General Discussion

General DiscussionHey guys. I'm new here!

Hey guys. I'm new here! in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    ● I'm new to the forum and I just wanted to make this introduction post and to say HI to all you good guys out here.

    ● I'm FrozenBrainz and I make YouTube videos for Dota 2. Well, not only Dota 2, I used to make for DotA (1) also, but as people shifted to Dota 2 I just stopped with them.

    ● Before I get started on my little storry, you can check my YouTube Channel in the link bellow. But its better if you read what my channel has to offer first!

    ● My Channel link =

    ● Over the past 5 years, I've made original content such as: Dota 2 Tricks, Dota 2 Patch Update playlists , Dota 2 Dirty Little Tricks and I also have a lot of videos where I find bugs in the game.

    ● Here are the playlists of stuff that I'm talking about:

    ● Dota 2 Tricks [SEASON 1] =

    ● Dota 2 6.82 Patch Update [Full Preview] =

    ● Some random video as well, Dota 2 - Legion Commander's Dirty Little Trick =

    ● You can also view my Official Channel Trailer, where you can see a glimps of all of the videos I made =

    ● I would LOVE if you guys could give me suggestions, feedback or anything in the comments on this post! I would really like to hear your thoughts on my videos and my channel.

    ● I'm so glad that I found this forum. Thanks for your time! :)


      ayy lmao


        oh wow, a 6.82 patch analysis? I've been wanting one of those for a while now


          so basically you are promoting ur youtube vids here? 4Head.




              I feel so special to have you. I see you've been improving your forum game just for us. Probably the others already deleted your post.


                ^ rekt

                the realm's delight

                  can weeee haveeee bbcodeee plsss