General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 reborn is shit

Dota 2 reborn is shit in General Discussion

    some people can get offended by 20 cm of text so much that its very funny )))

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      ^---slark isn't skill clicking? Kappa


        Keepo :D


          Quite funny i get so much flak for that. i dont think CDEC is brainless what so ever. what i ment to say was that their decisionmaking algorithem was very simple. go togther under smoke, mass TP countergank when enemy go in for kill in a sidelane. their games where very killheavy thats why i choose them as example.
          Also pros are way better at dodging ganks etc so if we look at TI games and want to get some intel for our pubgames out of it u must consider there is way more killing in pubs.

          and i also didnt say clickign buttons is brainless i said JUST clicking buttons is brainless. JUST farming is also brainless. but those are all legitimate aspects of the game and they r being pushed out of the focus to lead to a more action packed style which i guess is nice for the viewers. its also much easier to play, say in a big splitpush game (say VG vs EG in ti5 with weaver and krobelus picked) a single mistake by these heros looses the game.

          i agree that items like glimmer cape introduced new features and options to the game. however it is just 1 more thing to know that when someone suddenly dissapears while being stunlocked he got glimmerd and u have to drop sentry / use dust and autoattack the guy. its not actually making much of a difference when that is what u would do regardless in a very fighting heavy meta.

          I also got flak for 'not adapting to new patch / meta'. First i will conceid that this patch was really really bad for my playstyle which is focussed on winning lanes, not feeding enemy semicarry ganker snowball heros and then to go as 4-5 people and push towers, take rosh and break highground at minute 25. playing this style was very difficult before and in this kill trading heavy meta almost impossible so ganker heros (bloodseeker etc) will win when the dust settles. I dont understand however why u just accept this continuus chanign of game. In my opinion dota should develop towards a state of ultimate balance where every year u introduce like 1 new item, 1 new hero and the rest is focussed on balance. this is not what icefrog is going for. why change what is good? change for the sake of change? so it 'doesnt get boring' ? so people dont actually work on their skill and just spam leshrac / lina etc?


            Dota reborn suck plz bring the old one back. Thanks icefrog. Disgrace


              I have constant issues with connecting since they changed to this new shit Reborn. I constantly just hang at a load screen and when I restart and reconnect, oh surprise it still hangs. Haven't had this issue since Dota 2 was in early fucking beta. I guess this is a new beta they pushed out live to let the rest of test again.


                  so far people in reborn play like 1k mmr less than in normal mm


                    or maybe if i go from 150 to 40 ping i just play better, who knows

                    Fraud Protection

                      why cant you pause while spectating, i really miss being able to do my homework or something, then when i look up and see a 5 man wipe or something pausing and watching what happened

                      ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                        fighting is dumb, pushing is dumb. it's not because one guy prefers something that makes them dumb, it's that some guys always are participating in the vicious cycle that makes even more people join in the imbalanced style of plays which collectively dumbs down the game. It's not so much that the game doesn' t have potential to be complex and fun, more so that the game doesn't promote complex and fun plays as much as people want to take advantage of auto win scenarios instead of having a bit fun

                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                          pretty sure ranked matchmaking was a pivotal point in boosting the dying of fun factor. Nothing is fun if it's more focused on the end result than the process

                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                            I've said this a long time ago, if DOTA 2 is to truly thrive, make people gain mmr by losing as lowest winrated fewest played heroes personally and collectively. Make people lose mmr by winning as playing broken ass flavor of month heroes

                            ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                              If icefrog dares to do that nobody will whine about balance, then we may talk about how confident icefrog is about his game, how glorious source 2 may be, etc

                              ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                I don't know if none of you guys watched the charts. The numbers both peak and average have been going down for almost a year now it's pathetic.

                                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                  if so many of you elitist bash farming as some kind of noob peasanty act how is it that feb 2015 had the highest player count

                                  ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                    all the high mmr fucks get there by stampeding through fellow players like they are literal ants

                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                      Yes the chinese had holidays during that time that's one factor

                                      ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                        dota 2 now as shit as the new mission impossible movie, but never a lack of brainless fangays and critics cheering for more

                                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                          everyone hates donald trump and yet look at yourselves, you are nothing better, the world is fucked

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            are you on drugs


                                              Fucking worthless piece of shit valve

                                              魔術 Magic

                                                interface is trash , where is team info ? i hate reborn old dota was perfect !

