General Discussion

General DiscussionCan you guys please share any tips and mechanics not generally known ...

Can you guys please share any tips and mechanics not generally known by the majority of players? in General Discussion

    Hey guys

    My friends and I are trying to compile all DotA 2 tips and mechanics into a library format mainly aimed for newer players to learn their favourite heroes in the form of a playlist.

    For example they would click a particular hero in the playlist and be able to view all the tips and mechanics associated with that hero in one handy spot.

    Because I assume you guys are all 9k from reading other threads I hope you guys can provide us with tricks you may know :D. Of course credits will be given if you wish at the end of videos with your names if I use any I read here.

    For example some really useful tips for newer players I have found:
    - Phoenix can collect runes while under Icarus dive.
    - Naga can walk through tuskar's iceshards
    - Kunkka can stack camps with torrent
    - Healing salve can be used under level 1 rupture
    - Silver edge prevents abaddon's ultimate from activating (need to cast manually)
    - Rhasta can solo roshan with level 1 serpent wards using cliff and roshan abuse
    - Sand king can stack two camps at once
    - you can avoid land mines with euls
    - Nature's Prophet can summon treants inside rosh pit without sprout
    - Pudge can hook Io at 1s to prevent relocating back
    - Meepo can apply DD rune to all clones if they stand in a small radius from the rune when collecting it
    - Witch Doctor's death ward bounces cannot be avoided by evasion but primary can
    - Queen of pain can avoid rupture damage when blinking
    - Open wounds on Naix + midas heals you
    - AA can instant relocate ultimate with refresher
    - You can buy stuff from dire secret shop from mid lane by cutting one tree
    - Shadow fiend can get souls before creeps spwan with plague wards
    - Gyrocopter can force staff his missile
    - Techies can stack mines

    I hope to add to this list thanks in advance for any tips you guys post in this thread:
    I will post any new tips I use here with your name in credits (if you wish):

    plz do

      u r right, i am 9k. my tip: get gut. ty for reading.
      also, giff refill bottle by fountain buff after tower tp

      the realm's delight

        - the human controling leshrac can get a rampage with 1 hand


          - Nature's Prophet can summon treants inside rosh pit without sprout

          - Open wounds on Naix + midas heals you
          you mean, if cast Open Wounds on a target and then use Midas on in, and you get instantly healed for 50% of target's current HP?


            I know this isn't the best tip,because requires Aghs on Lifestealer (4Head)
            - you can assimilate a Witch Doctor /w active Voodoo Restoration and the WD will never run out of mana

            I wonder what the interaction with Leshrac ult would be, maybe someone knows?


              Yea naix can heal instantly with open wounds then using midas. lots of naix players heal using infest :(. what a waste.

              for the furion one this is how you do it:


                im a lil bit too lazy to post everything, so i just focus on timbersaw (guess why, lol)
                -you can timberchain not only to the front trees, but also inside the trees if you use the spell properly
                -you can use chakram to kill roshan being on the cliff, and if some1 ranged attacks roshan at this point, his agro wont change - he will just remain as close to you as possible and you can basically kill it for free wiout being attacked a single time
                -timberchain breaks euls (same as hook and hookshot)
                -you can explode land mines without getting damage by timberchaining through them
                -if you use timberchain and blink/get hooked/relocated/die with enough bloodstone charges to revive you instantly/etc. immediatly afterwards, you will still hook to the tree timberchain touched first
                -stuns interrupt timberchain, but you still move ~100 units forwards even when stunned and deal damage in this area

                -if you have soulring and some other item that gives you manapool, you can get mana for free. drop the item that gives u larger mana pool, use soulring, pick up the item again - and boom, you got easy additional mp for nothing.

                -you can solorosh as lvl 7-9 enigma if you controll ur edalons properly

                -you can dodge land mines with blink if you got correct timing

                p.s i thought that torrent stacking on kunkka was patched a looooong while ago. did u test it recently? i may be mistaking.


                  i eat this tree almost every game, you can buy items from sideshop more easily without giving the offlaner 2-3 free hits, also techies.
                  same thing but slightly less useful


                    thanks guys didn't know lots of those mechanics you guys just mentioned

                    @triplesteal yea I thought kunkka got patched too, but in reborn it works tested it 5 days ago. Invoker's tornado also works in stacking but that hero isnt used much nowadays.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I'm surprised how many people don't understand the difference between spell immunity and magical damage resistance, and some of those people play in VHS.

