General Discussion

General DiscussionEE-Sama

EE-Sama in General Discussion

    So I only made a twitch account recently and thought I'd relax and unwind after my games last night. I watched some recording of a recent stream from Envy, might have been a month or so ago..

    I honestly can't watch this guy for more than 2 minutes without absolutely pissing myself with laughter. To start off there's this girly dramatic anime music in the background, this set me off. Then EE finally finally finds a game, great. He spams the shit out of his team in the picking phase to basically make them pick the exact heroes he wants. He takes TA mid, then tells his team he sucks at TA. Feeds the opposing mid 2 times in the first 3min, then abandons the game.

    He finds another game, spams his team to pick undying and spirit breaker etc (i think this was pre-patch) in all caps. His team is trolling the shit out of him, shadow-picking stupid heroes, and making him tell them he loves them before they pick what he wants.

    Pretty much every game he gives his team like 237 different instructions/orders per minute. His teammates always seem to either troll him or ask him to stop. Most of them still listen to EE-sama. Hell, I would always listen to the guy if I ever played with him, but that doesn't been I wouldn't be killing myself laughing at him the entire time.

    Still love u EE-sama..

    I welcome your thoughts, and recommendations on other hilarious streamers.

    King of Low Prio

      EE is autistic as fuk but he does know his shit


        ee is prbably the most disgusting streamer on twitch, but it kinda makes him hilarious, as u said

        actually interesting: lizzard is fun to watch (no sarcasm), singsing's streams are good
        funny rages: HelenaLive (oh my god), Benao (although the stream quality sucks), versuta if u speak russian


          I've watched singx2 a few times, yea he's pretty entertaining to watch just for his reactions and laughing/shouting over the mic :)

          Can't wait for Benao's next stream to hopefully find another Dotabuff mod on there.


            sometimes i mute his stream and imagine it's rtz stream