General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you guys find time to play dota

how do you guys find time to play dota in General Discussion

    like its impossible if u have a little bit of social life/activity


      I don't sleep.


        thats bullshit lol

        most of my friends are in the top law school here and go out regularly + have girlfriends and still play lots of dota


          I don't sleep, too. And don't play dota as well.

          King of Low Prio

            you dont need to play 10+ games of dota every day

            Dire Wolf

              Pretty much sacrifice sleep. I have a family, young child, demanding job, I usually play like 11pm to 1am or something and sleep 6 or 7 hours


                I run my own business so sneak in a couple of games during the day...


                  skip life, skip sleep, play at least 12-15 games each day


                    Depends what you consider 'play.' 5 games a day is tough with most schedules, but finding 3-4 days a week to get in some games isnt a big commitment


                      The author is somewhat right. Having a girlfriend and studies makes it very hard to play DotA during normal waking hours, so I have to play after she sleeps, but DotA is too hard a game for me to play solo ranked on most nights.

                      Pale Mannie

                        In my schedule is it possible to play Dota but Baumi is distracting me to watch his daily videos instead to play


                          i don't have a social life and i don't have any interest in it
                          85% my life consists of sleeping, being at school, learning and playing dota

                          the realm's delight

                            social life XD

                            King of Low Prio

                              find a girl who plays dota and ur set

                              bum farto

                                Well studies are over and my girlfriend works late and is fairly understanding and preoccupied with her own activities to mind me playing Dota. As long as you're as eagerly enthusiastic about spending time with her doing other things most women are fairly understanding about personal space.

                                It's about life balances and not letting one take precedence over the other, too much work will make you unhappy, to much play will make you a scatterbrained worker etc. The key to everything in life is balance, and a time and place for everything.

                                Whether work or play never go half-assed, always go full ass on everything you do.


                                  you don't find time for dota, dota finds time for you


                                    i dont play dota


                                      If your schedule organizing skills are half as good as your MMR, there would be no need for this question.


                                        Just manage your time. On days where i have exams or lots of hw, I concentrate and complete as many hw as my concentrated will power allows me to. if i find that i covered myself for the next few days I play till I need to go to bed. if not, then no dota until i have completed everything for the week. Weekend hw usually starts on Saturday for me.

                                        the realm's delight

                                          school XD

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            Ferrrr real

                                            8 hours work/school
                                            2 hours travel time
                                            5-6 hours of sleep

                                            I got like 8 hours of chilling with whoever.

                                            Shit ain't hard brah

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              2 hours travel time?!?! Oh well I guess if you go from home to work to school to home that's ok. I don't get people who live more than half hour from work though.


                                                @dire wolf
                                                it depends on the city u r living in, i guess


                                                  yes, it is definitely impossible to find 1 hour to play when you have a social life
                                                  ecks dee


                                                    Most of the time I play on weeknights when my girlfriend goes to sleep.. and just to get 3 or 4 games in it means I have to sacrifice sleep (which will be 5 or 6 hours). Fridays/Saturdays I'm way too busy spending time with her and/or the homies.. can get a few games in on Sundays.

                                                    I kinda wish I had time to play 10-15 games a day and actually git gud faster but I know a lot of bad would come from this.


                                                      Working and studying are totally different.

                                                      To the long timers who played while they were still studying to graduate to working, this is similar to smoking addiction. Its just part of your life, a way to de-stress and really have your own personal time, i.e. not with families, not with friends, not with colleagues, just you doing/playing something you like.

                                                      You can sleep early without playing and wake up feeling energetic the next day. But you will feel something is missing from yesterday routine. You feel sort of unsatisfied and even though you are energetic, you could not focus on your work. And the worse thing is you got so much energy that you feel so hyper but there is no way to vent out these energy cause you are stuck at work.

                                                      Or you can sacrifice 2-3 hours of sleep for 2-3 games, then wake up the next morning feeling like okay a little more sleep might be good, but I think my battery is sort of fully charged and I am ready to start anew today.

                                                      Discipline is the key though. I have lost count of the number of times whereby I told myself, just 1 last good game and I go to sleep. Then you start to tilt and that's it....


                                                        "Discipline is the key though. I have lost count of the number of times whereby I told myself, just 1 last good game and I go to sleep. Then you start to tilt and that's it...."
                                                        This is why I don't play ranked during the school year. If I lose and tilt, I'll fall asleep the next day in class.

                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                          Even in the busiest times of my life I'd have 3 hours to game, and not feel exhausted at all from the other things I was doing. Whenever someone tells me they're too busy to practice guitar for an hour, or play Dota 2 for 2 hours, I never take them serious. Especially if they're just young high school students, or even college students, unless there's something else i'm missing. Or, they could just be really bad at time management.