General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to get better and i want someone good to help my Find my mista...

I want to get better and i want someone good to help my Find my mistakes in General Discussion

    so ive been playing for a while trying to focus as hard as i could to play well and get to high skill and i finally got there , but im not stopping there now i wanna go to very high skill . Could anyone kind enough and good take a look at this match because i felt like this is a good match and i want it to be even better . so could u try fish out my mistakes , im open to any suggestions and if you feel like watching other games or smthing forget the zeus game i was trolling with my friend so . ive been reading and watching pro vids and stuff and i know i could have played much better so i would like someone to tell me when and what i could have done and what i shouldnt have done . Thanks alot for reading and i hope you can help me :)

    And also i noticed that all my pudge games no matter how good i play or how many kills i get my gpm is around 400 and xpm around 4 50 is this normal for a "pudge"? as he roams and stuff? or should i make it better or focus on it + how do u suggest me to raise it .


      If you want to get the best out of Pudge you have to play him mid, don't listen to people saying Pudge mid is bad bla bla bla and that u can play him better as support/offlaner etc, that is not true and they are only saying it because they have 5 games Pudge and are a trash Pudge theirselves and think that just because they can't play Pudge for shit means nobody can play him well.

      Note: you should only pick Pudge when they pick squishy heroes and their mid hero is squishy and confidence is an important thing. If you're confident enough into playing Pudge even though they don't have squishy heroes it can still work well, doesn't matter if you're against an ember or any other hero that is good against Pudge, it's about skill and outplaying your opponent, if you see that someone makes a mistake or overextends you instantly punish him for it by hooking him and killing him.

      Anyways, if you play Pudge mid you get fast levels and after you get 6-7 the real ''game'' begins.
      It's always good if you get kills on mid or any other lane before you reach level 6 but that's most likely not gonna happen unless you get a good rune or the enemy is out of position.

      Now I'm not gonna say that I'm a pro player, (I'm 4.8k mmr) but if there's 1 thing that I know really well then it's playing Pudge considering I'm rank #15 Pudge top 100 and I have 1.1k games on him.

      If you want to compare your Pudge gameplay to someone that is more experienced on him you could watch either some of my Pudge replays or replays from other players that are very good Pudge players aswell, here's some of my replays for you if you want to take a look at them and see what I'm doing different than you.


        Don't play Pudge if you're trying to win.

        Also git gud


          i totally agree with all you said and i win alot of pudge games i feel like im a good pudge player according to my ranking and this isnt my first account bytheway , but im still pretty sure i made mistakes but that last game i cant think of alot of mistakes and i need help pinning down mistakes that i havent thought of yet i have watched lots of pro pudges , im finding my self a new tactic thats working a treat for me is going hard on consumables early lots of clarities and smokes and they all eventually payback when i get the kills and i try to stay back as a pudge most of the time so i can hook out my friends that are gonna die or i can remove one of the enemies out of the team fight and move him far away do you think i should stay back to be safe or dive in with them and rot or smthing , tho i do ulti the ppl that need disabling its mostly on cooldown xd .

          and thanks alot for your reply its very appreciated i will sure watch a game or two of those and see how you play him and what your tactics are . and yes i never play pudge offlane i like thrushing mid but the only problems i have is mostly a lina that plays very safe and spams spells and owns me what do u suggest when i get a lina like that? one that plays rly safe and spams spells .

          the other problem is unaware team m8s .. u hook and ulti someone and spam pings on him and after ulti finishes "THEN" ur teamate notices thats so annoying xd.

          and btw did you watch the video? xd

          Thank you for your suggestions time to watch some of ur video replays :) .


            and as an example If i had a shadow fiend mid against me do you think i should keep killing him constantly and keep him with 0 souls and not ganking a lane that needs help? or should i leave him and gank and let him get some free farm ty again.


              I never buy clarities or mangos when I go mid, neither do I use them because you don't really need them if you have a Bottle.

              I've played multiple times against a Qop/Lina/Leshrac/Viper heroes like that are really good against Pudge and you know what I do?
              I just sit back and enjoy and watch how they get all the free farm mid, sometimes they deny correctly and sometimes they miss the deny (I get more xp from that) and then when I hit 6 I wait till they make 1 single mistake because when people focus on last hits (in lower ratings they forget everything around them) so I just smoke up and wait for them to come closer to my tower and just hook them into tower range and dismember them and get the kill, (makes you go from level 6 to either 7-8 just depends on the current xp you had at that time) even though they had absolutely free farm mid I still won mid because I killed them multiple times.

              I've had also multiple times where I hook someone in and dismember them and a teammate is next to me farming and doesn't even notice anything and either I get killed or the person escapes, just spam ping or say something in the mic and hope the react to it.

              What video are you talking about?


                If you're playing against a Shadow Fiend just continue shutting him down mid, keep killing him (after he died 3-5 times he will go to jungle)

                When that happends you can do two things.

                Either you smoke up and go jungle and kill him again and then gank their carry and see if you can kill him.


                You smoke up and gank their carry and after you killed their carry you can go to jungle and then kill Shadow Fiend

                But the thing is, if you kill Shadow Fiend first then their carry will be alerted and will play really defensive but if you gank the carry first then the carry most likely won't see it coming. After the carry dies the SF will know that you are there and knows that you could be coming towards him so he will run away but SF is shut down in the first place anyways, he's not the main target (ofcourse it would be nice but since you destroyed him mid he can't do anything so you mainly focus on killing their carry).


                  Pudge is underrated, like hanter said all you do is soak exp you dont need farm or last hit, you just get 6 then ruin the enemies game. A good pudge is so game changing, that ult piercing bkb rekt most carries when they are on 5 sec. Plus he gets naturally tanky and resistant to magic if you are succesful with him.


