General Discussion

General DiscussionUrsa stomping?

Ursa stomping? in General Discussion

    So all the focus is on lesh lina qop and storm...... Haven't seen hardly any ursa picks in the past few months, but the 2 times I saw ursa, they just absolutely stomped SO very f*cking hard in my teams buttholes lol.

    Is ursa a secret pubstomp of 6.84? On that note I should actually just watch the replays, but yeah both times ursa just ate their lane, then went and took rosh, even though we knew he was roshing both games, we were just so crushed in lanes there was nothing my team was willing to even attempt in regards of contesting....

    anyways anyone else notice ursa pubstomping this patch? Unsung pub stomper ?


      He's so fucking ez to counter/kite. I just go viper aghs and reduce is attack speed to molasses. Also Shadow Demon can disrupt him or his target, or purge his ult instantly. Also clockwerk rocketing rosh counters him as well.


        Ursa is actually pretty shit. He's ult is purgeable. It's uncommon to see a lineup without a hero that will be buying Euls, worst case scenario you can just buy purgestick or pick Oracle.

        He needs bkb to be able to dish out his damage, and even when you have bkb heroes might be able to just run away from you anyway.

        tl;dr still dogshit hero


          He is pretty easy to counter with stuns/disables

          But then he has a high win rate sooo


            If only people stood still for him to kill them he's be. Op


              nah its shit

              Dire Wolf

                He also does awful tower dmg cus he doesn't buy many dps items. Consider your ideal 6 slot ursa build, it's probably blink, phase boots, bkb, skadi, vlads, abyssal. That's not much tower dmg compared to like a gyro who probably has butterfly and mkb/daedulus. So even when way ahead you gotta keep stomping or have a team that pushes for you.

                I think only reason his wr is so high for pubs is cus of super easy roshes and all that extra team gold, as most people don't check rosh.

                Time to unwash

                  Even though this hero can be a real scare in lane with a reliable disable/slow support, with phase and OoV. As long as people focus disables on him when he gets close and stuns/purges his ult he becomes pretty worthless, the biggest mistake people make with the revamp to his ultimate is if he is really low hp and uses it, people still try to burst him down hoping that they have enough damage to kill him through it and get punished for it.

                  Still, against a team that lacks disables and slows this hero can be a real pain, especially when he has a blink and bkb.

                  A few tips I would recommend when versing him is that his damage is most amplified in single target due to the stacking of fury swipes so you can actually spread the damage if you manage to get in front of him to save the focused teammate adn take a couple hits

                  DO NOT buy blademail for/against this hero .

                  make sure you have a purge on the team for that ult.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    razor bane beastmaster viper skywrath phoenix cm gg

                    also euls and forcestaff, hh, sheepstick and... well, he's really easy to counter, if you have an all random team against ursa, there's a good chance you'll have 40% of your team to be good against him

                    I've actually won what I think is 100% matches against ursa as crystal maiden. The disarm simply hurts way too much, I guess, also he can't stand being slowed either way. Since I TP support often, he's not really too able to get early kills on other players in my team, who have less slows/other disables, so he's hardly gonna farm up that BKB too. Lategame, practically anything outcarries ursa, since your supports should have sheepsticks by that time and his bkb is 5 seconds if he even has one. Plus at least somebody on your team should have a skadi, and QoP sheepstick skadi is popular lately, so he's kinda screwed. I have no idea how ursa manages to win so many matches.

                    Nowadays ursa's bad for the same reason sven is - you NEED that bkb, you're way too easy to kite and you're not gonna hit anything lategame. He's just way easier to pull ganks against an uncoordinated team, hence the high pub winrate. Like, get a blink, phase and morbid mask, aegis, and go kill anyone, since there aren't gonna be any intelligently put wards.


                      you actually have a 60% winrate against Ursa as CM btw

                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^that's interesting, because I don't really remember being wrecked BY ursa. Also my total winrate with CM is about 70%, so that should still be good. Guess ursas just weren't the top players in those matches, but got carried by their team, because I don't remember ursa walking up to me and eating me alive that often as CM, usually I try to give him a really hard time early game, also I might forget that I lost the match if I've done good against him early game. Good catch. Do I need plus to filter matches like that?


                          Correct. It's the matchups tab on your profile that's probably grey.
                          And also, you have a 50% winrate overall against Ursa.

                          The games you lost vs Ursa look like he did well actually


                          Riguma Borusu

                            I remember the first game - slardar got some kills and assists in his offlane, got cocky about it, got MOM and shadowblade, and then fed ursa like 5 times after failing to steal ursa's aegis. MoM + sprint + ursa = dead slardar. Ursa would simply eat him. We told him to stop trying to kill him alone, and he was like "noob team wtf" and abandoned. Apparently he believed RNG on his bash meant he'll stunlock URSA.

                            The second game was huskar disconnecting for too long and then getting an abandon, so we played at a huge disadvantage, in a game we could've won actually. We just lacked the huge DPS that Huskar offered before he disconnected. He'd die in every fight, but still be able to kill somebody with much more farm, so it ended up being worth it in fights. Also pay attention to the fact that my hero damage is equal to that of ursa, and with me being a position 5 support, that should mean something.

