General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease, take a seat. Tell me what made you angry or salty today?

Please, take a seat. Tell me what made you angry or salty today? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Dey say doto is like a double edged sword. It can bring sorrow and joy. What made you feel the negatives recently?


      econometrics midterms test

        Livin' Real Good

          Playing Dota, then after that, realizing that I need to continue to strive for more in my life, not just play this game as much as I do.


            some scrub telling me my sf sucks when it has beaten the likes of fata np.


              My bank delaying my credit card, so I can't buy a new PC for another week at least.

              Bad Intentions

                Yo alt, wat specs u going for? Pls elaborate.

                Bad Intentions

                  Also guise, always remember, we all get bad gamez, its how we rebound that matters! :]


                    AMD FX-8350 4.0GHz 8-Core Processor
                    16Gb RAM
                    SSD 128 + 2Gb HDD
                    GTX 960 video

                    Hope that's gonna be enough to play some dotka, but I haven't solved my internet problem yet. It's limited (15 gbs a month, like, wtf) and ping is fucking trash, up to 800 ms all the time. Speed is good though.

                    Sexo Meister

                      I fcked up my jaw when eating raw meat

                      Salty af


                        Bear Grylls?

                        Khal Drogo

                            being forced to go out to do something absolutely useless (basically just spending time with classmates while being drenched in rain)



                              PLEASE GET INTEL CPU!!! I have similar PC. You're not gonna get high framerates with that cpu, because dota benefits more from single core performance. I mean you're still gonna be able to get ~100 fps, but not consistent, meanwhile with decent Intel core i5 you wouldn't even drop below 100.


                                An alch that didn't get to the bounty rune in time (turns out it didn't matter because he went acid level 1 anyway) went radiance manta build (slowly) and fed 1-12. Then flamed my ursa for being greedy.

                                Oh and scratched my cornea on a leaf whilst gardening. Go figure...


                                  Tried to order with the Taco Bell app for 50% off entire order and it didn't fucking work because I don't know my VISA check out password.

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    I was forced to play League with my friends -_-


                                      I miss my ex gf, does that counts?


                                        a guy picking naga mid after my am saying "hero challenge, it's pub XD"


                                          fucking -100 mmr fucking retarded mm adasdboa :crazy:


                                            hey only -75 mmr what a nice day nvm then 4Head

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              @shred, that definitely does count. Q.Q

                                              Now you're (somewhat) like Sampson, his girlfriends out of town, and now little Gondar is lonely. :(

                                              Bad Intentions

                                                ^lol samps retiring bh btw :D and going all in for DOOM :D


                                                  @triple i feel you.i just done poorly on my eco final . gl

                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                    Ahh damn heroes dat dey only picked 5 times in their doto history!

                                                    plz do

                                                      SSD 128 + 2Gb HDD

                                                      nice 2GB HDD is up to date? 128MB ssd or what? win95 will run smoothly on that!

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        I just read dat shit, I want my CM aura back :(

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          lol samp she be back dont worry, just a couple of days left :]


                                                            the thought that donald trump could actually very well be the president of the us

                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                              The thought that Salza could very well not be the President of the US.

                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                Storm spirit zapped my laptops DC jack. got very salty about it.


                                                                  I had college today.
                                                                  That's it.


                                                                    Have slept 2 hours in literally 2 days... but lie in bed for hours and can't sleep
                                                                    Very salty about that right now xD

                                                                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                      finally realizing my days as a land-based organism might be numbered, and I wouldn't be able to play dota often anymore since I'll be off as a merchant seafarer :(


                                                                        9,733,558 Hand of Midas games this month. 43.96% winrate.

                                                                        What is it about the shiny gold fingers that makes people forget that they need a real item to fight during the next 10 minutes before HoM finally returns to something other than a net loss of gold and no real item?


                                                                          errr, that is the wr of the games that they had it at the end - of course it is low. what about the winrate when they get 7-slotted?

                                                                          and it isn't just about the money - a lot of heroes use it to rush level 16.

                                                                          as for me, i just rapier threw a game because no-one else on my team bought any vision for 45mins against a sb sniper, sk and ta. despite me even leading by example and getting a kill everytime i used one.

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            Midas is life


                                                                              Rocket its just that sort of thinking that causes people to get the Midas. Visions of 40k networth dance in their heads. But if you were in the game farming that well, for so long that you achieved 6 slot... much less 7... If you farmed that much, then you could easily have already won the game if you got real items and helped and someone else carried you for a very, very long time while you afk farmed.

