General Discussion

General DiscussionNew account Skill bracket and MMR

New account Skill bracket and MMR in General Discussion

    I have been reading up on mmr calibration, hidden mmr, new accounts,smurf accounts and stuff.

    I am entering lvl 13 soon. And I realised most of my games are still in normal skill bracket. Which means I'm still in the below 3k mmr bracket.

    Comparing my win rate, gpm,xpm, kda with other yet to calibrate players that are consistently in the hs or vhs bracket. I do better then them. So why are my games still mostly normal?

    Im confused and have been trying to read up more but to no avail. Views?

    the realm's delight

        No need to guess it says in your profile: normal skill, 2-3k mmr


          Could it be that I've not played enough of other heroes?


            no you're just not good


              WHAT @girl/ALLISON SAID


                Where are the productive critics? Lol


                  if you've been reading up on new accounts you'd have realized that everyone fucking hates you and you should get good


                    Your winrate is pretty low, and even thought, as i heard, i doesnt really matter that u play good in your bracket, if u want to be in better bracket, u have to play very well in the very first games to be calibrated to another level.


                      Ok so how do I get better? I'm already farming from 300 and 400 plus for xpm.and gpm to 500 plus for both. My old account was low 2k. Any other advice?


                        Not trying to kick you when you are down but i will anyways💪. Smurfs are for pansies .🙋

                        King of Low Prio

                          if u want to actually get good then play your fucking account and stop trying to cheat the system. I wish valve would perma ban smurfs


                            Your hidden mmr looks to be between 2.8k to 3k flat . You could have gotten to 3k on ur other account by now if you would have stuck with it .


                              Are you sure your stats are inline with players in 3k onwards? You've won 3 games of anti mage yet failed to get more than 6 last hits per minute; any 3k or above player will be hitting excess of 10 lh/min on that hero-another example of relatively poor farming is you're TA, another ridiculously fast farmer, and your win rate with her is not what you would expect from a 3k player after over 100 games-and your KDA isn't very high either. Sorry to be like this, but your "win rate, gpm,xpm, kda" (quoting yourself) are most definitely not similar to what you would see from a 3k player.

                              3k players achieve said stats against (on average) other 3k players. You are performing below what you would expect from a 3k against other 3k even though you are playing against people who are worse.

                              It sound shit, but you're simply not that good. Go play on your real account and grind your way up to 3k manually because, as a low 2k player myself, I can assure you that you were in the right place with your original account, perhaps even a bit too high if a comparison of our TA stats (the only hero you've played to provide a large sample size) means anything.


                                you play in sea? and ur 2k? 1 v 1 me pls, im going to show u that 1k> 2k whauahwuhawu joke , dontmad.

                                Bad Intentions

                                  Yo op dont give up on ur main! I know its hard to climb them ranks but ul get there! I see u play lots of ta, Mann your game impact with her is on par with the global ta kda avg. You gotta find a hero that ul really dominate with! Which is higher than the global avg! Go find dat hero man :D


                                    im pretty sure i can random and go feed mid 0 20 and i will get very high skill on a smurf......


                                      Thanks exvoker! That was productive. =)

                                      »I|[ LØrd Ěddard $tark ]]

                                        2.88 kda with TA, 1.95 am... Delete dota 2 pls your kda sucks

                                        bum farto

                                          I will watch one of your games later and give you some constructive critcism


                                            go start calib and post the result here

                                            bum farto

                                              Gonna watch the game and comment in order of things I see that are keeping you in this bracket. Some small evidence you're not better than the players you're with or that you think you're better than. I am picking a game you have won as the games you lost would be riddled with errors so I will make the findings "harder" and I can pin point fundamental errors in your gameplay.

                                              I am viewing this from a purely mechanical view. I am not a TA player but I know a number of extremely good ones and so have an idea of how you should be doing.

                                              1. You skill psi blades first without seeing how much you may/may not fight for the rune. AFAIK most good TA's skill refraction first.

                                              2. You're so busy messing around with the shop trying to setup your quick buy that you miss a fairly easy block which puts your lane at a disadvantage cause its uphill now in the perfect spot for a mid Juggernaut to just LH/Deny and with psi blades there is nothing you can do about it.

                                              3. Consistently missing last hits/denies and you're popping refraction randomly and taking creep aggro which removes it instantly.

                                              4. Even in a clear lane you're auto attacking.


                                              6. 3 mins you have 10 last hits which means you missed roughly about 2/3rds of your cs which is appalling.

