General Discussion

General Discussion5 LP games not sufficient punishment

5 LP games not sufficient punishment in General Discussion

    What happened to the escalating punishments there used to be? Everytime you get a feeder and look at their match history you see they are recidivists in and out of all random repeatedly.

    Riguma Borusu

      I abandon enough that I've stopped caring about 5 LPQ games. But for reports and feeding I think there should be a greater punishment, because you can't really tell why somebody abandons. Sometimes it'll be because of a 5 core lineup after you've already picked a carry, you get nowhere to farm and are useless, and then you abandon, so it's not the same thing like abandoning because you're a moron. In this regard, I think punishment for abandoning and reports should be different, like, if you stack up reports for intentional feeding, you should only be able to play bot matches or something, because even in LPQ you can ruin games for people who actually want to play and who are there because they abandon when they see 5 core games on their team.


        you're right - abandoning does a lot less harm than intentionally feeding. and sometimes people legitimately abandon.


          tbh i have had some of my most fun dota playing in lpq (helping friends work through their games :) )

          should make your hero wear a dunce's cap once you get out of lpq :D

          Riguma Borusu

            I've also seen players abandon after losing their lane terribly. I actually kind of respect that - it leaves our team with more GPM, and the leaver who could do nothing anymore is not in the game now, so we actually get more space to farm up and try to retaliate. I've actually commended some people who have abandoned after being like "sorry guys, I've failed mid really terribly, I can't do anything but feed now" if they were really honest with themselves and did not blame the team for their 0-6 score against mid silencer. If somebody is a legitimately bad player, and has a bad game on top of that, and also feels bad about himself, and is also honest with it, he gets respect from me, so even if he abandons I don't think that's the same thing as a guy who 5th picks spectre after there are already enough carries in the game, goes and feeds offlane where he's with weaver (!), and then ragequits because "weaver is not letting me get gold", and he went to his offlane with a stout shield, quelling blade and one set of tangoes. Like, abandoning does not mean jack shit, it could mean many different things in many different scenarios, and punishing people the same way you punish intentional feeders, spammers and harassers is a really, really bad thing in my book.


              if u have lp just go sea servers fuck the lag who cares they say push bot dire push top rad whoever pushes fastest wins and one or the other gives fb ez ez 5 lp takes 10 min max per game so thats under an hour


                why would u give up on win even if its ar game lol


                  that's kind of the point - no-one really cares about going into lp.


                    you miss one point: ppl who get into LP once, have a higher probablity of getting their again (less reports needed to send them there).


                      after their 5 games all random, repeat offenders should be locked out of ranked matchmaking until they've managed to play x number of games unranked without ending up in lpq.

                      make them learn to behave like grownups....


                        bitch pls u can get in lpq for no reason at all

                        i usually report people for tryharding in my pubs and decent amount of them gets sent in lpq cuz of that

                        not even sorry


                          ^More like you are a sore baby getting sent to lowpriority by your delusional thought of not being deserving such punishment

                          then you bullshit-talk herexdxdxd I've played 50 lowpriority games on smurf and all was very much deserving.


                            Do you think that stops them tryharding? No - lpq can't even be abused properly! :-)


                              low priority is not punishment for me just 5 relaxing games vs dumbasses which i will most likely win depending on how many feeeders i got in my team

                              well ur shit so no wonder u played 50 lpq games on ur smurf i mean if u were atleast good at the game then it would be way other talk

                              @rocket atleast i know they gonna cry their asses off playing those lpq games 50 minutes each "why my retard team is not pushing" each time i played lpq games i had ppls like that in my/oposing teams and i was just sipping those delicious tears while farming for entire hour


                                Is your life really so empty that the best thing you can think of doing is trolling dota games? Sorry for you mate. I know dota is kind of pointless fun but at least tryharding is a challenge.


                                  yeah my life sucks i play video games and do whatever i want

                                  i know kinda sucks :/


                                    I get banned for a week and you guys let these trash, @OP and russian sven to POST NORMAL SHIT CRAP, gods of the game, spread NONSENCE. (trust me i was being mild - BUT `GTFO ALREADY)


                                      @pub you have got one thing right - if i'm ever in LPQ, i'm going to make those 5 games as long as I can. guess my life is as empty as yours ;)

                                      Sei la

                                        Lately, games in South-American MMR have been increasingly affected by extremely toxic players. Also, most of the bad manner I experience comes from people who have been playing for too long, are getting frustrated, somehow can't leave the game and start getting toxic.

                                        So I'm starting to consider the idea of replacing the mute-punishment for an hour-long ban, to give these players time to take a breath. Also, preventing people from playing serves as a more productive punishment than teaching them to flame with the chat wheel.

                                        As for low-priority punishments... for every 2 times someone goes to low-pri for intentional feeding, the third punishment should be an increasing temporary ban... let's say... one week, one month, three months, six months, perma. C'mon, if someone goes to low-pri TEN times for intentional feeding plus ALMOST AN YEAR-LONG ban, the community would do better without this person!


                                          idk i always talk nonsense in microphone, almost every game, and i never get muted/sent to lp.
                                          i only was muted once in my lfe, got lp once after i abandoned 2 games in the span of 5 days cuz i shitfucked my internet cable.


                                            Shut up Benaotrash f@ggot

                                            the realm's delight

                                              i remember 6.82 like it was yesterday.. i couldnt play more than 2 ranked games cause i would get 16 more lp games. ppl who played with or against me before would report me in loading screen

                                              the realm's delight

                                                shit was hard mane