General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to buff meepo?

How to buff meepo? in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    IMO, this hero is in a pretty bad place

    - they took away his 20% respawn timer. For a hero hard to learn but who usually outlevels and outfarm opponents once he dies he will be dead for a long time.
    - same reason, outleveling and outfarming opponents makes him heavily countered by comeback mechanic, he dies once and he gives 2k per hero to enemy team
    -they took away Break from hex, his only way to deal with evasion

    My suggestions would be

    - upon purchasing aghs he gets 20% less respawn time again/ 20% less xp and gold bounty when he dies


    - make bkb viable on him. When activated, all clones get magic immunity. I dont think will imbalance him.

    Share your opinions


      lol if all clones becomes magic imune he will become most broken hero ingame


        just because a hero isn't broken/popular doesn't mean they need a buff. meepo was an op pubstomper before and now he is an average strength hero with a high skill cap.

        leave him as is.

        Miku Plays

          Meepo is strong .. Why u need a buff on him? a veno buff is better imo


            Respawn nerf was annoying, but it was op as fuck. The hero is fine right now.


              yeah not like veno deals 10k damage with 1 single ulti and 4.2k damage item

              Pom Pom 🍕

                nerfing the current popular heroes should do enough for him.


                  Troll/10 thread.

                  saving private RTZ

                    Not troll, but noob/10 thread


                      ye, lesh is kinda so annoying to play against as meepo. god forbid if he gets octarine. dont think a hero needs a buff per se, mby give back vision to nets.


                        well u can always ask ur team mid to get lesh and then pick meepo

                        and enemy team will have something like am ricing so free win ?

                        the realm's delight

                          the hero is fine. the meta just doesnt fit him


                            MEEPO IS STRONG AND FINE AS HE IS!!!!! L2P and stop spreading nonsence you studpid ¤%&/(UI)O.


                              the problem isn't the hero, but that shitty worst meta ever


                                arteezy was right about one thing on his stream, dota is a strange game, every patch finds a way to be the worst shit ever.

                                the realm's delight

                                  i like this patch. way more than troll jugg dogshit. back then i was forced to play a position (1) i dont like because no one in my team really wanted to pick those heroes

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    I like this patch better than troll, sniper, axe but I'm for sure bored of it.....


                                      buff meepo? kappa?


                                        i actually hate this patch, theres no way in hell that a guy with 0 killing streaks can give 1300 gold


                                          the bkb idea is the worst ever.


                                            IMO they should rework how he takes XP, something like "you get half the xp, can take ult at 3,7,16" and improve stat gain. You fix the thing that you are overleveled and die forever losing lots of gold. And he would scale better in the late game too.
                                            This or remove Aghs and increase number of meepos by 1 with 100% stats at all levels. But the latter seems broken

                                            meepo is not good, he's garbage, just balance him


                                              if he didn't feed a lot of gold when he died, he'd still be broken. It's the only weak part of him.

                                              Flash farms, magic damage,dps,tanky,mobile, can't be locked down easily, melts towers...oh and has a bkb piercing ensnare...


                                                nneeds buff. enough said. or balance the imba


                                                  somehow tweek it where its more viable in comp scene but not completely apeshit stupid in pubs, like it almost already is now.


                                                    meepo still OP, because in new patch skill geostrike get incrase damage,

                                                    20% less respawn? fuck yeah, just buy bloodstone, and you can get 0 second respawn every death

                                                    Swap Commends

                                                      its like saying buff earth spirit or invoker they are all strong if you know how to play ,meepo is for advanced players he can win games 1 v 9 you just need to be good enough

                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                        Its like saying buff any hero they are all strong if you know how to play, <insert random hero> is for advanced players he can win 1v9 you just need to be good enough

                                                        pretty much what you said.

                                                        Also, yes, I think invoker needs to be buffed. It is the meta too, but I cant see a meta which favors him, why would you pick invo over SF or others? Bad farm, weak laning, useless if enemies have bkb

                                                        Swap Commends

                                                          by advanced i meant micro skills,invoking spells,having good aiming with stun/silence,saving teammates most of the heroes dont have this they are way easier to play compared to these 3 ,there are exceptions .invoker is strong right now compared to other mid heroes(besides pugna which owns invoker) ,sf is very squishy he dies very fast to phase boots+cold snap invoker

                                                          Swap Commends

                                                            also just had a game against sf as invoker who had more lh than i did but when i farmed my phase boots he stood no chance ,then from that point i started owning other lanes too

                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                              Actually, this whole meta is based on AOE team fighting (cough* Gyro, Queen, AA, ES, Dark Seer, Undying, Witch Doctor, Tide + more)

                                                              Even things like Lina's Dragon Slave, Lesh's lighting Spam, and stuff like that add up against him.

                                                              which honestly, isn't a good meta AT ALL for Meepo when you think about it. Stop crying, once the top meta heroes get nerfed, and a new meta forms, even if he gets ZERO changes in the next patch, he's automatically going to be great again. I think Meepo would HONESTLY DO WELL in "ALMOST" EVERY OTHER meta type besides AOE team fighting, so just wait for the next patch or two, seriously, the hero still stomps 1, 2, and 3K, maybe even 4K (to some degree from what im hearing from my Meepo expert friends) MMR easily, so that still says something, he's still good. Once this AOE early team fight meta is gone, he's gonna be even better, even without buffs.

                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                The Respawn time nerf does suck though, makes it harder when first learning him.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Don't buff meepo holy shit that hero is so annoying to play against and with

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!