General Discussion

General DiscussionNew medusa build in 6.86?

New medusa build in 6.86? in General Discussion



      did it change since 6.85, and if so, why?

      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac best medusa build for retarded people like i am xd I go bloodstone into w/e i feel like most of the time moon shard rapier and get reported xddd


          Dragon Lance adds range to attacks, an upgrade to quell was released (worth?). Max snake in lanephase or just valuepoint?

          (Written on smartphone, sorry 4 bad sentences)

          Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

            Max snake, it's very strong in lane and mid game

            Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

              And dragon lance ain't good cause it doesn't add range to your q

              Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                You need to be in the middle of the fight not 5000 meters away


                  None of the new items are good on Medusa. Definitely max snake by 7. Its the only way you can actually have a strong lane presence.


                    Yeah it changed triplesteal-, now we can consider taking mana snake.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I've seen some people taking her mid now, but that's just high skill shit.


                        She can win mid with snake spam, but she still wont do anything mid game. If you have another carry safe lane you're pretty much screwed :P


                          i alrdy considered this stuff if i was solo laning, its insanely good to zone out offlaners, and u barely lose any mana points.
                          i thought the question was regarding itemization tbh.


                            I tried to Get oppinions on both :)

                            Riguma Borusu

                              "She can win mid with snake spam, but she still wont do anything mid game. If you have another carry safe lane you're pretty much screwed :P"

                              That's not really true, if she has solo exp @ mid and gets an early level 11, she'll actually be innately tanky and able to help in fights, especially if she actually has some farm too. The problem with medusa has always been that you max snakes for the laning stage, and they used to be generally shit, so you don't have high level mana shield/split shot for fights, but that's with trilanes, if you're solo laning and can now dominate a lane, Midusa is much more viable and useful. However, she'll definitely need space to farm a lot as well, fights are not a reliably source of income (well, they give reliable gold, but it's not reliable that you'll get many kills is what i mean).


                                My way of playing 'dusa is to farm until like 30 mins, take 1-3 fights then go back to farming. If my team starts going high ground and shit and is winning i'll go help them. Otherwise you just keep farming until you are six slotted

                                I max snake, then get 2 points in shield, then 3/4 points in split shot and keep ult at level 1 until i start fighting (lvl 17? 18?)

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