stats => stats => stats => stats => stats => stats => stats => stats => stats => stats => stats.
items are 6 bracers.
Well you could try going E,Q,E,W,E,R,E. then max W then Q taking ult when you can. but 4 real u don't want to do that shit. Just take stats. once you cant take stats any more just don't level anything at all, those extra buttons will only make you play badly.
there are many skillbuilds and imo you should change it accordingly to the game
it's a farming game? max W
it's a teamfight game? your team have disables? max E they don't? max Q
maxing Q is viable and really strong
enemies will hit themselves for 30-40% hp in the early game, with 15 sec cd
item build is treads aquila (drums) sny/manta skadi bfly
TBs skill build is extremely awkward because every one of his abilities is worth maxing and they all scale linearly, there's no `value point' ability like most heroes have. However, unless you're constantly ganking or 5-manning, you should always max your illusions by level 10-11 to start farming the map properly.
Item build is quite rigid on the other hand. In 90% of games there's no reason to deviate from drums-travels-manta-skadi-bfly/bkb, even if you're a bit behind.
What skill build and what item build should I go for?