General Discussion

General DiscussionThey need to match people with low abandon rate together

They need to match people with low abandon rate together in General Discussion

    Getting sick to always have some asshole giving up at 10 mn or less then you have to play 3v5, i hav 0% abadon rate and still 1/5 out of my games there's a leaver. Just had a game where the score was like 5-11 early with me having the 5 kills and the am who had bad farm and woods sand king decided to leave.
    Games keep giving me retardsplayers like these ones when i get too much reported, (just got low prio).

    Pandamonium(You Died)

      If you are getting reported, you are either being toxic, or doing greifing. I didn't got a single low prio from reports in over 1000 games.
      But of course when everyone is a retard, nothing can be wrong with you , right?


        I'm talking about people leaving games. My guess is your playing against bots.

        Riguma Borusu

          I've done terrible things and I've never got reported into low priority, even though I've deserved it. I think the system's somehow broken.

          But that's probably because I really grief once I get really mad, once it was in captain's mode where the guy drafted 5 cores and we did not have the place to farm, so I fed. Naturally, they reported me but it did nothing. It's because I am not doing it consistently, only when I get really mad, so it's likely you're sometimes getting people who simply "break" and do shit like that once in a while, and not like in 1/5 their games.

          But still, I wish the report system was more rigorous because I have retards on my team way too often.



                I think that it is mostly problem of lower ranked games. Just play more, get higher mmr and it will get better. Even in my games(~3.6 solo/~3.9 party) people hardly ever abandon, or maybe I'm just lucky.


                  Yeah I was a bit over the true value, maybe it's between 5%-10% but it's still raging to lose games due to someone leaving when on your side you have 0-1% abandon.
