General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Aghanim worth as first major item on drow?

Is Aghanim worth as first major item on drow? in General Discussion
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    IS it worth? If you see it as a farming item? Seems good. Great tankiness and great farming.
    I agha rush like treads,aquila, morbid mask maybe, and thens traight agha.


      Definitely not, the only time it's worth it is when you have an alchemist on your team and he gives it to you.


        It's worth it as biggest problem Drow faces is low health. Enemy supports can nuke her in lanes.

        Rushing for point booster solves your health problem a la Wind Ranger's sceptre rush and with split shots after Sceptre you can buy your damage items quicker a la Anti-Mage with Battlefury.

        Drow of 6.86 with Sceptre is mean and real!


          ^ A la normal skill smurf


            ^ Big deal.


              ^ It's massive because u are low skilled for a reason which turns all of ur words irrelevant.


                Dominator into Aghanims is actually better than a simple morbid mask unless you have people stacking ancients for you.
                Drow/Magnus currently is OP as long as both of them have Aghanims -- the cleave works on the splinter shots too. Easy 2v5 even against equally farmed enemies (provided the RP hits 5).

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  If you're going aghs build it's better to buy at least a maelstrom first. Only go for it if you need aoe dps though (Drow is very weak against illu heroes, so this is an option to help for that), otherwise there's just better builds for her. It's also really good if you need to defend against megacreeps. That's just about it.

                  Very situational build. If you need a health item an S&Y, satanic or even skadi are better.

                  soon 1k



                      @ | Hanter |

                      You're one of those people who disregard kids simply because they're younger than you, ain't you?

                      It's okay that your "Definitely not" got countered with simple reasoning. Please counter reasoning with your reasoning other than trying to belittle others.

                      There's a reason you have yet to win with Drow in 6.86 despite having impressive win ratio. Perhaps, it's telling you should not be afraid of trying other ways.

                      Why would you not write to the the person who posted this query that why Aghanim *should not* be purchased on Drow? I told the person why he should. If you don't agree, counter that instead of disrespecting others while sitting on high horse.

                      P.S.: You first 10 pages from last do not even put you in normal skill, there 77 pages of your matches. Your first "Normal Skill" game comes at 67. But, I won't hold it against you. You were "low skill" player once, too. But, I would not disregard your Alchemist situation. Problem is, there won't be Alchemist in every other match with Drow in 6.86 and may not even be willing to gift Aghanim. Cheers.


                        ^ i lol'd


                            its shiet


                              "You're one of those people who disregard kids simply because they're younger than you, ain't you?"
                              And when did Hanter bring up your age? Nobody even knows how old are you, lol.
                              please stop embarassing yourself


                                ^ It's a metaphor.


                                  everyone posting on this thread is just as good as aghs rush on drow


                                    Pick dusa if u want Splitshot


                                      Triple stop trolling, everyone knows you got hemorroids


                                        i got balls cancer


                                          just the same as that fat guy with tits in fight club


                                            oh man.... i just got scared and disgusted at the same time



                                              i just read this comment with your voice in my head

                                              sounds romantic, eh?


                                                imo lifesteal -> mobility item -> maelstrom -> aghs




                                                    i cant read jpg with your voice tho cz i dunno how u pronounce it. the rest is ez.


                                                      i can even read my own comments with ur voice.

                                                      plz do

                                                        you should compare drow to core heroes, on which its common to rush rush: Lina, Qop, Windrunner.

                                                        then u will find out, why u dont need to rush it.


                                                          it's good, don't believe them. I always rush aghs on drow.


                                                            @Triple read the other thread, i posted there for mistake, cba to edit


                                                              drow as a carry? AHDSAUDHADAHSAHAHAAALLLMAOOOO

                                                              AGHA ON THIS CARRY? ADSADJSADHAALMAAAOOOO


                                                                This Pluto guy needs to stop. Massive unlogical sense here.

