General Discussion

General Discussionblink ember

blink ember in General Discussion
Welt aus Eis


    Riguma Borusu

      pros b diggin dat shit yo


        Theyve already used it


          the more skilled you are, the mre viable this build becomes. however, at mid 5k mmr pub game its certainly suboptimal.


            Digress - leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing.

            Livin' Real Good

              Digress huh? Interesting word to use....

              I dunno, but it's funny you made this topic, I literally thought about this the moment I woke up, no idea why, then you bring it up, weird.


                yea 7k ember in my game (AU server) did it and wrecked

                Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                  i dont really see the point of it at all tbh....i actually go BoT core on ember blink just seems overkill on him....becomes almost a waste of a slot...not saying its bad but you could put that 2250 into something better really

                  he already has above average mobility

                  Riguma Borusu

                    "he already has above average mobility"

                    If you play against really good people, they can still lock you down. And if you are really good you can still blink out of dire situations and have one more tool when split pushing and jumping to fights. Ember will never manfight, you really want to build mobility and damage on him, so that they can never attack you, and you can always attack them when you want it. This is actually very unlike other mobile carries like PA and AM who are actually going to manfight you, probably bash your skull in before you get to do significant (or, really, any) damage. Ember has superior potential damage with equal farm and much greater mobility without any items, BUT really suffers from getting locked down. PA with BKB, butterfly, treads, battlefury, satanic, abyssal blade can still get caught and murder 5 people if she's ahead. A fully 6 slotted ember might get caught by a lone carry 5 levels bellow him with less farm and still just get murdered. A PA with treads abyssal alone, is probably going to kill him if he doesn't tank up or escape in time. But tanking up still isn't good enough in some cases, so a blink is an extreme measure at being escapey as fuck, which is why it seems that the best players pick up blinks, and is not really recommended for worse players who don't have as great awareness and reflexes. Essentially, if you're really good, you can consider ember's remnants and blink to offer 100% damage evasion in practical sense. But IF you're really good. I've watched Nanyang championships these days and it seems that blink ember has really caught up with really really good ember players. Aside from being used defensively, Matumbaman uses it to SoF people pretty far away, you can have all the vision you want, but you still don't expect ember who just used his remnants to jump 2000 units and one shot your two supports.

                      Welt aus Eis

                        so i guess im not ever buying it

                        Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                          1. you have 3 remnants.

                          2. you should never find yourself in a position where all 3 of them are used up.

                          3. always have a remnant ready after the laning stage is up be it while pushing or even when farming

                          4. build BoT

                          5. make manta if they start building silences.

                          6. if you get caught out as ember, chain stunned, chain silenced you die there's no doubt blink or no blink

                          7. the reflexes with blink to save your ass will also work with the remnants

                          8. use up a remnant to initiate only when going for a sure kill/ advantageous gank....else it should be used mostly defensively

                          as the guy above said blink is basically good on every hero but you should only really build it on ember after you get atleast a few of your other damage items and i think it's very situational


                            Uh. The way it's supposed to be used can be like.. U put a remnant behind then u use blink in place of an aggressive remnant to fuck up supports or whatever.
                            Also accelerate ur farm aft fury more than another small crit or whatever. It's a super good item


                              Dagger ember allows u to Manfight ppl..


                                @Retard Magnet, so you never tripple remnant to get a kill? I am a pretty defensive ember player, but I use all 3 remnants all the time to initiate on heros.


                                    and thats why u often see guys who stream on twitch and pros not investing more than one point in remnant untill the end of the game


                                      most importantly, the blink is used to initiate
                                      because you can't always jump in with remnant and turn around and pop a defensive one
                                      and when you're using SoF+chains combo, you are wasting two of your three skills to interrupt or dodge spells which is not always what you want


                                        Singsing uses 4-0-4 storm build it becomes meta, he buys blink on ember it becomes meta, sny tidehunter new meta incoming


                                          when would you buy blink on ember though, if going travels it seems a bit dodgy cause then you have no damage and rthe sustain is only from fouintain, even if you buy it after battlefury, you're still gonna be doing very little dmg, so when would you get it

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            Blink is only good if you are ahead.

                                            End of story.