                                                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                  dude guys, to be serious, do you guys even know the biggest problem that has plagued and caused players to leave in heart of the swarm ohwait herooes of the storm, is that people with 100 games get lucky(the game isn't nearly as serious for people to use more than luck to get somewhere) and get to rank 1-5 along with pros and people with 1000+ games, making shit imba games causing old players to leave cus TEAMMATES ARE SOOO SHEEEET

                                                  tis the same with dota 2. account buyers, filthy fucking casuals, lol transfers, post ti4 post ti5 plebs, mmr abusers, hero spammers, cheaters, scripters, you name it.

                                                  the MMR, does not fucking count for shit thanks to you (these) guys, yet the mmr still exist as if anyone fucking cares or should fucking cares, BECAUSE HEY VOLVO SAYS YOU SHOULD, CUS THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE MATCHMAKED WITH, LMFAO

                                                  yet volvo still insist on shelling out more cheap low grade pixels made by disgustingly shit artists to brain dead fangays and newbs, because these guys get to play with people who have 5000 more gams than they do and have awesome 2 minute queue time lmfao

                                                  think twice before redditards tell you a lower queue time benefit everybody. NO, it only benefits the newbs because they get matched with people who have 5000 more gams than they do and MAKE THEM FUCKING SUFFER

                                                  see they are fucking newbs because they don't dedicate time into the game and for the same reason they ALSO don't dedicate time into their queue wait time because otherwise they'd just fucking leave. (WE FOLKS WHO HAVE THE TIME TO GET 5000 GAMES IN ANY GIVEN GAME CAN DO SO BECAUSE WE HAVE THE FUCKING TIME TO SPEND, HOW THE FUCK WOULD WE CARE IF WE ONLY GET MATCHED WITH PEOPLE OUR EXPERIENCE RANGE AND HAVE 5-15 MINUTE QUEUE INSTEAD? AND WHAT KIND OF STUPID ASS MATCHMAKING QUEUE USES THIS CURRENT BROKEN MMR ANYWAYS?)They don't dedicate time into getting raped either, but because the matchmaking NEVER pair 5 newbs into one team against teams containing people with 5000 games, they never get stomped shit fucking hard, and for the same reason they always get games where even if their team get shit stomped and they die a shit fucking ton, they don't need to do jack shit effort except to auto die every minute, where as their good old teammate with 5000 games have to carry their asses off desperately hoping to save the fucking day. WHERE IS THE FUCKING JUSTICE IN THAT? the only thing left for volvo to kiss their ass is " if a player has less than 0.1 kda they are automatically allowed to abandon game with no consequences huehue lmfao who cares xd" in the face of the 5000 game player. Indeed some situations are so bad people don't want these fucking shitbags in the game at all, but then volvo believes that it's less miserable to have shitbags going afk feed than to have them boot themselves out of the game as soon as things go south for them or whatever

                                                  ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                    OH LOOK AT LEDDIT, THE TOP COMMENT OF A TOP THREAD GOES "The ability to GG out should exist in 5v5 party ranked matches. That's the only situation in which it should be allowed."

                                                    the thread is a volvo fangay bitching about people who think there should be gg out option. op preaches that dota 2 players should feel lucky there isn't cus smite games end in 10 with no cumbacks

                                                    look, the ONLY reason there is ever a cumback in a game, in the recent 2 years of dota 2 history, is because one side was fucking around. A late game oriented lineup that won LATE into the GAME, isn't a fucking cum back, they never lost. By never LOSING the GAME, they have won from the get go.

                                                    THIS IS WHY dota 2 sucks when it tries to make artificially easier and shorter games. People still play long games and thanks to the length it seems like there's space for back and forth action, yet because the games are so dumbed down you no longer have any more meaningful comebacks, it's just mindless clusterfuck or mindless grindfest, either way the guy who knows what's up is gonna know what is happening and what he should do AT ALL TIMES, and will win because of that. That's not how the game should be, it should be very plain and obvious part of the game where everyone gets what's up all the time and then they can allow themselves to make shit happens, as in, make fucking intuitive plays. This game is not intuitive, it's not creative it's not exciting it's just not fucking fun at all.

                                                    tldr icefrog allowed the community to embrace themselves with a game/meta designed to be as shit as any other shit fast food moba copy catered to the filthy casuals, yet the player base still plays it like it's cool shit, creating artificially long games with no content and meaningful quality.

