General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] LF 6k coach. Anyone please??

[SEA] LF 6k coach. Anyone please?? in General Discussion

    Can anyone coach me please?

    I need advise and thought process in:
    1) picking a hero
    2) game strategy at the beginning
    3) laning, positioning and mechanics
    4) decision making
    5) clash and team fight skill


    Anyone please?


      none of the players who usually post here and have 6k are from sea.
      i suggest you to look in some other place, f.e. some speicific resources focused on coaching.


          zenoth is fucking cheap

          Livin' Real Good

            You're cheap ^


              is zenoth 6k btw?


                what site is that? damn, no one does it for free? vaikiss told me before he was willing to check couple of my matches :(


                  vaikiss doesnt fit nor server neither mmr requirement

                  coach and some1 to watch ur replays and give advices are two different things imo. also if it is about replays, your tutor might be not from Sea, cz it doesnt rly matter here.

                  Livin' Real Good

                    I have a 6.4K friend on my list, and I never take advantage of him, jeez, I really should, he'd do it for free for me, what the heck >.>


                      In my opinion, you dont need coaches now.

                      Here is you winrate list for all the heroes you played in the last 3 months in ranked VHS (to get rid of party games in the sample).


                      You can still grind mmr by playing spectre, but that's literally the only hero you can play at your current mmr. If you just stop picking spectre, you'll go down pretty quickly - it's like 5k spectre, 3k everything else (no offense).
                      At this point, you can just focus on becoming a more multi-dimentional player, learn new heroes and roles, etc. You can get to know a lot of stuff by playing on your own so far.

                      Bad Intentions

                        ^good point der man.


                          ^ yep. very interesting point.. hmm.. the last time i did focus on becoming better in a specific hero was about 2-3 yrs ago.

                          I posted a topic here where I will play and 1st pick each carry hero (starting with weaver) whatever the lineup may be to simulate different scenarios. I'm pretty sure I did this before the concept of "ranked" matches.

                          As far as I remember, I practiced:
                          1. Weaver
                          2. Spectre
                          3. Anti-Mage
                          4. Sven
                          5. Luna

                          If I do this again, I'll be spending most of my time in "un-ranked" matches.

                          Which heroes do you think I should focus on? Should I start practicing mid already?

                          And is it really just that?


                            imo, you could play 10-15 matches with each of the other roles rather than carry to kinda improve your game understanding; and then just focus on expanding your pool for position 1, which seems to be the one you are most comfortable with.


                              also I would say you should kinda give up mmr points in shotrun and practice in ranked, because NMM will most likely match you with low-skilled players, and that's nt the best scenario to learn something.


                                ^what triple said, the mmr points lost will be an investment to actually improve


                                  so which heroes should I work on? the imba OP heroes? or what?


                                    Not necessarily OP heroes, just pick several heroes from every role that are viable (=not the heroes which you lose with after picking them) and practice them. Get to know every role. You played a lot of carries, spectre mostly. That should give you some idea how to play supports imo, because you are basically playing for your carry and since you played a lot of carries, you understand what do you need as carry (vision spots, how to create space, etc.)


                                      $24 for 60 minutes lol


                                        position 5 support will be a very easy role for me... let me do that first.. focus on 10 games as witch doctor


                                          ez kafka

                                          EDIT: so BB codes doesn't work anymore?


                                            gj, keep it up
                                            and yeah, this stuff doesn't work right now (temporarily?)


                                              anything a 6k can tell you

                                              you can tell yourself

                                              i mean if you don't possess enough knowledge or game sense to understand what the fuck you're doing wrong then mechanical skills isn't what you should be worrying about

                                              just look at youtube videos of players like miracle 8k mmr, it's not like he's doing what noone would even think of but he does it with such precision and speed that makes it insane

                                              lm ao

                                                OP if you are finding a 6K to coach you, I would like to tell you that I play like 6K asian genius but I'm just poor rice farmer, cennot afford 12 hours of MMR doto geimplay to grind point


                                                  omg... the headache of being a support.. i had to be like a mom watching out for her kids on where to go and not to go..

                                                  now i see how noob we are at 4k... the decision making.. the careless stuff.. the clash strategy..

                                                  the trade offs where our TA went all the way near their tower to get a kill on a support.. and so was our ember.. multiple times forgetting to leave his spirit... omg..

                                                  there's just so much that i can do...