                                              7. You meld mid, and miss a chance to kill the Jugger, and miss the catapult hit that you were intending to make by hitting a creep.


                                              8. Stop randomly using refraction when you're alone in lane, taking creep damage through carelessness, then bottling your failure away.

                                              9. Alone in lane again miss two creeps going for one deny which you don't even get.

                                              10. Ok, this requires some sub-points on it's own cause this is next level kinda fail and after so many games of TA i would expect to not see these kinds of mistakes.

                                              - You meld to attack him and just come out of it without hitting anything.
                                              - You use illusions bottled and keep them close to you in blade fury
                                              - You use refraction and sit in blade fury with your illusions still which removes it
                                              - You panic and drop another trap while still standing in blade fury
                                              - You panic bottle, while still standing......... in bladefury.

                                              Give a guess how this ends. If you guessed death then you're.........CORRECT! With a free techies side to go with the TA mains.

                                              Dinner time will continue in a bit.


                                                Also I think people in a higher skill bracket will have a lower XPM and GPM because they are facing a better opposition who know how to interrupt their farm etc. Also it is a lot easier for you to kill heroes and whatever

                                                You can't compare your GPM stat from a normal skill game you played to someone who is in very high skill game and say "Oh I'm better" because you had it a lot easier in your game and probably would have 0 GPM higher up.

                                                Edit: Yikes just read Havocs post :P

                                                Pol Pot of Greed

                                                  i think you have the skill to calibrate at 5k easily


                                                    this is an jeer for real TA players


                                                      @Havoc Badger that is the skills you need for 5k right there Kappa pls teach me


                                                        you lose in normal skill lmao. You don't do better than most 3.8k + players apparently.


                                                          Holy shit, 126 matches on TA and still making those mistakes. Dota is not for you bro I'm sorry, in Sumail's words: "It's not for noobs"

                                                          Pol Pot of Greed

                                                            dont listen to them u have potential ur gonna be a star one day


                                                              i think, your first 3 game is gave the most impact where bracket u will be placed.

                                                              in my first game i had 900++ gpm.
                                                              you can see my account.


                                                                Thanks @havoc. Those are really good points. I understand now. =)

                                                                @those who are supportive. Thank you for reading and commenting

                                                                @those who posted rubbish. If I delete my dota will you delete your life? At least I'm learning to improve. Are you improving your lives by blasting people? Haha


                                                                  hello im play smurf too,
                                                                  maybe same to you my first account is 1 k , second account is 2k, now you can see my pub is very high skill, but even if i level 13. i dont want calibrate, i already taste double defeat in 2 account,

                                                                  NEVER PLAY RANKED WHEN YOU LEVEL 13'


                                                                    just 1 advice, learn to play support

                                                                    You will know how to gank
                                                                    You will know how to safe money
                                                                    You will know when enemy support gank you
                                                                    You will know how playing support like, playing game with no money but must always secure idiot carry who already six slotted

                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      I am a real TA player, wtf is this shit????!!?!?!?!?


                                                                        @Hot Sauz ahahahahhaa

                                                                        Anyway if you play ta, you need to learn how to stack and farm ancient using ta


                                                                          @Hot Sauz 42 games with a 38% winrate 'real ta' you're clearly playing TA at a lower skill than OP

                                                                          lm ao

                                                                            ^Is sarcasm ever a part of your culture? Gee, it sure is nice to live in your country


                                                                              dude just play the game....


                                                                                Do you even know how sarcasm works? If you're going to try communicate it over text you really have to over exaggerate on spelling.. glad to know you were being sarcastic though, I was concerned ;)

                                                                                Edit: RE: vVvVv (BECAUSE THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND SAUV ) If you wanna win games more pick a more varied amount of heroes not just the same one over and over again, pick what your team needs and then pick what is likely to counter the other team. Whether that's a support an offlaner a safelaner or a midder. Also, be nice and supportive to your team, refrain from getting angry or annoyed and if there is somebody spammer your chat with > Well Played! mute that lil fucker

                                                                                lm ao


                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                    Gee I feel so bad about myself, I should probably get a length of good rope and hang myself.


                                                                                      @Hot Sauz Wasn't talking to you, i was referring to the original poster of the thread, sorry the world doesn't revolve around you m8

                                                                                      PURPLE DISCO MACHINE

                                                                                        how manny mmr ?


                                                                                          Not level 13 yet =)