General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the hardest hero counter you can think of?

What's the hardest hero counter you can think of? in General Discussion

    For me it's KotL pick against Timbersaw. Give em the Mana D.

    Dire Wolf

      Spirit breaker vs sniper.

      Apparition vs necro

      Pugna vs sky. Pugna vs multiple casters in general but holy shit vs sky is a nightmare, his ult is like 600 mana he will kill himself anytime ward is out

      Earth shaker vs Chaos knight

      Other lite counters, am vs wraith King, am vs medusa, pl vs medusa, omni vs everything but mainly shit like strength carries you never build diffusal, invoked vs omni for mass purge, silencer vs storm and qop


        SWM's ult is actually 800 mana on lvl 3 and Pugna's ward will do 1400 damage to him (the same amount of damage a perfectly landed SWM ult does rofl)


          Pugna vs OD? Last time I picked OD vs Pugna I think I abandoned after I knew what was happening, or just got dumpstered the entire game

          Pom Pom 🍕

            Doom against almost every hero is super hard counter.

            Riguma Borusu

              Mana drainers are in no way LITE counters to wraith king. In fact, 4 mana drainers are in top 5 counters of WK. AM has more than 6% wr bias against WK, which is HUUUUGE.

              Alexandra Daddario Enthus...

                QoP vs Meepo. Queen gets completely dumpstered if the Meepo has even a quarter of a brain.

                waku waku

                  imba spirit vs phantom cancer


                    Ancient Apparition vs. Slark.
                    Even harder to pull it off.

                    Pale Mannie

                      AA vs. Regen dependent heroes like Slark, Alche, or lifesteal (Satanic included) PA, DK, LS

                      Mana burn vs. Spellcasters/Wraith King

                      Huskar strats

                      Any poisonous Magnus combo

                      Ursa + Shaman

                      Dire Wolf

                        eh I think AM vs WK is a little bit overblown, WK is a natural bkb carrier and with abyssal can trash AM. Plus he's a good early game pusher which is quite anti AM playstyle. Really everything about WK's hero counters AM (stun, push, tanky, burst dmg but random) it's just AM counters his ult. Same deal with invoker vs WK, just bkb when the emp is charging, most invokers can't land a perfect tornado emp so you'll have time to activate. The problem is when other team has a shitload of other stuff you have to bkb and then it's always on cd.

                        I forgot LC vs AM and NP.


                          Yeah WK with treads,armlet,blink can even solokill AM during the duration of stun if he's a bit lucky with crits and AM will always lose manfight vs WK before he gets Manta.

                          Later in the game it can be troublesome for WK but he can solve most of those peoblems with BKB or even Aghs (though Aghs is not that good if you're #1).
                          Another good thing is that WK doesn't need to be played as #1 exclusively (while AM must) and can then get that Aghs.

                          People usually are usually narrow minded about that, they see that AM burns mana so he counters WK while in reality it's not that simple and there are ways to go around it.

                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                            Spec vs Sniper
                            Spec vs All supports. Lol


                                Riki > peenoise


                                  Disruptor > Meepo

                                  Glimpse one of the meepo, trap and then ult. A true nightmare for meepo player.


                                    Night Stalker vs Keeper of the Light.


                                      Bristleback > Riki

                                      plz do

                                        slardar vs riki/bh


                                          lich meepo


                                            Huskar > Zeus




                                                Lich > Meepo is by far the biggest counter.

                                                Sexo Meister

                                                  Razor > ns

                                                  Pl > undying

                                                  Nyx > intel heroes


                                                    one of my favs is jugg vs pudge. Normal skill pudges hook me to their own death :p


                                                      lich is not even in top 5 annoyances to deal with as meepo.

                                                      sven is n1.

                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                        Viper + Veno vs. Mobile heroes


                                                          Bounty Hunter vs any 3k jungler is 200% save win


                                                            Earthshaker doesn't counter shit worthless hero


                                                              what about warlock vs abbadon? fatal bonds as many enemies as you can to abbadon and start hitting that abba while hes on ult, infinite splash damage. I actually had a game where we were winning pretty hard and I had abbadon on my team, we made a fountain dive, warlock caught all of us with fatal bonds and abbadon killed all of us. Last thing I remember is we lost haha :D

                                                              7Mad About You

                                                                AOE hero > Illusion hero > Single Target Hero > AOE hero > Illusion hero > Single Target Hero

                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!