                      Spell Immunity makes you immune to the effect of most spells.

                      Magical Damage Resistance reduces all incoming magical damage.

                      This is why pudge can dismember you through a BKB, because spell pierces Spell Immunity, but he can't damage you with rot/dismember because rot/dismember only deal magical damage, and with a BKB you have 100% magical damage resistance.

                      This is also why blademail can't hurt you through a BKB - its return ability is considered to be a spell, which does not pierce spell immunity, so it does not get to apply its PURE damage to you.


                        -Clockwerk rocket can block spawn creep, but only when the rocket is passing, not the vision after explosion (so the rocket should not go boom when the timer reach .30/.00 at the spawn point)
                        -WD death ward is reduced by armor and then bounce, if the 1st one targeted is hard armored, the other bounce will be weakened
                        -WD death ward can attack your deniable friend and deny them
                        ((check mythbuster at youtube maybe))

                        *You can buy ward even you are not support


                          When you pop aegis on Meepo you always respAwn at the prime Meepo.


                            pressing Alt+f4 will make your life brighter.

                            average kebab enjoyer

                              ^ This

                              Riguma Borusu

                                -Apparently your girlfriend will break up with you if you play DotA instead of spending time with her... :(
                                -Fuck my life


                                  I'm at work now and will add something later here, but you've missed one more tip regarding healing salve:
                                  You can use healing salve under any incoming damage if its less than 20. Thus you could do it under level 1 Rot (not anymore, cause it got buffed), for e.x.


                                    ^good one, I didnt know the threshold is 20


                                      brood spiderlings can deny each other to make new spiderlings

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        - You can know positions of enemy creep waves by checking the mini-map. If your creeps are between T2 and T1 on mid, so are the enemy. Same goes for safe and off lane. Useful when moving behind enemy lines or diving with certain heroes (TA for example).

                                        - Psi blades spill damage is pure, meaning that damage dealt to primary target will be reduced by the targets armor value and type and then that amount of damage will be dealt to all secondary targets. During HG standoffs criting a creep with Deso can one shot a very tanky hero.

                                        - Puck can turn during Phase Shift. You have to issue a turn command and then use PS. When PS ends Puck will face desired direction allowing better positioning with Dagger.

                                        - Ice Blast can be seen as a red dot on the mini-map or as a blurry "air" in game if it's passing through areas in which you have true sight.

                                        - Splash and cleave are two different things.


                                          ew a srs thread *BLEAHAHA*

                                          Sexo Meister

                                            - u can tp while going bladefury, ball lightning, ember ulti, earth boulder ball skill

                                            - u can use shiva and shadowblade while channeling

                                            - there is a mute button

                                            - diffusal can dispell omni's repel and euls

                                            - sometimes on the radiant bot lane u can spot icefrog


                                              You can have vision of both rosh pit and the rune area behind it while enemy can't see you while u see them and you can attack roshan from there if you stand at the right spot. Quite useful when solo roshing with huskar (btw you can do it with just brown boots and armlet)


                                              It's probably a bug but whatever.


                                                you can bust a nut while looking at qop or lina


                                                  i think you can use a tp when using 2nd spell as Ember Spirit, but if you keep jumping for more time than the tp is casted, it wont work.

                                                  lm ao

                                                    つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIFF BB CODE つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


                                                      qop or lina? what about those luna "shoulder guards"
                                                      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                        ooh man dont know how to quote ppl

                                                        but nice tip from og-anaksholeh..........XD

                                                        you can check enemy ward and mines with lighting from zeus
                                                        it's your hero the one that die and it's only a game


                                                          If u play SF and have a techies teammate u can quelling the bomb for souls. kekekekek

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            ^hopefully that crap's gonna get patched


                                                              Spectre's Desolate can now Damage Creeps and Catapults if there's nobody from the same faction nearby. Makes last hitting Catapults easier and you can farm neutrals faster. By same faction i mean that if there's a neutral creep and an enemy lane creep/ hero next to each other, both will still get desolate. Desolate will only be disabled if there are two or more units of the same faction (for example 2 neutral creeps or 2 enemy lane creeps).

