if I wanna grind , I'll go back to work And make some money