General Discussion

General DiscussionDark Troll Warlord (Creep Camp) spawning question.

Dark Troll Warlord (Creep Camp) spawning question. in General Discussion

    why the fuck does he sometimes spawn skilitins and sometimes fucking doesn't.

    like i wait for them to spawn to be efficient and then fuck it just kill him anyway when he doesn't spawn them, then he fucking does it right before death.

    does anyone know the mechanics of this or is just when he bloody fucking feels like it.


    The Ice Truck Killer

      I find if you use spells to damage him, he rarely spawns skeletons

      Giff me Wingman

        its simple, first kill 1 creep, then attack the main thing once (autoattack).

        #problem solved


          Just valve things - the neutrals have always been incredibly fucked up like maphacking and shit and not showing miss on uphill and that healing guy animation keeps going even after he's dead and one time i had the very first spawn of game just spawn on the wrong side of the trees like what the fuck

          oh right and when neutrals spawn even though lane creeps are inside the camp yeah

          Miku Plays

            kill all little trolls -> hit him -> profit

            kill one little troll -> hit him -> profit

            hit him once -> kill one little troll ->profit


              it is supposed to spawn skeletons every time you hit him, whenever there is a corpse around and the spell is off cd. However, it is bugged af.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                First you need a corpse, than you need to have hit him before or hit him now. So you don't always have to kill small trolls, he can summon them from treant or wolf corpses too for example.

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  He doesn't spawn skeletons if you're too far away from him (can't remember seeing him doing it while walking out either). Walk into the camp when killing a smaller troll and he should always spawn them.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    Guys, whatever shit valve implemented replicates wc3 neutral AI behavior, and that basically means
                    1) Low target acquisition range, meaning you either need to come close or hit him up for him to care enough to attack/cast spells at you
                    2) Summons are timed, thefore it does not make sense to summon them outside combat/aggro range/aggro time
                    3) Dead creeps can be raised, but only after like 2 sec after their death animation (when they decay bone animation starts in wc3)
                    4) Dead creeps cannot be raised past something like 45-60 seconds because their bones are gone by that point
                    5) The spell actually obviously has a cooldown and requires mana
                    6) There's a unit pool in AI mechanics meaning neutrals won't spawn more creeps than necessary even if they have mana and th spell is off cooldown, aka they won't use the spell every cooldown if the AI does not consider it should do it, so second cast of raise dead therefore happens if there's a dead body AND multiple non-neutral units that attack them, and might not happen if you're low level and there's only you, practically
                    7) There are a lot of bullshit wc3-derived mechanics in DotA, do not expect everything to make sense, even last hitting and exp sharing are there just because Blizzard made it so more than 13 years ago, not to mention Guard Distance, which is how far the neutrals chase you until they lose interest and go back to their spawn camp, which are all like super important things in DotA
