General Discussion

General DiscussionDoto 2016 New Year Resolution?

Doto 2016 New Year Resolution? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    New playstyle? MMR? New heroes? New attitude? Etc etc What is your doto new year resolution?

    plz do

      bad intentions is back :D
      missed u <3

      new year resolution: less doto, more reallife :(


        quit dota for ever

        Rektdalf the White

          Get back those 800 mmr points that I've lost over the summer, learn to farm better as 3.

          Sexo Meister

            Main axe
            Reach 4.5k
            Git better

            Also where have u been dude!

            Bad Intentions

              lol just got back from vacation :]]] now trying to catch up on new doto stuff. Got a few games in but rusty as fuk. Gamesense and reaction time is not up to speed yet.

              the realm's delight

                i wanna get a sex change become a lesbian and hook up with some hookers

                the realm's delight

                  yee son


                    As a scrub newb:

                    Learn to at least 60 cs @ first 10 min if playing carry, whether it's contested or not
                    Reducing death average per match to < 3 if carry, < 5 if support
                    Learn to always stack a camp (usually missed the timing due to lack of time awareness)
                    Learn other hero to play with


                      have a team and reach 4.5k




                          Kick Lich from my most played heroes list's top position.

                          Bad Intentions

                            Play a different game mode!

                            King of Low Prio

                              I automatically assume you have a micro penis if u play ability draft


                                my goal is to be the first ever dota account with a negative mmr.


                                  Play more ranked. I don't have time for solo anymore so I'm going to play party ranked with my boys.

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    Waiting for 420 Potlord and trying to play ranked again


                                      5.5k mmr
                                      nail school leaving exams
                                      get on physics uni


                                        7k mmr


                                            more weights at the gym + 4K UHD double monitor dota2 resolution


                                              1366x768 on laptop and 1280x1024 on desktop on which I prefer to play.

                                              I'm also planing to buy a new monitor if I'll save enough money, it will probably be some 1920x1080


                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!