General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked MMR (TBD)

Ranked MMR (TBD) in General Discussion
Mid or tiny airlines?

    I won 9 games in ranked match over 10 games and it only calibrated to 1.9k MMR. I don't get it, my past 9 games were actually, but why did I ended up being in 1.9k. My expectation was I'll be in 2k or 3k MMR, but I ended up being in 1.9k. Can someone, please answer my question?


      Your real MMR is already calculated far ahead of time before your calibration matches. Instead of +-25 MMR, calibration matches give something like +-100 MMR to your 'hidden' MMR, so just be happy that you didn't calibrate below 1.9k.


        It all depends on your hidden mmr before you started playing ranked games. So basically, if you didn't win those 9 games, you'd be lower than 1.9k mmr. Also, your performance in those games affects your mmr as well (as far as I know). If you aren't stomping games where the average mmr is 2k, then that's probably where valve thinks you deserve to be.

        And don't worry, if you really are 3k, you'll climb pretty fast and win more games compared to others.

        Mid or tiny airlines?

          So it means that before I started playing ranked, I already have my MMR?

          Mid or tiny airlines?

            In my past few games, I played with some people who has 2.3k mmr, but in the next games I played with people who has 1.7k. I seriously don't get this.


              i play 10 games for ranked dota that changed more then one game not much change

              first ten were 3337, 3005, 2643, 2515, 2197, 1994, 1773, 1735, 1861, 1432, 1310 so they change much

              but this one only changed -7 MMR


                were u intentionally throwing or what o.o

                when i threw 8 calibration games on this account it went from 4.6 to 4k lol


                  Yes, your MMR is already calculated when you played unranked matches. The MMR is 'hidden', in that you can't see what MMR value you have for unranked games. Once you play your first ranked match, your initial ranked MMR is the same as your unranked MMR. The only difference between a normal ranked match and a calibration ranked match is that your MMR will increase/decrease more from its value while calibrating.


                    I think the "if you are better you will climb quick" is fase, atleast in my MMR bracket. I calibrated an account at 2.8k ish but Im still losing games on this account 1.2k mmr, I did however recently adapt meepo spamming though ;D


                      i lost 8 of my 10 calibration match but i calibrated 4300
                      calibration match is just one of million valve's bullshits
                      sign up with someone who have high mmr account with that email then u start very high skill from the first match if u dont suck too much like end all of ur games ( or most of them ) with 3 kda u easly get 3600 at least

                      i did it 3 time and the lowest mmr was 3800 highest 4700 about 1 year ago


                        Theories and theories again..... im bored of the same shit over and over again.. where is Tripple Steal when u need him....

                        Before u are allowed to play ranked, u have already MMR but its hidden and its from ur normal matchmaking progress.
                        When u reach the certain (x,y) level and u can play 10 calib games, then u have 10 games to Improve ur mmr by MAX +150-200 From ur current hidden and make it appear as ur (Ranked MMR).
                        Wins and Loses doesnt matter on calibration games.
                        all that matters is ur overall performance in comparison to ur opponents and mates and their mmr ( if ur not completely useless on 10 calib then u can get that +100 or +200mmr boost after u finish all 10 games )
                        > another thing is u can obviously climb up the brackets if u are better than the average player of ur bracket..
                        that means that u will lose games cause some games are unwinable but in average lets say u will have 60% winrate in ur bracket. that means improvement = climb
                        and so on..

                        w/e thats it


                          It appears that it is quite possible to gain or lose 2,000 MMR during calibration. Each game in-game stats can change your MMR by large amounts (a few hundred points). In fact it appears you do not even need to win the game to rise, or lose the game to fall.
                          But which stats correlate better with the calibration MMR changes?

                          Let's consider opnub1's games for kda, xpm, and gpm.

                          KDA XPM GPM MMR change Win/Loss
                          0.25 122 183 -332 Loss
                          0.72 338 306 -362 Loss
                          0.78 177 264 -128 Win
                          0.74 127 243 -318 Win
                          0.57 235 217 -203 Loss
                          0.79 296 185 -221 Loss
                          0.47 161 196 -38 Loss
                          1.33 574 647 +126 Win
                          0.69 253 239 -429 Loss
                          0.74 195 246 -122 Loss

                          From this we see that winning or losing is important, but you can still lose a lot of MMR by feeding despite wining the game. The only game he gained MMR was the alchemist game in which he had KDA above 1 and XPM/GPM higher than all other players in the game.

                          It seems that to maximize your calibrated MMR you should:
                          (1) play a hero that gets a lot of kills and assists
                          (2) do not die
                          (3) out farm everyone
                          (4) winning games helps, but may be less important than your stats

                          So when you are ahead in a calibration game farm more kills rather than pushing for the win.
                          When you are losing in a calibration game - rat and dodge fights to increase your stats.

