General Discussion

General DiscussionHearthstone thread

Hearthstone thread in General Discussion

    So whoever plays lets just talk about it and share any thoughts and ideas on the gameplay.

    I wouldn't do that actually just because I couldn't even fucking sign in. Got the mobile app, played the introduction missions and stuck, cause it won't let me past the login screen (sometimes it just redirects me to the website with no particular reason though). Any idea why does it behave like that? Maybe the gods of dota are trying to prevent me from playing other games?


      once you go valve you never go back


        Why would you even try to play that pay-to-win game?


          I'm just going crazy after 7 months without dota.
          Thought it could be entertaining.
          Instead I just crushed my phone onto a wall trying to make it work :D


            i'm selling my account with almost all legendaries and 4000 dust, since season 1


              ^ I give you 3 chickens, 1 goat , and 20 kg of rice for it. We have deal?


                actually all that shit would cost like $80, No Deal. What the fuck man, are you trying to rip me off?


                  I do 1-2 matches a day, having quite some fun with it. Almost exclusively playing Arena though, which is not as boring as the regular mode with self-created decks that are mostly copied from the web.
                  The "pay-to-win" aspect only kicks in if you just started the game, play the regular mode and want to get one of the highest ranks - that can be tricky without some rare cards.
                  Getting gold is not that hard with the quests, though - if you take it slowly. I have ~ 6k Gold, a shitload of Dust, bought every expansion with Gold and also bought several dozen packs because I don't need that much Gold for playing Arena. All that with buying only 1 pack with money in the Beta to get a Golden Legendary (that sucks ass ^^).


                    grinding for legend now, started 2 months ago

                    i bought naxx and that was it