                    Thanks alot for taking your time reading my posts and replying and about what video am i talking about I meant have you watched the match i put in the first post ( 1822282458 ) as i wanted someone to find my mistakes if ofcourse you dont mind and yea the problem is vs the strong heroes i get this useless feeling at like lvl 4 or 5 that the midder is free farming and im not doing anything about it then i go and attack and die :P so il try camp and fight my feelings and wait for ma dismember next time it happens :D . i hope you have a nice day thank you for your help man .

                    I will go sleep now i will watch you replays tommorow and btw the first 2 aint replayable

                    and the last thing i wanted to ask is how do u suggest i higher my gpm i noticed your pudge games have about 550 gpm or around that While my games no matter how many killls i get even with score 8/2/12 i still have 400 gpm , i dont farm in lane much becuz when pudge is missing everyone is scared or as i noticed . i always wonder how i should get more gpm the only way that seems to work is getting a heart of tarrasqe and farming with perma rot.

                    So Thank you and cya tommorow i hope i didnt bother you by asking too many questions.


                      Oh no sorry I haven't watched them I'm playing low priority right now, really want to get rid of LP and if the first 2 aren't replayable just watch the other ones then.

                      The gpm as you can see I have really low last hits pretty much every game, I only farm mid till I get level 6-7 and till I get Bottle/tranquils/magic wand and after that I just leave mid lane and give it to one of my supports and actively gank all lanes etc.

                      GPM isn't really important on Pudge, the XPM is, focus more on XP.


                        1. Stop smurfing
                        2. Stop Smurfing
                        3. Use fucking Internet. There is tons of good stuff about Dota over there.
                        4. Accept your MMR and try to get better yourself. Don't seek for advices. No one can't give you proper ones.
                        5. Hire a coach(proffesional one) with good MMR if you're brain damaged and can't find your mistakes.
                        6. Work, work, work. Hard work and dedication. You can't get better over night.
                        7. Don't seek for "advices". Chances you'll find them are SMALL or non-exitant.
                        8. Stop smurfing.


                          wwhat are u serious haha


                            smurfing works i rekon

                            gone up 1000 mmr since returning to this one


                              Shred you to bits say 1 more word and il shred you to bits..... :P
                              1. i dnt smurf
                              2. my old account's email was deleted wich is why i had to begin with a new account
                              3. i used the ☺☻♥♦♣♠•• internet tons of times and i read tons of advice but the internet doesnt have a find my mistakes service.
                              4. i do accept my mmr and im happy that im now high skill and now on my way to very highskill
                              5. sure why not .
                              6. im still doing that but i wish i could create time .
                              7. nothing is wrong with advices .
                              8. nop.


                                you're brain damaged and can't find your mistakes. that is completely wrong i if i knew all my mistakes i wouldnt be RabidMushroom i would be miracle but i dont know my mistakes and i need someone that is better than i am to find them . Ty for ur notes.


                                  Ty you for your help guys and i proved u wrong shred you to bits .
                                  i just played a game after these tips with pudge and i simply won the game 15-1-13


                                    hip hip hurray now im very high skill my first veryhigh skill match in my life o.o

                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                      1. Don't go mid with Pudge. It won't fly is higher level games.

                                      2. Top rune spot at 00:00 is a free kill for Pudge. Hide in Dire medium camp and tell your team to stay behind you, then hook whoever comes for bounty rune. For Radiant go to ancient camp and eat some trees and you can do the same trick.

                                      3. When playing other heroes, focus on farming. Regularly check your net worth and ask yourself is it good for current hero and game time. At first aim for 60 to 65 cs per 10 mins and later go beyond that.

                                      4. It's better to let a teammate die than to join a lost fight. Judge should you join or not and is there an objective to be done afterwards. If there is, command your team to take said objective.

                                      5. Communication is the key. Use pings, voice and chat wheel. I suggest following phrases on CW: get back, dive, bait, wait, help, careful. Those words will win you games, trust me.

                                      6. Try not to flame teammates. Game gets worse and worse as you flame more. Try to diffuse tension rather. Use well played, but not ironically.

                                      ez games



                                        You see, that's what I'm talking about.

                                        He gave you advices you can already FIND on the Internet. it just proves you're lazy and you want everything RIGHT NOW.

                                        That's why I think people like you will never get better on their own, and will probably get just slightly better overall.

                                        I was in your boat not long ago, I used to think I need some magical advice on "how to get better" - then I realised it's pretty simple:

                                        90% of getting better at Dota has to do with dedication and hard work, 10% is questions you need to ask someone.

                                        For example, the reason why I'm still stuck between high-skill and vh-skill bracket is pretty simple: I'm lazy.

                                        I'd say same goes for you.

                                        lm ao

                                          つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIFF BB CODE つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


                                            Whatever everyone has his own opinion i guess. i will repeat that i mainly came here for ppl to find my mistakes for me .
                                            that i couldnt find. but ty anyways bb


                                              play different roles. anyone who has not played support will ultimatly just play his hero and not understand the deeper relations and mechanics in dota. getting rly mechanically good at lina slark etc is 1 thing. to get good at dota u have to understand the map and hero power curves and scaling etc etc etc. everything matters. learn how to play with little resoureces and notice how every single autoattack u trade with enemy offlaner gets u closer to a win.


                                                "6. Try not to flame teammates. Game gets worse and worse as you flame more. Try to diffuse tension rather. Use well played, but not ironically."


                                                flame more. flame team when u land a hook and they dont follow up. flame team if they dont farm while you are creating space. flame team if u try to hook but some retard runs infront of u (this is going to happen 40% of the time at 3k). doing this will put pressure on ur teammates and scare them into performing at their best.