General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat keeps you playing dota?

What keeps you playing dota? in General Discussion

    I know this was a topic mentioned by Bad Intentions a while ago, but I'd like to bring it back up since new people are on the forums.

    What keeps you playing dota? is it the feeling of a victory? crushing your opponents? trash talking with your team?

    I'm pretty sure we all would have better lives if we quit playing this game, but what keeps us going?B


      Knowing 9 out of 10 times when I pick Pudge mid I will dominate the lane and absolutely annihilate their mid player that will end up calling me bad for stomping him which is pure enjoyment.


        Getting fucked in the bum by other players


          I dunno, maybe dota is a mental disease or something.
          Anyway, I play for the feeling of competing, outplaying people. I'd be the one who's sweating in every game, trying to win no matter what.

          Miku Plays

            my lc arcana


              So much great storylines. NaVi vs China @TI2 (before my time), El Classico NaVi vs Alliance, Secret 2.0 vs. EG 2015, Speed Gaming MLG 2013, etc.
              Puppey and PPD's drafts. I idolized Puppey during his time at NaVi as he became my favorite Dota 2 player while learning the game. I also like PPD's drafts as he made Zai a rich position 4. I don't know what else.
              Arteezy, DeMoN, Puppey, AdmiralBulldog, Notail, streams.


              and idk, mainly esports is what makes me keep playing Dota if I get tilted off of it.

              Bad Intentions

                Its about the different elements dat doto brings mann. Competitiveness, team play, social, creativity, trashtalk, updates, dominance etc etc

                All the good stuff n bad stuff mann

                Plus add the eye candy n hats

                Dis one hell ov a game dat hard not to get hooked

                Every tilt n feed gets rewarded by rampages n win streaks

                Etc etc just an overall entertaining game :D


                  There is still many shit that i need to master ini doto2

                  Putins Price Hike



                      I have nothing else to do


                        Well I used to play alot of COD back in my console days and games like Black Ops 1 had weekly leaderboards for score per minute which is similar to GPM i guess... ANYWAYS me and my friend were pretty much the best pub stompers on xbox, We'd be in the top 10 in world weekly and i think overall top 200 all time. ( I think off hand my best TDM game was going like 64-2 on jungle and the kill cap is 75, so yea i was basically THAT guy.)

                        Long story short, Being the best in the world at something is kinda addictive for me, so when i started playing dota and saw all this esports stuff i kinda really got into it. Sadly im just below 5k solo but playing for 2 years i dont think its too bad really... I'd love to relive my cod days and be on the EU Leaderboards but sadly dota isnt a 1 v 6 twitch shooter and its not as easy as dota....

                        I'm looking forward to giving Overwatch a go when the beta comes out in a few days, Supposedly its blizzards next big team fortress esports game.


                          To dumpster kids.


                              tfw no gf




                                  Dank memes

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    Discovering forgotten heroes like ET or SD and win

                                    plz do

                                      grinding mmr (im bad, it takes forever).


                                        i just want to get good at a videogame because i'm pretty competetive but too stupid/not physically strong enough to get good at something "normal"
                                        also i don't have much else to do since school doesn't motivate me enough to study hard (i'm passing with As/Bs easily) and my social life is nonexistant

                                        and yeah sometimes it's actually enjoyable


                                          The back-and-forth-shifting momentum in games that are actually close.

                                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                            yes people don't care what they do as long as they are not alone and happily jerking each other off, the subject matter barely matters shit to them, therefore customers downgrade the product with their low class taste and demand.


                                              ^ well i'm alone, which would mean that i have a good taste for things
                                              but i grew bitter over time and now i don't find fun or enjoyment in anything besides physics and dota


                                                I played dota because 1) most of my friends dota since we are all poor international students so we cant afford consoles and shit. Dota is free, free things are life, life is bae. 2) Dota completely removes all the stress i have with school and in the cast of last semester a roommate problem in which he ran away after taking 1000 dollars from me and cut all contact with me. Dota became a huge part of my daily life together with martial arts and my grades just crashed last semester. I didnt have an account because i never had the time to create one so my friend just let me use his old 1k account (he's 4k and he's the one who's been watching my games and helping me get to where I am now with this actual acccount of mine). I am cutting the amount of dota this year so i can bring my grades back up but it is one of the two activities which allows me to escape from the shit show that is our world.
                                                Also i'd rather not spend time with "friends" who claim to be friends but rarely involve me in their activities. The only group of surefire friends i have are thsoe in my dance club and my martial arts community. The rest are mere acquaintances and hook up possibilities.


                                                  Playing with friends and flame them with the dankest memes


                                                    Money i spent on hats.

                                                    Also my GF talking too much.


                                                      Main thing that keeps me playing this game is how shit I am.
                                                      Doesn't matter how hard you try, how much you play, you'll always be shit.