General Discussion

General Discussionlet's talk sniper

let's talk sniper in General Discussion

    this hero is in the right spot, hes good in few scenarios else is shit


      I love sniper, check my dotabuff. Draft him against the right enemies without range, you will dominate early game, farm fast and safe mid game, and be one of the strongest carries late game. I think going for MoM is not great anymore, I changed my build to HotD - Mjollnir instead.

      Dire Wolf

        He's still working. Helps when your mid dominates so they have no chance to gank you. Setting up duels was so easy, I'd lead with ult so it'd hit just as duel began, make blinks easy for lc, then we'd 2 shot the target.

        Their team seems like a kind of team that would give sniper tons of trouble, wr to dive and stun you, pa to dive you, doom just in general sucks to play vs, wyvern to ult you, stun you from really far away, jakiro huge stun. But they really couldn't touch me I got such a good start and had a team to block for me. I'm going to try to work deso into my normal build when ahead, it hits so hard.