General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] Team Play LF: Teammates

[SEA] Team Play LF: Teammates in General Discussion

    Positions available:
    2 - Mid*
    3 - Offlaner
    4 - Support/Ganker/Initiator*

    * I currently have a Mid and Position 4 support but getting this feel that they will go inactive

    - 3.5K MMR and above
    - Skype and able to communicate effectively in english
    - Practice will mostly be during weekday nights 9-11PM
    - Willing to follow the training plan*
    - Willing to listen to the captain

    *What's the training plan?
    - about 2-3 set of lineups to be repeatedly practiced until team chemistry is formed (could be 2 weeks, could be 2 months, depending on how fast we learn from our mistakes)
    - belief that any lineup can beat any lineup as long as we know how to execute
    - once we learn this, only then we move on to draft more flexibly
    - willing to master the role and the hero you are assigned to
    - replay reviews will be rotational
    - to play party MMR and avoid toxic lobby games initially
    - the goal is to develop the necessary skills, teamwork, communication which we won't learn by playing casual solo queues and casual party rank matchces

    Add me: BlackXargon


      dammit, I'd join you if I was from SEA
      good luck

      la the yeezy

        Though I can't really do replay reviews and some of the dedicated stuff you've put in here (like replay analysis,etc etc) it would be nice if I can play a couple of party ranked games with 4 dedicated players. I am in your friends list if I'm correct. So if you need a support player or whatever and I'm online, just invite me.
        My solo is about 4372 and party is about 3980 i think

        Livin' Real Good

          ^ Li ! :) <33

          la the yeezy

            ^ what uppp yorkey!!!


              OP thinks he is good but is actually a fucking dogshit player


                I think I am a fucking dogshit player but I am actually a fucking dogshit player.


                  finally Triplesteal is telling the truth


                    ^ i actually think im bad but i believe i haven't plateau'd yet and can improve further. Its just that i suck and im stuck.


                      why focus on making team instead of focusing on your own play?


                        To learn other heroes without losing solo ememar points


                          it's all about thoshe ememar poihnts

                          Don Pierro

                            I'm one k but mentally Im 6k ez

                            Don Pierro

                              Mokujin play normal match


                                I'm 5k but mentally I'm ill.


                                  @gotvet.. for my solo mmr, im actually going to focus next on witch doctor

                                  Separately, i want to start learning the mechanics of team play in a more strategic context which cannot be executed in typical solo queues and party queues with friends.



                                    keksimus maximus


                                      - i am terrible at mid
                                      - mediocre at support
                                      - best at carry
                                      - mediocre at offlaner.

                                      if you need another carry add me.