                            So I really don't have a problem playing at this level against ursa (as cm). Practically, if nobody on my team abandons against ursa, I win, but 5 is a small pool sample. It's just that I don't really get what hero compositions ursa actually OWNS, because he's countered by pretty much anything.

                            Dire Wolf

                              The games ursa wins it's usually cus of space he created for other carries. He starts like 5-0 and by then other carries have so much space they bring the win home.


                              Riguma Borusu

                                If that's so, why don't bloodseeker and slark have the same winrate as ursa? I'd wager they are even better at snowball-space-creating-thingie.


                                  op is gay cause he lols when its in his butthole


                                    Windranger > Ursa pretty much kill him


                                      He just has a really high winrate against enemies without eul, particularly in low mmr matches...
                                      I'm using ursa to climb my mmr right now
                                      Just buy eul to counter him


                                        100% evasion for 3/4/5/6 seconds with 18 ( CMMIW ) cooldown and ult that max attackspeed with 0 damage reduction ( agh lvl 16)? ursa is so much dead just with phaseboots aghanims ( add forcestaff if you love it )


                                          he so easy to control not real threat.


                                            run him when you have weak supports/junglers and win your safe lane with ease


                                              It's funny indeed that you picture scenarios of ursa vs a team to manage, but not an scenario where ursa is helped by other heroes allowing him to melt many heroes in seconds....

                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                ursa is currently the new slark. Low HP? Press R, rek everything.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  Lorne, sven can have a whole team made around him and he'll still be kitable. Buy a BKB, dominate mid game, if you don't finish the opposing team will have sheepstick and skadi and you're fucked again. You can have a magnus, enigma and dark seer on your team as sven and still lose if you fail at a five man initiation every time. Also you depend on people clumping together every time, and if your opponents are too dumb to repeat that mistake, they deserve to lose anyway. The same thing applies to ursa, as does to sven - he's a melee immobile carry which does a ton of damage, WHEN HE GETS TO HIT. He's completely unlike antimage who can blink in, void who is aided by chrono and time walk (but is still not that great of a hero anyway), PL who just does not give a fuck, gyro who just kinda walks in into your base during the later midgame, and shoots everything around him to death, troll and jugg who have abilities that mitigate their kitability and of course much better movement speed. But ursa is way more independent in accomplishing anything so he gets a higher winrate, plus he can comeback if he's behind if the other team doesn't start five manning. If they do, ursa loses to his single target nature.


                                                    only seen randomed ursas in my game


                                                      Man, ppl theoriecrafting too much:

                                                      Yes, Ursa can stomp.

                                                      Yes, Ursa can be countered easier than Storm/Lesh.

                                                      Both true; but for pubs, esp high skill mmr?

                                                      Ursa has quite good carrypotential if it comes to 1v1 other heros IF he is able to get close and personal. Its also pretty easy to snowball with him since he has a high damagepotential early on + you can take rosh rly fucking fast. Once you have blink/shadowblade you can pickoff soloheros. By the time pubbers react to this, you can allready be far ahead. Also jungle ursa CAN (can, can, can!) be a viable option IF

                                                      1. The other team runs a jungler (that is not bs); yes it happens. You still see Lifestealer or WK jungle sometimes.

                                                      2. They dont have a pain in the ass inviroamer (bh/riki)

                                                      The problems Ursa has are allready mentioned:

                                                      Ursa is quite immobile, FORCE, EULS etc. are pain in the ass. Esp Euls/Diffu allow enemy to purge your ult/swipes.

                                                      Can you still buttfuck pubs: Yes.

                                                      Because Ursa is quite rare in pubs and ppl underrate him.

                                                      Btw: Ursas mobilitissues can be fixed with a wisp. Wisp can fix many heros like tiny, ursa, cks weaknesses. So wisp ursa is a legit roflstompcombo.


                                                      In an optimal game, Ursa has no place in the current meta. Farming jungler is not part of the metagame; safelane Ursa is a waste. But since pubgames are far from optimal Ursa can roflstomp enemy quite hard.


                                                        tldr ursa's shit


                                                          You have 60% winrate on Ursa. Not bad for a shithero.


                                                            i also have 100% winrate on apparition


                                                              And you consider him shit?

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I mean slark has a skillshot and doesn't farm well, not enough regen to spam Q until you have some items and terrible right click dmg. So you have to get quick start. Ursa's quick start is pretty automatic, easy to farm with, easy roshan.

                                                                And blood, well he is played 2.5x as often so probably just more noobs playing him. Tbh blood probably falls off worse than ursa end game.


                                                                  Slark doesn't get kites tho .


                                                                    Slark has a skillshot? You mean jumping straight in 1 direction :D


                                                                      I used to stomp people with Ursa but it was really pain in the ass when enemies have Viper or some slows.

                                                                      Why is the hero so easy to dominate games? As mentioned by earlier comments, uncoordinated pubs. They might thought of buying Ghost Scepter but it works only for you. Seriously Eul's Scepter and Heaven's Halberd counter him badly. And also being grouped up diminishes his chance to pick off anything without coordination with his team.