                                                      ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                        the reason why icefrog implemented the comeback mechanics is so to allow people the freedom to try shit without much penalty. That's what gaming should be like, that's what fighting games are like, that's what MMO was like, you have 100 or 1000 or 10000 hp mp to use where you spend at least a few minutes if not at least 1 minute to play around that plentiful quota which makes fights diversed and always interesting. Instead you fucking redditards crybabies think it's shit and rally it backwards to even less comebacks, REAL comebacks. WHAT KIND OF STUPID ASS "OMG SO PRECISION EXECUTION SO SMOOTH SO DOMINATING SO DSSHAUKLHFASL" fights we get in dota 2? Most fights end within 5- 10 seconds, the longer ones are some shitbags desperately trying to escape without avail, and 3 or even 5 shitbags chasing after a killsteal.

                                                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                          dota 2 is so fucking focused on the pve aspect it's fucking boring as fuck, what other fucking pvp games that is popular has this much pve existence? it's basically pvp to gain pve advantage--pve advantage to gain pvp advantage-cycle cycle.. except pve advantages are like any game that combine the two, in gaining it you risk losing pvp advantages, which makes enemy easier to get pvp advantage. But the end goal is a pve advantage, and that's why games are SO FUCKING BORING because you are ultimately not even fighting for pvp glory at all. Games gets ended by people purely getting a pve advantage and some fucks think it's cute (rate doto etc), even if you wipe a team and win it's basically just another teamfight, who the fuck gets any orgasm playing this shit of a game

                                                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                            "comeback" doesn't exist

                                                            if you analyse any random players' replays you will see that most of their game ended before it even started. The matchmaking is random yes, but any given match will only ever yield one result, and that's because
                                                            a, one team has a fucking feeder/flamer/ account buyer/mmr abuser/ hero spammer who then decide not to spam that game
                                                            b, some other team has a fucking smurf
                                                            c, cheater/scripter
                                                            These are siginificant enough to single handedly determine the end result of a game, much much more effectively than any given comeback mechanics or execution available to and from the other 9 more NORMAL players, if there are 9 at all. (well if you believe there are more people who don't belong to their mmr then be my guest lmfao)

                                                            ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                              What volvo should do is completely ip ban (or blacklist or whatever the fuck, just shut them out for good) any and all account as soon as they do a, b, c, etc, and instantly delete everyone's mmr, and start matchmaking EVERYONE based on numbers of games played as NO.1 absolute bondary, and then use all mmr results henceforth as secondary matchmaking factor, so people with 0-1000 games(this is AP, cus it's the most played, other modes can go fuck themselves they don't get to enjoy this system) get matched with players + or - 100 games of their #, prioritizing closer mmr, people with 1000-2000, maybe 200, 2000-3000 maybe 300, so on and so forth, all prioritizing closer mmr AFTER match count range. And so within each individual, you get individual mmr systems, . Except this time a, b, and c will be completely gone, and nobody will be playing with people that's not their experience range. This system takes care of both quantity and quality of a players' time spent practicing, except there's one major problem, which is the fact that the pool of players one get matched with is again, like what we have now, neither inclusive nor stable, except because of different reasons. So basically for the first time ever, your MMR pool moves with you whenever you play more games and also whenever new people join your range and old people leave your range, and you don't compare yours to ALL player base, (because that notion was NEVER meaningful, because you never get to play or should play with ALL player demographics in any system except a free join like custom games, which will be extreme zero queue time because there is no queue, there is no matchmaking) so instead the only people who you actually might play with, who you actually care about, who are then ever gonna keep up with your mmr mkay to get a higher secondary MM priority---they won't only have to keep up with the mmr, but also keep up with the experiences reaped aka games played because THAT's not just the primary MM factor, that's THE MM factor that cannot ever be broken. By giving holy meaning to games played, this gives meaning to games, every game is meaningful, so instead of making people mainly furious about the results, the fluctuating MMR, we instead make them enjoy the process of getting there as gamers should be. LONGER QUEUE TIMES? Well at least the games queued will always be withing experience range, and because of that positive unbiased deciding factor, it is hopeful that the resulting mmr started from everyone 3000, as a secondary MM factor will be MUCH more meaningful than the current one where people with 500 games are playing with 5000 games, or 5 with 500, the same reason that makes people quit heroes of the storm. As for all the usual suspects of a and b and c, if they don't already get the hell out, if they choose to stay a changed man after getting a new identity from CIA, they are still going to have to play with complete noobs, but this time only relying on their experience of whatever, nothing else. They will never ever be able to play with people who have 5000+ games ever again, they will have to go through a clean process of progression , like everyone else.

