General Discussion

General DiscussionBounty hunter on your dick mid.

Bounty hunter on your dick mid. in General Discussion
Elo - Hell

    How 2 deal with this bullshit hero.
    i stand on my hill with a sentry, he places a sentry and tangos mine
    anytime i go in the river he hits me, i stand on my hill the other guy free farms, i go to my jungle he chases me.
    wut do


      ask for help from your team?

      Riguma Borusu



          So BH should not be able to solo kill you as Invoker in the jungle period. Unless you royally fucked up and decided to go into jungle late and he is now more farmed and higher level than you.

          You went wex at level 4 and did not go quas until level 5 which is a big deal, your bread and butter to survive this lane as Invoker as quas/exort would of been the early points in quas for extra regen and cold snap/forge spirits. If you're losing your lane hard as invoker do not rush midas, grab more stat items early like magic wand, RoB, even another null tali if you really need the stats. You can always go back for the midas if you turn the tide of the game and end up 2k richer after a won fight after those stat items.

          You just built invoker wrong and fucked your game. In before Sampson says 2k trash giving advice, ya I'm pretty sure I'm right here bub.

          the realm's delight

            more sentries
            ur supports dont buy them? buy them urself. u cant afford them? feed 4Head


              Tbh ? Nothing. Try to minimize feed & ask supports for baby sit.

              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                Use a condom? XD

                And yes, dual-mid babysit is a situationally legit strategy, albeit done more in competitive games rather than pubs.

                Basically, the accompanying support hero (eg dazzle, wd, bane, etc., ideally a position 5 support which doesnt need a ton of levels so quickly) would trade regen with the enemy mid and/or bounty, zone them out, and then secure other objectives when bounty is away, so as not to take away too much exp from the mid hero: objectives like securing runes, stacking jungle, roaming, etc.

                Alternatively, counterpick with fat ol' noisy Bara space cow ;)


                  i once played sf and bh was with ta in stack.
                  he kept coming mid and triying to fuck me up, i killed him once but i also fed once.
                  then i stacked my 2 camps cuz i was radiant and when i try to farm it with half hp a wild bh appears with ta traps, killing me and taking my stacks.


                    He rushed a midas amd had it at minute 16... didn't even have PT until minute 22. So from 0-16 minutes all he had was Null Tali, Magic Stick, gloves of haste and brown boots... he just played the matchup completely wrong. Sure you can ask supp for help, sure you can try to win the ward matchup but the underlying issue is not that, it was entirely his thought process and his play on Invoker. 2 points into exort before even putting a point into quas? And then skipping quas at 4 for wex, why? Did you think you were going to switch over to quas/wex after already losing lane and putting 2 points into exort?

                    Mind Games

                      The curse of grand Saudi Prince Havoc Badger's benevolent gifts; once you equip them despite your lack of Pro MLG skillz, defeat will surely tail you in the end.

                      Mind Games

                        dogolino mind you if you gift dat SF arcana to me 4HEAD

                        Elo - Hell

                          Aye sir, i mean i've got 400 voker games at 5k ish, probably right that i should have gotten more stats, however even 2 more bracers wouldnt save me from a laguna and bh combo, so i figured it was pointless to get the extra stats and may aswell focus on getting that midas up and running, am i wrong or?
                          i had my silencer baby sitting me mid (not very good at all) and sapping my xp, which in turn got me extremely behind.
                          wex allows me to actually contest last hits as i have double the damage of the lina at that point. Cold snap range is simply not enough to harass a lina when he has global attack range? So i figured my best bet was to simply try and out last hit him for those few last hits i could attempt to get. It also opens up the oppertunity to meteor jungle if i can get stacks up, so its highly debatable that that quas would do anything, when you get bursted down so regen doesnt help, and when the enemy bounty hunter buys 6 sentries before 5mins?

                          but aye sir, you know much better than me, so hey. flame me for my build?


                            For anyone that cares as the guys game before this one on Invoker he won with a blowout. He rushed midas again but had it by minute 10 this time due to winning the lane.

                            My last game I lost mid to Ember Spirit, warlock kind of babysat him and threw fatal bonds on me when he could to further hurt my lane. No biggie, I built some sustain. I went RoB, Urn and phase boots and guess what? I won a fight and by minute 10 I had a full midas after losing mid. Never underestimate little items on Invoker, it's not the rush of midas that wins you a game.

                            That game also turned into rat because of their lineup and we ended up pulling it off. It was a really gay game to say the least but rewarding to win.


                              Oh yeah man, you're smurfing why? Man, I don't care what you say you played that bad.

                              Cold snap is for defensive purposes, you put 2 points into exort to contest last hits? You sound like you have issues last hitting, you're vs. a Lina who should be pushing the lane with her Q so the equilibrium should be on your side most of the time. Lina comes in to stu n you cold snap/forge spirits and walk away, especially if you know BH is sitting in your lane. I could see a point into wex at 5 to grab maybe defeaning blast or to ghost walk if for some reason you think it'll save you.

                              Elo - Hell

                                i don't always rush midas brotown it is situational for a reason, wasn't here to talk about invoker builds, but im sure your 'high skill' 80 invoker games taught you alot.

                                You have to look at all aspects of the game, i was left solo safelane as voker that game vs a darkseer, While yes i could have gotten midas faster, or anything else. i also moved out of my lane to chase him out of the jungle when he was harassing my doom?
                                i was also sucuring kills with sunstrike and my zues's ulti.
                                i'd normally expect to get midas around 6-7mins after boots if i get a normal matchup and not random bullshit.

                                But please tell me how situationally, if you even managed to complete your urn, that you are going to survive a lina + bh gank...
                                you aren't?
                                so 'situationally' midas is the correct choice, as nothing for 2k gold would be a game changer.


                                  I understand Lina man, you can't survive her ganks. The early sustain and extra stats is so you can make things happen elsewhere. I can't give a detailed response atm but I can later if you don't understand.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I'm much lower mmr than you, but whenever bh sits on mid in my games the other lanes are so fucking weak and the mid on bh's team doesn't farm enough to overcome. Roaming bh in pubs is usually massive fail, bh will be like level 3 when offlaner is 6.

                                    In other words I would just not feed and not worry about it, try to cs mid.
