General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich Doom build is commonly the most optimal one now?

Which Doom build is commonly the most optimal one now? in General Discussion

    Supposing I go offlane.

    i mean itemization, not skillbuild ofc.


      i think IG played doom offlane

      Sexo Meister

        probably basil wand phase then into usual aura or aghs refresher


          didnt watch the game


            I don't know yet but this is what has made me a little bit successful so far

            Starting items: RoP + Stout + Tango

            brown boots
            Situational: bottle
            Phase boots
            Vlads Or Mekansm
            Situtaional: Dagger/Force staff
            - refresher (against casters)
            - AC (against high dps heroes)
            - shivas (as tank/initiator)


              ^thats actually a whole list of items i can get as doom; i can kinda make it myself after 200 doom games. my question is which of the main builds is commonly the most optimal one?
              f.e. in certain point when doom was in meta, i (and other doom players, too) used to rush blink followed by shivas, then meta changed and we used to go into utility stuff getting arcanes, mek and vlads. after that frog nerfed his ult and the hero disappeared from the scene for a while, and now hes back.

              the realm's delight

                buy whatever and press r, nothing can go wrong
                doom is very versatile, plenty of shit u can buy. i think get basilius and phase boots, maybe wand too as early items u can solo kill their carry at lvl 7

                Riguma Borusu

                  Eh, from VHS matches I've watched, I can only conclude that phase/blink/aghs rush is pretty much the best and most legit way to play him, and one or two armor items depending on the circumstances, and luxury refresher. If you're very active early, you can maybe pick up phase boots and/or bottle, since you have terrible int/mana regen, unless you already have two arcanes on your team.

                  I don't think there's really much to say about what's optimal here, obviously you'll build accordingly to what the enemy team has and what your team lacks.

                  Also, doom is a fairly good Guardian Greaves carrier, provided nobody on your team makes them, and you might make a mek before the aghs if you want to push. Or make a vlads instead, but I think getting both is kind of an overkill and delays aghs way too much. Depends a lot on who you have in your team and whether the enemy team can burst you down.


                    why phase over tranqs.

                    the realm's delight

                      cause u can kill carry at lvl 7, thats why u max scorched earth
                      tranq is good too tho

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Because they'll let you position and chase people way easier when you ult them, and Doom has 290 base movement speed, which is really slow, phase's active helps more than tranquils' 90 movement speed since you'll likely be taking damage while you chase somebody.

                        Also, if you are in a 1v1 situation in your offlane, you can simply eat the armor creep, then dive the carry at level 7, with max scorched earth, your phase boots and your ultimate, he's practically guaranteed to die. And then try to get blink ASAP, if you don't have it already.

                        < blank >

                          Go old school vanguard, phase, radiance