                                                              The current system is also a moving MMR system which is more segregated and enclosed than heroes of the storm. Don't pretend it's a big deal I want to enclose the MMR system by a wipe and a #match played elite club shit.

                                                              You know while we are at it also make an enforced questionnaire/option at game launch for the next update : DO YOU PREFER FIGHTING LIKE A RUSSIAN NONE STOP, OR RICING LIKE THE CHINESE RATTING TO WIN? CHOOSE, AND YOU WILL PLAY WITH LIKE MINDED PLAYERS FOREVER. Split the player base in half, each enjoying one side of a coined patch. Let the rats play with each other, in patch version a, the 60 minute games, buff the fucking towers, buff TB, buff all the rat heroes, delete all the super early game heroes, nerf all the fighting heroes, etc etc just enjoy 60 minutes of farming and ratting; in patch b, all fighting heroes are buffed to hell, delete all the super late game heroers, nerf all the towers, etc, etc just enjoy 10 minutes of slaughtering each other.

                                                              This way nobody will bitch about the game being too long or too slow, now you get to choose what to play and everyone can be happy no?

                                                              Fuck the middle ground, cercei demands it.

                                                              Oh wait let's make a third option, I like 6.84, I want 30 minute games. Yeah, right.

                                                              Would you rather want a game with more actual depth? A game that you actually feel like playing over and over again that actually lead to tangible technical and actual progress?? Then don't be against experience based game mechanics and therefore experience based matchmaking. I'm not saying there should ONLY be experience based game mechanics. That'd be dumb too. There should be things that only smarter people can figure out, and that is where the secondary MMR factor comes in. otherwise everyone would be the same IQ and everyone would be the same 3k mmr.

                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                No, the reason he's adding comeback mechanics is cause most people are horrible at this game, and they can't go one game without being 0-3 before the first 10 minutes of the game, yet still thinking they belong in higher bracket.

                                                                Noob friendly game = tons of new players, hence why CoD is so popular, new comeback mechanics are introduced every year, they even have support streaks (since MW3) are you serious? Zzz. (and no, i don't play CoD, haven't since 09, so fuck off)

                                                                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                  ^have you even read what I said in whole? Nothing in my lines has anything to do with what few you said, which has been said by countless guys over and over which only means one thing, that it's circlejerk, there is no "this game", you or anyone one single entity or groupies of elitist don't just KNOW the game inside out like some LODA fuckfaces who thinks they are above anyone else. If everyone is to be faced with the fact that there's just one guy or one group of guys who basically makes everyone else look like complete fucktards then nobody will ever want to keep playing again. More importantly the game will just be completely shit, because it'd be a personification of real life economics where the 1% have 99% the wealth, and indeed that is why dota 2 pro scene is a joke cus there's always those same fuckfaces hoarding those millions. The cdec guys? They were dota 1 pubstars they just didn't switch as early as other pros/semi pros, they'd be in ti if there was ti for dota 1. There's this bullshit circlejerk that anyone who's a pro basically just omg love the game oh so very much they put the effort in to becoming great, also they are born great lmfao, they deserve all the dolla the fame hurdur, except anyone with a peck of sanity and good conscience will tell you otherwise, such as aui saying he's super super lucky.

                                                                  people play games because there's the promise that a fair and just system full of imaginative outcomes and possibilitiets that allows you to spread your wings and your very own talent, free of social judgement, that's what gaming is about. The "elitists" are gaming's cancer, because they don't seek gaming as real retreat, they seek gaming as vengence for all the unjust they suffered in real life. These people deserve to be mistreated in real life and stay there. Better yet they should dedicate their time to killing each other, cus they are no different from those who make them suffer.


                                                                    my fps went all the way down, i had 30-40 in the old client, now i get 15-25 :\


                                                                      did they fix the bug when players get disconnected and cannot recon...

                                                                      Sugar Show

                                                                        They missspell "Reborn" with "Dead"


                                                                          why the fuck does it take 5 minutes to load the settings window? Nonsense bullshit.


                                                                            UI is worse. I often have weird lags. +On the UI there is so much unfinished features which literally do nothing but there is button. This shows how rushed it was, Reborn needed good half year more for testing.


                                                                              it lags way too often
                                                                              and it loads the game in such a weird manner ->mass lags and i usually get dc and have to reconnect