                                                                              But getting carried by your team while you make your midas "pay off" is not what usually happens. There are not a lot of games where hidden midases created the gold for tons of extra items. Thats bullshit. The most gold you can possibly get from a Hand of Midas is enough for ONE major item. And that is only if the game takes forever. Reality is HoM sucks, and causes the loss a super majority of the times it is purchased. 66% ---- 2 out of 3 times that someone gets HoM they lose the game ----

                                                                              Hand of Midas gives you AT BEST 114 more gpm. Usually its far less because of non-optimal usage. If you get HoM at 10 minutes, by 60 minutes the maximum extra gold obtained with it is only 5700 - enough for ONE major item. If you get 6 sloted it is never because of Hand of Midas. It is always because your team controlled the map enough for you to farm forever.

                                                                              HoM is only good for certain heroes in unusual situations where the XP gain is important to reach critical levels sooner while roaming. Or if you can get it insanely early, like the current IMBA situation with alchemist and bounty runes. Even for Alchemist, he had better get to radiance quick and start fighting or that HoM purchase is a game loser. 32% winrate for HoM alchemist... if he keeps it, HoM sucks. Still having bottle at the end of the game is superior (36% winrate).

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                Midas gives you xp, not gold. It's good on a hero like doom for reaching his max ult sooner, plus being able to max Q for gold without neglecting other spells completely. It's probably a net minus on alch, but if it gets you more levels so you can max greed sooner I could see it being decent.

                                                                                I'm on a general streak of bad mornings. My wife has decided that she needs 90 minutes to prepare in the morning, ok that's fine, but now she's getting up at the same time and requiring that I feed our child and do all the morning prep so they can get to their places on time. She used to just get up and get them both ready in the same time frame. Basically I'm sacrificing my sleep so she can blow dry her hair. I'm fucking pissed. Been getting up an hour earlier than my norm for like two weeks. I'm not really sure how this came to be either. Just one day she said I need your help in the mornings you better get up. and then a couple days later I realized wait a second, she is blow drying her hair for 45 mins while I feed the kid wtf. Maybe I will shave her while she sleeps, problem solved. Though she'd still insist I join in the morning prep work. Apparently my idea of getting up and going to work while she does stay at home mom things is too chauvinistic.

                                                                                Oh and she got in the shower at 6am this morning but didn't turn her 6:30am alarm off. What a bitch.


                                                                                  Haha I feel you man. I work from home with an eighteen month old child and have similar experiences with the mum :-D


                                                                                    I agree that a lot of people get Midas cos they are greedy but there are plenty of situations where Midas works. I get it on mid warlock to speed up my level 3 golem and aghs+refresher. I don't need 2k gold early game - I'd rather invest it in speeding up my power spikes. Getting to level 2 golems is much more valuable for my build.

                                                                                    I like it on core necro too. You need points in sadist and death pulse to sustain spam - Midas helps.

                                                                                    Another time it is good is when you've had a great first few minutes but your team won't be able to profit from it so bank that Midas and you have given up some early game lead to make the rest of the game easier.

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      It's just dumb, if you look at what we actually accomplish in a day I do so much more than her, I do way more than 50% of the responsibilities, but because I do shit faster and sleep 3 or 4 hours less per night than she does and like to play dota, she bitches me out for not doing my share. I have to pick up all her slack. Most the time it doesn't bug me but this morning it did.

                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                        Yo dire, mann dats tough! so wats her general thoughts on u playing d game we all love? doto :)

                                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                                          ^in addition, will u buying ur child some doto stuff like plushies n stuff?

                                                                                          Greygrey the Sailor

                                                                                            A guy abandoned a ranked game as antimage, he demanded carry then said he hates dota actually and uninstalled mid game, needless to say, we lost


                                                                                              ^ he'll be back..


                                                                                                we were stomping and our death prophet sold her bloodstone on accident and then we proceeded to get raped.


                                                                                                  I got a bit mad when we almost lost a won game and delayed it to 68 min waste of time. Need to teach people how to throw less.

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    no my child is already spoiled as hell. She doesn't act spoiled and is really well behaved actually but between her two sides of grandparents and my wife she has enough toys to start her own daycare. She has at least a hundred stuffed animals already, maybe 20 barbie dolls, probably 200 children's books and 20 or so board games. She has a scooter, a powerwheel 4 wheeler, a tricyle and a bike and she is three. She's the only grandchild on both sides so she gets their full attention when it comes to presents.

                                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                                      Yo dire, nice but have ya seen dem doto plushies? dey r nice man :D

                                                                                                      So wats d wife think bout doto? u playing doto in general?