General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed an opinion about hours and matches played.

Need an opinion about hours and matches played. in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    How many hours/matches you think you have to play to get enough skill/knowledge to be a decent/good player in this game?
    Sorry for bad English.


      what is "enough"?


        " to get enough skill/knowledge"
        enough for what lol?


          fucking triplesteal

          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

            Sorry. Enough to be a decent or good player.


              same problem, what are u calling "decent"? it depends on what you consider to be good enough. 5k mmr? 6k mmr? competitive dota player?


                that's highly dependant on how much are you willing to learn the game, your learning speed (i know there's better term for this but i'm retarded and you know what i mean by it), how much time you actually spend learning and not just jerking around

                also ^^

                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                  mmm Maybe 5.5k or 6k. Nowadays I consider that the early's 5k is just above the average skill with all those smurfs players


                    Naw man 6k is the average nowadays. If you ain't 6k you're garbage.

                    Source = I am garbage

                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                      @Arin I currently do I play just a little, because of business. But I watch a lot of tournaments and ranked games from pro players. I think I have played around 3000 hours.

                      Giff me Wingman

                        everyone learns at a different pace. Some people are still stuck in 2k even after playing years of dota 2 + dota 1

                        plz do


                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                            @Hushhush 10k hours is so huge o.O haha, I'm always around 4,9k - 5,1k and I think that tier is really toxic, everybody's think they're the best player on the whole earth, unless when I play with people above 5,5k


                              actually if you are trying to learn, its enough to play2-3k hrs to get ur ass to 6k level, but it depends on how clever you are overall


                                  assuming you take 6k to be good my friend is 6.4k after 5k matches played

                                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                    @T o m i a That's a big number. Between my two acc, I have around 2500 matches. I started play dota 3 years ago.


                                      well yea i guess. i dont think most people could reach it even after 10k games though. Another friend who is a genius of sorts got it after 4k games.


                                        just in case - i have ~7000 games in dota

                                        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                          How mmr do you have guys and matches played?

                                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                            Yes I think reach to 6k needs a bit of talent too.


                                              low 5ks with 7k games. i never tried to learn or improve myself, just played for fun. with a better attitude you can achieve way more, and do it faster.


                                                5k with 2.5-3k games spread across different accounts

                                                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                  Low 5k is above the average like I said, many times I play in front of 6k players and the diference is really huge in comparassion of 5k and 4k.
                                                  I love this game but lately I can't play too much.


                                                    the median mmr is 2800


                                                      also, side note
                                                      if u r willing to learn and play with decent players, never play NMM
                                                      all the good players play rmm-only unless they are abusing smthng or planning to do shit. you wont rly see any 4k+ games in NMM; and u cant learn fast by playing with, eh, speaking directly - scrubs.

                                                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                        I think to reach from 5k to 6k I need to play a lot more than I used to. I can leave the game for a month and I don't see many diferences in my own skills and reaction.

                                                        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                          Yes I usually play Normal Matchmaking and I see a lot of scrubs player, I don't know why. but in one of my latest games I played against one player from my country who have 7000MMR and 60% winrate and obviously I got Rekt.

                                                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                            I will try to play again Ranked.