                                                                Sexo Meister

                                                                  Its not good, and not bad

                                                                  Lifesteal > aghs is pretty good since u do get lifesteal from the splitshot, thus making u last longer

                                                                  And with mag u can do aoe arrow shit, but it takes a precious slot which is not good cus 4200 for that is not a good pick, even a sny gives drow better utility then ags

                                                                  Also u can die faster with aghs if team has books or tons of bm cus u cant control the shots:))


                                                                    Maelstrom is inferior to Cristalys once you have Aghanims Scepter (even before actually)... but hey -- go spend 2700g on an item because you can't last hit to save your life and fail to find farm in any other form than rushing through jungle camps.


                                                                      This is this week's win rate with Aghanim carriers. Good contrast with "regular" Aghanim carriers. Think it may become meta to just rush it as you do on Windranger. (Just a prediction: can be wrong)

                                                                      Aghanim gives +10 to all stats, +250 health (which for me is pretty big deal for squishy Drow, and added +150 mana. I would prefer purchasing crystals after Aghanim.

                                                                      @Neko I'm sorry I lacked clarity.


                                                                        I'm not saying crit before Agha... I'm saying crit > maelstrom before & after Agha. Maelstrom/Mjollnir are highly overrated items.


                                                                          You lack actual backbreaking stats as well.

                                                                          You're putting drow into a bracket where people naturally get scepter and they naturally go for it.

                                                                          Put Drow in a bracket with heroes like void, and then compare. Drow shouldn't naturally go into scepter.


                                                                            Aghs is a great item if you're playing pusher drow, have a magnus(aghs) on your team, your team has strong teamfight, or you're up against an illusion-based carry. However, even then, it's not the ideal 1st or 2nd item. You'd be looking to pick this up in the late game as probably your 4th item. It's a good amplifier, but it's far too expensive and does very little without something else giving it some major oomph.


                                                                              i think its ok but not as a first item, you need to have like maelstrom/mkb to make it worthwhile since those effects are unreduced (and they buffed the proc dmg of mkb) so its much better than splitshot

                                                                              waku waku

                                                                                i think it's shit would probably be better if it instead actually improved her ultimate, either by only halving the bonus wherever an enemy is near, or lowering the range how close they have to get to disable it, or both of these


                                                                                  The effect of Aghs is pretty strong in a team fight setting as it doubles your damage output, the problem is that aghs provides virtually nothing for you in terms of damage itself.


                                                                                    Why rushin to agha? Takes 4200 and does some more split push. Rly not that good against all illu heroes as it only attacks 3 targets each time u attack. Ur talkin about pushin power just attack range creep first and spend 3 more sec on the creepwave to clear it its not like bf on am.
                                                                                    U can even build dragon lance blink and do better than this


                                                                                      It's another legit item for Overthrow.


                                                                                        "a la normal skill player" as if those skill brackets are anyh relevant at all. All it provides is confidence boost for those retarded 4k players who think they're good now

                                                                                        7Mad About You

                                                                                          i prefer more dps item than aghs on drow


                                                                                            Void is 60% while Luna is 62% with Aghanim though I may not make on either of these. I would not compare Void with Drow as Void has 2x escape with Time walk, backtrack-dialation + in some situations Chrono escape, too.

                                                                                            On other hand, Drow is fairly easy to kill in laning stage and early battles as compared to Void. That's why I wrote +250 health is bid deal.

                                                                                            It's all about perspectives though. You can also hit crit / heal with split shots in mid / late battles and I see no harm in that.

                                                                                            I think I have said enough on this matter. I may make Aghanim on Drow in 6.86. You guys may not. Let's leave it at that. It really isn't about low-skill or illogical sense. Cheers.


                                                                                              I believe that buying scepter on physical dd core hero = cancer, ofc except wr, tiny, and mopo.
                                                                                              as a situational item after the other important items, in some situations, on some heroes, it is (maybe) possible (I still don't recommend)


                                                                                                If AA puts Chilling Touch on Drow with AgS, she uses 3 charges of it per shot, or just one?


                                                                                                  Should be 3 -- they nerfed that when people discovered Gyrocopter uses 1 charge per hit yet it applied to all targets hit by flak ; should be similar.

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