General Discussion

General DiscussionIdea for dealing with last second counter pickers in unranked all pick

Idea for dealing with last second counter pickers in unranked all pick in General Discussion

    You can only repick your hero if you picked it before the countdown reaches 30-40 seconds.

    >Pick Bristleback at 31/41 seconds
    >Enemy picks Necrolyte
    >Repick into Anti-Mage and acquire easy rares

    Just my two pence since I never use these god damn forums.


      who cares about unranked games?


        AM is not very good vs Necro. I think it's bad idea.


          @Arin, people who don't care about a meaningless 4 digit number I guess?


            bb is not bad against necro
            am is not good against necro

            i just see no sense here


              Well if you can't see sense in that then you've clearly never played either of these matchups.


                ayyyyy lmao


                  normal matchmaking, everyone

                  ayyyyy lmao

                  Riguma Borusu

                    Actually, BB is very bad against Necro. Even here, he's the single number 1 hero Necro fucks up the most, with 3%+ advantage for Necro in that matchup. It's because he depends on his HP to deal damage, and suddenly Necro will split that shit in half, so he'll start stacking quills on you and then simply die when he reaches a bit bellow 1/2 hp.

                    But AM is not really the top counter to Necro, though Necros won't like seeing AM in the game, that's for sure.


                      ^not in 5k+ games though

                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^I would like to know if there's some bracket-specific data for hero matchups somewhere.


                          dotamax provides all the info specified for NS, HS, and VHS, but it doesnt give relevant output cz NS and VHS are too huge

                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            Bristle doesn't really care much about necro ult though since it's reduced heavily with your passive and necro has no sort of slow, sleep, decent stun other than his ulti or mobility to get face-to-face with bristle. He relies on his team to stop bristle. Unless you go full-face mode on necro when you're low hp. The projectile of death pulse is also very slow so it's easy to turn your back to it.

                            Sexo Meister

                              >Pick Bristleback at 31/41 seconds
                              >Enemy picks Necrolyte
                              >Repick into Anti-Mage
                              >Enemy repicks into Bloodseeker

                              What do?


                                why is am not good against necrophos?


                                  Anyone with greater than normal magic resistance is good vs necro. Dunno why you'd say am is bad against him.


                                    am is not bad against encro, they jsut dont have any specific interaction between each other.
                                    more specifically, in favor of am goes the magic resistence and mobility, but necro is somehow good against am, too, cz its the best hero against 1+4 kind of teams in lategame.


                                      yea your point about nec against 1+4 teams is indeed true


                                        @Pomi Wrong. Necro ult doesn't count as striking Bristlebacks back or sides thus he recieves the full damage.


                                          @Pomi Also heartstopper.


                                            ^ u w0t, m8?
                                            reaper dmg is decreased by bb's passive. all the magical dmg is reduced by this passive.

                                            you dont have to state smthng like that with such self-confidence, it makes you look kinda ridiculous.


                                              mechanically reaper is casted from the direction of necrophos at the point when he uses this spell btw, so unless BB faces necro, his passive works pretty fine here.