                                                              The 35% increase per jump for Medusa's Mystic snake only count the base damage. For example at level 4 snake does 200 dmg and gains +35% per bounce. First bounce will gain 35% of 200= 70. Second bounce will gain 35% of 200 again, not 35% of 270! this brings it to 340 damage.

                                                              Morphling can attack and Cast spells and use items during waveform.

                                                              Bane can Deny allied heros and himself with Nightmare.

                                                              Any Auras Phoenix has (for example Shiva's Aura and Radiance aura) remain active while in supernova.

                                                              Morphling can activate morph while stunned or slept as long as he isnt silenced.

                                                              Abaddon can Manually activate Borrowed time while stunned or slept as long as he isn't silenced. It will still passively activate if he is silenced, but the passive activation is disabled by break. Also when Borrowed Time activates it applies a Strong Dispel, removing stuns. silences, break, sleeps and a whole lot of other debuffs


                                                                Guys above already gave you some good tips, so..
                                                                - The actual max distance of blink is 1200. If used beyond this radius, you will blink only by ~900 units.
                                                                - For Tiny: if you toss an enemy right after using avalanche on him, he will receive twice as much dmg from avalanche
                                                                - You can instakill courier with Axe's Culling Blade
                                                                - You can pick up items and runes while using Ball Lightning
                                                                - Invoker's Tornado applies debuff on enemy heroes. It also purges the runes effects.
                                                                - You can evade Lion's and Lina's ulti by usind Euls right after their cast (other options: pucks phaseshift, ODs astral imprisonnent, bkb if linas ulti is not upgraded).
                                                                - You can evade enemy projectiles by using blink dagger, qops and ams blink, storm spirit ball lightning, embers ulti and 2nd skill, miranas jump, morph waveform, pucks illusory orb and phaseshift, activating Alchs ulti, weavers ulti etc.
                                                                - If you move while Sandstorming and use it again (gap is about 1,5-2 secs), the Sandstorm visual effect's position will not change.
                                                                - WRs Shackleshot cannot be disjointed.

                                                                I will also think of something else when I get home. You might want to check up on Dota 2 Laboratory youtubes channel, to ensure that youre not inventing a bicycle. Or you could take some tips from there.



                                                                  Mechanic: If you have a desolator, all enemy units charged through by you will have the corruption debuff.

                                                                  Common tips: You can cast BKB/BM/Dust/Empowering haste while charging.

                                                                  Not so common tips: Nether strike has a decent range. You can initiate with it sometimes rather than with charge.


                                                                    Rune buffs like Haste work just as any regular buff, and can be dispelled by any purge or by making the hero invulnerable (eul, tornado). Casting Demonic Purge on the overly confident enemy with Haste will drop him from 522 to 200 movespeed and get him killed.

                                                                    The short invulnerability time in Bane's Nightmare can be quite easily used to dodge projectiles targeted at yourself or allies, eg. Nightmare your ally about to get hit by Alch Coconut to negate the damage and the stun (and instantly dispel it after Coconut lands).

                                                                    Disruption doesn't remove debuffs like Last Word from the targeted enemy. Instead Last Word will pop normally after its timer, which will be immediately after Disruption ends if properly timed.

                                                                    < blank >

                                                                      Disassembling HotD denys your creep


                                                                        No, you will tp properly even when you tp out in the middle of sleight

                                                                        interaction you described works when using sleight + remnants, if you jump to the remnant before sleight ends, you will end up back at the "sleight" remnant



                                                                          ty, i confused these two i guess.


                                                                            because i'm a 3k ember player and i know stuff


                                                                              if i was an ember player, i would be 1k


                                                                                aren't you originally 1k?