General Discussion

General DiscussionThe rat is back!!!!

The rat is back!!!! in General Discussion

    NP has always been my favourite hero, and this patch.... with the slower movement speed + way bigger map, the right click rat np is fucking OP.

    sea of green, 5k mmr here I come!!! lol

      Riguma Borusu

        how you actually managed to get sub 50% wr with this hero in ns/hs is actually beyond me, esp if you play him that much.

        D the Superior

            magnus.... is that a redwall pic? That was like my favourite book series as a kid :)

            and to all the haters.... I never gave up on NP, even in the blood cyka, troll, and storm spirit meta days.....

            but the day of NP is upon me once again, and ALL OF YOUR MMR ARE BELONG TO ME!!! :D nom nom nom

            Riguma Borusu

              Just sayin', if you stay sub 50%, you won't get the MMRs.

              D the Superior

                  How do you do it bro? Ive got 40% win rate on him over 100 matches ( he was literally my first hero. hit the ground spamming I'm). but i started playing him again now but i still can't really grind MMR with him


                    a s**t ton of map awareness, I'm really liking null talisman + 3 branches > midas > power treads > gloves of haste > javelin as an opener so far...

                    depending on the other heroes, blademail if they got burst like clinkz etc, if not then just straight maelstorm into deso into mkb and rat like a mother f**ker + tp into teamfights for OP right clicks lol.

                    The other thing I'm loving about this new patch, asides from the int gain on np, the treants are a force to be reckoned with. If someone at like level 3-4 comes to 1v1 gank you, pop treants and diddle them in the bu**hole lol.

                    D the Superior

                        trees meta is good


                          He had 70% winrate this patch. the whole fucking post is about this patch "Fuck my life" is a retard


                            How does anyone spam the same hero for 10 games in 1 day I mean I would get sick of playing 10 games a day of pudge only.

                            Sexo Meister


                              Skaven much? You nurgle pig


                                Back in ~6.82-6.83 I used to just stack null talis and then BM and go gank and bait everything. Shit KDA but we usually won cause of the rat and baits. But hey I'm normal skill what do I know


                                  he is strong from the 1 game i played with him


                                    NP was awful in 6.82-5 lol.

                                    I lost so many games because I didn't give up on him, but the bloodcyka's troll warlords and storm spirits were just too stronk

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      ^no, you're just shit at the hero (and dota in general)

                                      I mean, I pick LC against a ton of heroes who are really good vs her for various reasons, and I play around that and still manage to win 60% games with an okay-ish KDA (but not good or great), because I die for objectives if that means rax go down, etc, and I tend to die for initiation & duels quite a bit.

                                      If you play NP carefully you can continue to splitpush pretty safely, but judging from your builds, it's no wonder why you feed more than you splitpush with that hero, it has nothing to do with the hero being good or bad, it's got to do with how you play him.

                                      You've got almost 500 games on that hero, and you never learned to play him, that's incredible.


                                        lol +5 troll points fml.

                                        Well played, you are a master at your craft :D

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          I am not trolling you, you're just legitimately shit. Somehow you want to play rat dota, but build no necros, no aghs, no refreshers, no octarines, you want to hit towers with your hero and build in such a way, and keep dying because people aren't complete retards and can right click you to death. That's the stupidest way to play NP imaginable, and that's why you're losing, how does it take 500 games for you to realize?

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!