General Discussion

General DiscussionI LOVE VALVE

I LOVE VALVE in General Discussion

    Reduces cooldown of Meat Hook to 4 seconds and increases damage from 360 to 475
    The previous upgrade is now part of the Dismember Dismember, so it is already a decently sized buff to the hero even without the upgrade. The upgrade itself is... amazing, really. Even without the extra damage, being able to hook every 4 seconds and having mana for multiple hooks might as well bring hero into the professional scene and high level public matchmaking. A combination of Hook-Dismember-Hook deals tons of damage, while unreliability of Hook as an initiation tool is outweighed by the increased amount of tries you get in a time period. It is going to be interesting to see how it plays out, but I have extremely high hopes for these changes.


      Come to Pudge! ^_^

      lm ao


        Nobody can dethrone king of pubs
        Death to your stupid WR and Shadow Fiend


          pudge might become an actually worthy pick for the first time in a while (probably since pudge-chen combo was patched 2 years ago).


            Which means Hanter + good team = 90%+ win rate when picking pudge sounds good guys no kappa.

            waku waku

              i don't see how scepter is any good on him honestly


                Lol? you joking right? You can easily burst down anyone with e blade/aghs if you're fed.


                  hes good enough w/o sceptre


                    i actually think that u can rush sceptre as ur first item after boots now, it might be even more legit than mobility items


                      or otherwise just dont get it at all


                        Bottle > tranquils > urn (optional) or straight blink > force > aghs > ethereal blade > heart/cuirass/shivas/octarine core.


                          Pudge is good now and has big solo kill potential even withouth aghs, even tho aghs is good now too. Good to hear you got your top hero buffed you russian shitstain xD


                            thank u very much lowweight bratan 5head elekappa

                            Win Yo Fagot

                              "Time to pudge"
                              for a top pudge eu like me its gonn be awesome

                              waku waku

                                it's just that i never stomp my games hard enough for aghs to be worthwhile i just get items which prevent my team from getting stomped by some cancer on enemy team like euls, f***staff, blink dagger

                                plz do

                                  pudgefangays are gay. #noh0mohate


                                    OCTARINE AGH PUDGE
                                    3 SECOND COOLDOWN HOOK


                                      finally ill play the butcher again

                                      waku waku

                                        AcTuAlLy I tAkE tHaT bAcK iT iS fUcKiNg Op Gg ValVe

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Pudge has been a shit tier hero for a while, even though I hate this hero I am happy to see him buffed to actually be useful. GJ Valve.


                                            yea , with agh and aether lens pudge , you cant fucking walk around in teamfight anymore

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              Today I saw pudge buy lens and then proceed to dismember people from fucking cliffs. So fucking good.


                                                  volvo pls giff riki aghs make him immune to true sight

                                                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                    lol pick slardar = dead pudge in 5 hits....3 with solar crest


                                                      New hero of 6.86 patch - the HookRider.


                                                        Pudge has actually never been a shit hero, there's just only a few players that can play him very good, with this update those very good players will become god tier players and other lower tier players will become decent.

                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                          Yeah, Pudge is sick now, at least I don't have to worry about an instaloss whenever a teammate picks him. :D