General Discussion

General Discussion In which division are you?

In which division are you? in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    I know It's only for the ones who pay for Dotabuff Pluss.
    The division really shows your own skill?
    I'm on Diamond 7 , only Slark in diamond 9.


      I'm Platinum 7, 3660mmr and ~4k unranked mmr

      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

        That's say something, you're in 3.6k tier and you're Platinum I'm 4987 ranked solo and I'm Diamond Division. Accurate.

        < blank >

          I'm Challenger 2


            I actually have a friend who is 4.2 and diamond 10
            It doesn't depend on mmr

            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

              With all heros is Diamond 10?


                His lowest hero is d8 iirc


                  it depends on the average MMR of the matches you play, actually, if i'm not mistaken


                    the problem is that the system doesnt define this average mmr well enough, tho

                    lm ao

                      I'm 9k

                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                        I think it depends the IMPACT you have with each hero you play, the players that you play against. Slark is my best on KDA, GPM, and winrate, his division is Diamond 9, and others only 7.


                          how can dotabuff know the average mmr of an unranked game?
                          btw my theory is about the "history" of the account. I climbed from 1k so i'm only platinum, my friend calibrated around 4500 i think and always played vhs


                            diamond 10 with pretty much every hero, only several days ago dropped to diamond 9 until my plus expired


                              division is the same for all the heroes u play, but it updates only after a match with this hero. if you play a game with slark now, you'll find urself in d7 for this hero, too


                                I got too many LP games and DOTABUFF COUNTS THEM. From diamond 10 I'm down to platinum 5 already.


                                  ^ how the hell are lp games changing your divison when it's entirely different matchmaking and even 6k people like kitrak get to high skill bracket


                                    lp games should affect ur division because you still get easy wins with high stats there cz everyone is retarded


                                      You mean EZ LOSSES IN NORMAL SKILL GAMES


                                        WITH -INF KDA


                                          I found that the highest division I've obtained for a hero was Platinum 2 for Lich and the lowest was Silver 3 for Pudge. The divisions update based on the most recent game played with the hero and I think this is inappropriate.

                                          Instead the level at which each game was played for each hero should be used to determine the heroes level. If I play a single game of a hero with a very high ranking in a normal skill game its ratng drops all the way down even if I was 27-0 and won the game. Similarly if I play a single game of a low ranking hero in a Very High game the rating for that hero skyrockets even if I fed and lost.

                                          bum farto

                                            i went from d10 to d3 in one game with a hero and never went back up no matter how many solo games i played