General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Windrunner support no longer viable?

Is Windrunner support no longer viable? in General Discussion

    I've considered myself to be top 10 BEST at being top 10 WORST Windrunner players in the world.

    Anyway, is this no longer a thing? I usually play with West coasters @ 139+ ping. So I tell em I'd prefer to support most of the time. Well, thing is, it ain't working.

    I've been playing CSGO a lot more and don't really like to try new heroes as much as I used to, so I'm always just picking CM or Enigma because those are my regular heroes I choose, so that I can play and not get bored with my friends who are more into Dota than I used to be. Anyway enough of my life story.

    I'm now a boy just trying to get my Windrunner winrate to 50% LOL What can I do, or should I call it quits?

    Thanks, dont look at the stats boys!!!


      There is no hero called "Windrunner".

      If you talk about Windranger, it's hard to find a place for her as a support. 3.75 seconds stun sounds good, but you need levels and it's unreliable (at least until you get Blink Dagger).

      Or you plan to max Power Shot first? Be careful then, watching support WR trying to land long-range Power Shot may cause eye bleeding for your teammates.


        move on and pick a stronger support. your ulti is useless without items

          Mind Games

            Windrun is actually good if you want to harass and possibly zone enemies laning


              what makes a good support? I'll just pick huskar to harass and possibly zone enemies laning

                Mind Games

                  That is why support Windrunner is no longer viable... K Kitrak I concede, arguing with you is so mentally exhaustive, I have to wake up early like at 6 tomorrow


                    Windrunner support isn't that good. You need a lot of levels, your stun is not very reliable, and you rely on sceptre to make your ulti actually usable.


                      Windranger was never good support, she's fuckin godlike mid and pretty good offlaner tho. With aghs, blink/sb and 1 dmg item she can kill pretty much any hero 1 vs 1 with shakle.

                      Mind Games

                        I believe I won most of my early Windrunner games playing her as support, but that was like 2014 and nowadays people get damage items on her, something which I actually would digress at a year ago... well anyway I was 1K or sumth then and I used to put people and principles into neat little boxes so yeah...

                        waku waku

                          it never was as far as i'm concerned :c

                          Mind Games

                            3.5 sec stun is actually very gamebreaking if you manage to land it, powershot is good waveclear (but a costly harrassing skill) windrun I've already told you all my point 6 replies ago, ss even with no aghs and you can push towers nicely... offlaner she is /thread

                            Livin' Real Good


                              Yeah i'm not even gonna comment, I don't know enough about Wind Ranger support!

                              But Blood stone on her for spamming power shots and respawning quickly sounds so fun now that I think of it, even though it's probably useless on her, gonna try it. :L


                                she is 0 as a support


                                  ^Listen this clever dog, boiz.

                                  D the Superior

                                      rip trying to get winrate up. Don't like queuing solo anymore either LOL oh well hahaha. My early days when I was still new to this game cost me the winrate now lols


                                        As other people have pointed out, WR support doesn't work because your ulti is useless without aghs + proc item/deso/etc.


                                          It doesn't depend upon the patch or the pro plays. it just depends upon hw u play "IT".. support or carry it depends on ur playstyle. :)


                                            it never has been agood suport


                                              She needs too many levels and needs some items for positioning, Its very greedy to play as a support

                                              Miku Plays

                                                shes a selfish ginger

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  In pubs you can play her as a lane support, force some kills, get tons of gold, have the games drag on, get aghs and damage items, and suddenly your lane support windranger has aghs maelstrom mkb 30 minutes into the game.


                                                    In 2013/2014, I play windranger as a support.., mostly because the SS manacost was huge back then.. something like 300/400, ( I dont remember).., In dota1 windranger usually played for kiting and juking.. back then as windrunner support, I just build meka, forcestaff, eul, dagger, and linken, then you would easily initiate and surviving.., well, time change..

                                                    Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                      its a complete waste of her abilities if you want to play support with her......she has much more utility as a semi carry and pusher

                                                      plus with any one damage item she can blink in shackle and focus fire kill their main carry if there's a suitable distraction so that she doesnt get kited or even if she does you still have wind run

                                                      aghs cd is actually kind of a must on her as the cd reduction is really can even rat to an extent with wr