General Discussion

General Discussion6.86 patch

6.86 patch in General Discussion
K a i -

    toughest and weakest heroes of this patch
    comment below
    easiest hero to play and most fun to play

    7Mad About You

      Toughest hero = Chen
      Weakest Hero = Chen
      Easiest Hero = Chen


        Most fun hero = Chen

        waku waku

          ^ did you feed on purpose in your last game or what?

          K a i -

            just asking
            wanna have sum fun

            waku waku

              i like chaos knight


                Lone druid is actually pretty good now with the new savage roar and buffs not gonna lie


                  yes i did @undertale is nice


                    First game that I played Riki in years, yesterday. Got a rampage (assisted by his new ulti).

                    That was pretty fun.

                    Also Luna's Ulti is really fun with Aghanims now. The 0.3 second timer for each beam is crazy. Great anti-rosh tool.


                      Oracle still very weak. His ultimate is now literally a 9 second shadow grave on a 30 second cooldown, an ultimate that is the same as the basic skill of another hero. Pretty sad.

                      Bloodseeker still very underpowered. 5 second cooldown on his unreliable silence/damage spell at level 4 is nowhere near making up for the massive nerf to bloodseekers early game which the change to thirst in 6.85 made. It honestly reminds me of the pointless buffs to terrorblade's reflection skill when it was the least important part of the hero (and TB was shit tier for several patches in a row while receiving those useless buffs).

                      Anti-mage seems even stronger now since there is even more farm on the map for him to snatch up quickly, although maybe it's just because they teams i am matched with are completely unable to shut down an antimage farming while I get the most cancerous dual offlanes which shut down my farm and the AM apparently gets near freefarm against a tusk/SB lane...I mean wtf...

                      Most fun to play is probably timbersaw because you get to zip around the battlefield. I haven't tried aether lens on him yet but it could be quite fun, probably need to add that into his core item build to remember to build it.


                        weakest huskar.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          ^Huskar + Dazzle combo has not be nerfed, so Huskar still works.

                          7Mad About You

                            Can somebody explain to me about huskar 6.86 changelog (Berserker's Blood) ?

                            "Bonuses are now provided linearly from full 100% to 10% health, instead of stepwise with every 7% health missing."


                              It means you get 0 attack speed above 50% health.

                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                "Although not visible in the HUD due to it no showing enough decimals, each missing point of health grants bonuses."
                                Probably means this. In the past you'd get bonuses for every 7% missing health, while now it increases from any missing health.

                                7Mad About You

                                  zero attack speed above 50% HP ?

                                  no bonus at all?


                                    > Anti-mage seems even stronger now since there is even more farm on the map for him to snatch up quickly, although maybe it's just because they teams i am matched with are completely unable to shut down an antimage farming

                                    The map is so huge now with these additional camps that it's almost impossible to shut down any farming hero. This meta is all about afk farming ricefest, i wonder how people didn't realize that yet after alliance won WCA


                                      The old beserkers blood used to provide bonus attack speed and damage for every 7% of health you were missing. So every time you lost another 7% of your HP you would get a bonus. However if you didn't quite reach the next 7 percent interval, then you would get no bonus till you reached it. For example, if you lost 6 percent HP you wouldn't get any bonus. Once you reached 7% missing HP you get one stack of the bonus. The bonus then wouldn't increase until you were missing 14% HP and so on.

                                      Now it provides the bonus for each point of HP you are missing. So if you are missing 6% HP you get a bonus that is 6/7 of the bonus you normally get at 7% HP. once you drop to 7 its the same bonus you used to get at 7. It then carries on increasing for every point of missing HP, instead of every 7% missing HP until you reach 10% of your HP where the bonus maxes out.



                                        You know dazzle right, the hero picked almost soley for his grave?

                                        Yeah Oracle has that spell, but it also purges debuffs, and has a very good chance of healing you to full at the end instead of you dying.

                                        He also has a much better skillset than dazzle.

                                        But yeah Oracle trash hero kappa.


                                          > has a very good chance of healing you to full at the end instead of you dying.

                                          If 5% is a very good chance