General Discussion

General DiscussionA Deep Fear of Solo Queue Ranked

A Deep Fear of Solo Queue Ranked in General Discussion

    Every time I hover my mouse over "find ranked match" I feel it watching me. It is always there. It follows me. It is that nagging knowledge that I am in a bracket I don't belong. As soon as I play ranked I know it will get me.

    The game will go well, my team wont be potatoes, victory will be near. Just when it seems like I am safe It's inky black coils will rap around my leg and I will be dragged back down to the deaths of 3k.

    How can one fight such a creature. It is beyond human comprehension. It holds the souls of over a million players. And right now all of its eyes are looking straight at me.

    Sexo Meister

      Pray to lord gaben


        this roughly translates to: I want to play ranked but I'm going to fucking tilt and go back into 3k


          I tilted 3 games in a row, I fed all 3 games lmfao it was awful I mean, I wasn't the main reason we were losing, everyone was playing bad and I started to play bad myself, I am god tier 8k player stuck in 4.8k!


            Fight your fear. Even the greatest warriors are not fearless - but they're brave enough to look into the eyes of their worst nightmare.

            Get the best equipment you can handle. Naked hero is a dead hero. Epic armour, thick shields, mythical axes, enchanted swords, razer mouses and keyboards - enhance your ability to beat the odds and turn the tide.

            Find your raidteam before diving into a battle with undiscovered darkness. You will need a healer, that will keep you from falling deep into a depression. A thief, that will open all the chests for you and show you where the traps are. Don't go alone, or you're forever lost.

            One can't beat this awful creature completely. It will back off and hide, but it will watch you. It will always be there, ready to rush and tear up your pitiful soul to pieces. Accept this as your inevitable future... and you will find the peace.


              This Horror will not wait for me to tilt. I fear that if I even blink it will get me.

              fucking 4002 mmr, and I know I have no right to have even that much. If I sneeze to hard ill end up in 3k.

              Bad Intentions

                Yo op, u gotta face adversity head on! You got to dominate! Use fear as a catalyst to be brave! And add me up so i can check ur gamez :]

                Bad Intentions

                  And remember man! U gotta prove u belong! else gaben will really drag ya down to the depths :D

                  So always play with IMPACT, be consistent man!

                  Krazy Kat

                    Just go play unranked for a while. 4k is better than most players. It's just a number. Or go play a custom game. 10v10 is fun and there is no pressure because you are only 1/10 of the team.


                      Just go play dota for a while. Any rank is better than anyone who doesn't play dota in the first place. Or go play a regular game. 5v5 is fun and there is no pressure since you are only 1 of the millions of players playing the game in the first place.

                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                        Yesssss, I can feel the tilt within you.

                        Take your glaives.

                        Strike them down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the scrub side will be COMPLETE!

                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                            I prob. won't play solo que until they come out with something like league of leagues system or TSR. Just forced 50% and being qued with afk or under 300 wins account just so fricken annoying.


                                dont be pu.ssy man is just like a fucking normal match, its easier cause people tryhard more and they can be carried even if youre playing as support...


                                  This is literally why I rarely play solo queue.

                                  I literally got to 5001 mmr and was so afraid to lose my 5k rating. Played a few more games, 5100 now.. but im terrified. I'm like 10 wins in a row. gaben is coming for me.



                                    @The number 12 Sad horror story but i like it part 2 plz..... I got my own story too whahah .....


                                      why u scared of losing?


                                        why would you want a number you don't deserve? man the fuck up and either accept you should be 3k or git gud.


                                          That beast that holds you back is yourself dude. You must believe you deserve it and you will get it and hold it. Whatever you trully believe, that comes true :)


                                            don't worry

                                            you'll go back and forth several times for sure
                                            it will be completely normal after 2-3 cycles

                                            i'm pretty sure that your mentality and possible anxiety have influence on your performance as well
