General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is naga Carry so unpopular ??

Why is naga Carry so unpopular ?? in General Discussion

    Naga siren is a really strong carry in my opinion but i dont see her why??

    is her skillcap a problem ??


      She needs a bit of micro, not too strong till she gets a bit of farm I guess.


        She just doesn't fit into current meta with its early teamfights and stuff. There are a lot of more viable other carries to pick.


          yay i understand why she is unpopular in the proscene but in the pub she can go really anoying with his push and farm potential.

          I play naga a lot as a carry (top 100 currently) and my opponent flame me almost always when i play her because she is really anoying agianst to play.

          Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

            Useless until 30mins. Ulti is strong in team game but extremely hard to pull out in pub. Need a lot of space


              Cause people will feed after 5 min into the game and unlike other carry, you cant pull them up when they want to drown


                uhhh shes popular support actually


                  y she have some problems in the current meta, but i think you cant underrestimate a decent naga player thats is a big mistake and you must punish her before she get her Radiance or this game goes really hard for you !


                    Im just 4k but i understand you man :P.
                    the problem is obvious just look this:
                    most used item treads WTF and octarine/skadi have to low buy rate too.

                    Most of the games are below 2.5k mmr av, the people at that lvl just spam mirror image and manta and send ALL illusions at the same spot or worst they have the autoselect summoned units setting on and never try to micro an illusion... my 2k friends dont understand how i can push all 3 lanes and farm jungle at the same time or get 700 cs in 50 min.
                    But even in the 4k bracket each time i pick naga people in my team just surrender at minute 0 cause they saw so many shitty nagas in the past (an i saw many too) that simply dont trust you and half of the time they pick a jungler to "carry the game cause everybody knows that naga cant carry..." and ruins the fuckingmatch cause youre playing without a second support or roamer and you cant jungle and farm lane at the same time because of that shitstain.
                    So when if i play ranked an someone do that and pick other carry i just play a greedy support/ jungle naga, i buy wards, zone the offlane and farm jungle, at some point near the 30 min you have radiance cause you dont die so much as naga support and you farm faster than other greedy supports and when that happens you win the game cause as naga once you have radiance you get full gear in 15-20 min.
                    I love naga core but i think naga support its stronger.


                      Could you explain further on how to naga supp? Recently had one with me and he did quite well, covered my ass very early and was able to farm mid and be useful for the team. The guy started with energy boots which looked weird to me, even when it worked later... So, could you explain a bit more how to itemize that naga supp early?


                        Manaboots are not weird you buy that even playing core cause you can disassemble and make travels with the brown boots and octarine with the energy booster.

                        You only need manaboots, stick and sout/poorman shield as core. i pick QB too to increase my jungle speed (you are a greedy sup but stills your hero farm quite well and fast).
                        If you go full support you can go for medallion, mek-> greeves, or glimmer cape, gem is very good too cause illusions get truesight aura.
                        But i prefer play her as a very greedy support like enigma (you buy support stuff but you farm almost like a carry). i pull everytime and jungle a lot early on, when the 5-man shitshow starts i use song as a life saver or TF reset, i try to extend the game duration cause at some point you will get a radiance maybe at 30 min. If you really need to teamfight a lot you cant do this and is better to buy mek or glimmer cape but im a greedy basterd that like to play naga core :)

                        You can see some TI5 matches she was played as support almost all of the times, aui_200 and sonneiko did the 30 min radiance thing in a couple of games too.


                          Early teamfighting
                          A lot of metaheroes rapes her illusions making Naga a splitpusher only, cause you'll be somewhat irrelevant in fights as your illusions just die.

                          What does a carry naga do that a support naga doesn't do in this patch? (Beside Carry Naga losintg you the gamee from the get go in most drafts ;p)

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            If you want to farm, you can pick other heroes like Gyro or AM that can start farming earlier and peak earlier.


                              naga support is strong now her ulti is good without any items just as utility net can be a really strong disable and the items i see support nagas going for is like mana boots, mek solor crest, octo core, manta and you could even have like a mek +scepter combo......... come in sleep when a fight is going bad and use mek plus the heal from your ult with scepter its pretty damn strong.... also Ive seen naga start out as support and the transition into late game split pusher with radi octo core manta

                              Riguma Borusu

                                She does not have any impressive magical nukes (like gyro) and even with some farm, she's still not threatening to manfight. She gets scary too late and at that point your enemy's carries might be more dangerous than you even if 2 items behind. You are going to split push, sure, but so are many other heroes. Also, naga's actually pretty single target if you want to kill your targets quickly, this means that you, like spectre, best feast on lonely people who you can net and destroy with your right click power now that you have manta, diffusal, butterfly, etc, but otherwise naga's just weak in a teamfight unless she uses her ult to great effect, at which point you could as well play support naga and get a carry who can fight better to get the farm. Also, net pierces magic immunity, which further shits on BKBs, repel, rage, etc, so that's another thing to keep in mind. I've played a game as sven agaisnt naga and that was one of my worst sven games, because I got pretty farmed up but that net wrecked me in the fight, should've got linkens instead of bkb I think.

                                But if you're playing for the lategame, which nobody can really grant you in this meta, naga is one of the safer choices. You're still not going to be top tier manfighter once you hit level 25 and get some items, but you should be 1-2 items beyond their carries if you farm well at all.



                                  I learn a lot from Meracle if somebody want to learn naga carry just watch him or arteezy :)

                                    Welt aus Eis

                                      its a pretty good hero if you're meracle.


                                        It's talking about shit guys NAga support pls :D , Go Farm and just play pls cmon

                                        Livin' Real Good

                                          To me she seems like a such a greedy carry, weak in this meta as a carry, and she also requires skill to play, so that's part of the reason no one picks her. She's a cool hero though.


                                            not suitable with meta.

                                            just how medusa picked only once in TI.

                                            late gamers.

                                            just a sloth

                                              Naga can take over games(map) once she gets Manta/Octarine combo. Its just a hard carry to get good at i guess(micro, farming dangerous lanes, ulti management(especially in pubs)). Just hope your team understands your role/their role as its not as simple/more reliable as team fighting carries that are popular nowadays

                                              Player 30355559

                                                Naga Tip:
                                                She can walk through tuskar's iceshards



                                                  DDGDD, well i am sure ppl are just fucking BAD with the hero. Naga is amazing


                                                    y i think so too