                          If you want to rise after calibration gaining 2000 MMR is much harder. You need a net +80 wins to achieve this.

                          Win 80 games in a row 100% winrate
                          Win 90% of 100 games
                          Win 80% of 135 games
                          Win 70% of 200 games
                          Win 60% of 400 games
                          Win 55% of 800 games
                          Win 52% of 2000 games

                          If you cannot, by yourself, ensure a win despite all the feeders on a very consistent basis it takes forever to climb MMR.

                          King of Low Prio

                            If you can not carry a team to win then your MMR reflects where you should be


                              im sure he fed intentionally, like 20+ deaths at 1k mmr is unreal


                                Now lets consider Are You A Pro's games. He win's 9/10 games but does he have better stats than his team?

                                KDA is best 5.8 vs 4.2 for Alchemist
                                GPM was 491, while Alchemist had 1018
                                You probably gained a nice 100 MMR, but Alchemist got the big boost.

                                KDA is 2nd at 18, while PA has 24
                                GPM is only 4th place

                                KDA is 3rd place, GPM is 10th (last) and you lost, probably lost a lot of MMR this game

                                KDA is 2nd, GPM is almost the same as everyone on the team - small gain

                                KDA is 3.1 not much better than your team, GPM is 3rd place - small gain

                                KDA is 3rd, GPM is 3rd - small gain

                                KDA 5th, GPM 7th - small MMR loss despite winning the game

                                KDA is 10th (last), GPM is 9th, won the game - probably lost a lot of MMR anyway

                                KDA barely 1st, GPM is 8th - maybe a small gain, maybe lost MMR

                                KDA 4th, GPM 5th - won the game maybe a small gain, maybe lost MMR

                                It looks like you really did not have the kind of break-out performances that Valve would recognize as requiring a much higher MMR. Only the very first game of Slark looks likely to have jumped up a lot.


                                  @Relentless could you do mine as well please? :)


                                    @vlad 3000 he fed a lot of kills, but I think the gpm is important too in explaining the large MMR losses.

                                    Consider this Anti-mage game -
                                    9 lasthits at 40 minutes


                                      dont pay too much attention to ur calibration games, pay more attention to ur 1st 10 or so games on this account.

                                      ur scores on ur first 5 or so games went something like this:


                                      as of this moment u were already like 1k mmr. winning some games since then including the calibration ones has helped u build it up from there.

                                      if u want to smurf right u need to dominate ur 1st 10 games or so with really good KDA's and GPM's... but then to be honest ur gonna drop back to 2k eventually so i wouldnt bother.


                                        KDA 2nd 14.5 looks good... but DK got 36. GPM is 3rd - small gain

                                        KDA 6th, GPM 7th - probably lost lost MMR despite win

                                        KDA 1st, GPM 3rd - small gain

                                        KDA 1st, GPM 4th - small gain

                                        KDA 2nd, GPM 1st - small gain

                                        KDA 3rd, GPM 3rd - probably small gain despite losing the game

                                        KDA 3rd, GPM 7th - probably lost MMR, lost game

                                        KDA 10th, GPM 8th - lost a lot of MMR here

                                        KDA 5th, GPM 4th - small gain

                                        KDA 3rd, GPM 7th - lost game, lost MMR

                                        It looks like you probably gained some MMR from calibration, maybe a couple hundred points. You are clearly better than the average player at your level before calibration, but not by a huge amount that valve would see you as in unfairly easy games and in need of anti-smurf treatment.


                                          yeah hes tryin hard to lose


                                              ^ are u trying to say 3k is gud? :D


                                                AHAHAHA so #FuckingSadMan

                                                Giff Me A Fucking Win!

                                                  pls predict my mmr. im still lvl 46 trophy. im curious because my pt mmr is 2885 but 3 wins 7 loss. can someone help me predict my solo mmr


                                                    anyone who still thinks it isn't possible to climb mmr is an idiot. do you honestly think that a pro wouldn't win 90% of your games? just accept that matchmaking works below 6k and you are where you belong then figure out how to get better. either that or learn to photoshop your epeen. a more useful way to spend your time than making a smurf.


                                                      I got from ~4.15K to 4.45K avarage in one game (despite losing). If you were significantly better than your rating suggests, you would've easily stomped during your calibration matches. That being said, there seems to be a big emphasis on carry oriented stats that influence your mmr greatly.


                                                        ℳℰℳℰS ℳℰℳℰS ℳℰℳℰS


                                                          ur below normal skill bracket and that explains why you got that 1.9K mmr

                                                          no bkb

                                                            For Comparison,
                                                            Look at my smurf account
                                                            wrecked on my first few games and got placed into very high immediately
                                                            the last 3 normal skills are party games.

                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!