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General DiscussionRefresher necrophos

Refresher necrophos in General Discussion
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    How good is refresher on necrophos. Cause i seen some necro gone for agh octarine dagon then refresher and giving enemy team spectator seats

    waku waku

      idk about refresher but octarine is definitely useless there

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        Octarine for less cooldown?


          octarin is nice cz it decreases bth reaper's and refresher's cd
          refresher is nice if you dont feel like being locked down immediatly in all the teamfights


            huh are u assuming u get bkb or what how does rfo prevent lockdown


              if you dont feel like being locked down immediatly


                aight as i reread it, it can have reversed meaning
                i wanted to say that if you feel aafe enouh, refresher is good; otherwise its too risky cz you might be not able to use reaper even once before you die, cz enemy team gotta know what ur itemization is and just blow you down.

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                  thanks for the tips guys


                    Take your pick - if you're surviving fights then a refresher is going to close the game out (I take it as unspoken you already have aghs!) but only if you've already reached that quasi-immortal stage.

                    I do think octarine has a place in his build though. Extra health,extra death pulse and reducing scythe cooldown to 42secs is generally better than a double scythe every 2mins I think.


                      Oh actually just read the thread and saw I added nothing new :-D ignore my post


                        refresher is decent choice for 3rd big core item or something
                        you dont get it if you arent confident of being bulky enough though, it gives useless stats.

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                          If i just getting targeted in fights i'll just have to buy blink and stay back in fights? And blink in and ult?


                            ^yes. you can also get sb since its abetter escape item if u lack of vision


                              I build it fairly often. Killing 2 of their cores for like 2min with no buyback late game is huge. I guess having that extra regen to spam out your heal bomb is quite nice as well. Obviously it's not top of priority list, you want to get at least 2 or 3 core items 1st (aghs, mek/greaves, shivas, dagon or whatever you're building) .


                                Refresher also depends on the Enemy team line-up. If they only have that one annoying carry who really needs to be dead, then refresher is not too vital. If there are two heroes who absolutely need to die then Refresher is a good choice after your other core items.


                                  aghs->octarine->refresher is pretty sick I go for the first two in every match as necro, making refresher if the game extends that much...blink and dagon are also great


                                    i play necro dagon > blink > aghs > refresher a lot of times. its good if ur doing the nuke build

                                    bum farto

                                      Tried it, was good enough in theory but our team was pretty awful


                                          Refresher is a must have. It depends when u get it. It's way too good to skip. It's like refresher on Doom - you just don't skip it, because it's so good. I think refresher is mostly a 5-6th item on him.


                                            why would u ever go for refresher anyways, when you can go midas=>skull busher=>mom, easiest +16 pts of my entire life.


                                              fairly certain any serious player knows it is blink+aghs+veil+dagon+eblade+bots and refresher on courier - a whopping 2,963 damage after reductions/amplifications for a normal 25% magical resistance hero.