General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you counter Viper?

How do you counter Viper? in General Discussion

    Viper has corrosive skin; extra magic resistance and poison and attack slow to protect him from physical damage. He's so tanky in early-mid game with that.

    Winning the lane against him seems impossible. Neurotoxin makes him an excellent last hitter.

    Poison attack makes him harrass effectively, and his ult and neurotoxin is hard to escape from and hits hard.

    Any advice on where Viper's weaknesses are and how to exploit them?


      no comeback = gank him few times when hes low level and he cant doinate his lane + no flashfarm
      slow + no stun = keep split pushing

      Pom Pom 🍕

        Illusion heroes (or similar) destroy him, since he doesn't have a good aoe spell.

        Black Scythe


          yung griphook

            how exactly does a Viper flash farm...?

            Sexo Meister


              Win Yo Fagot

                easily ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                    Especially when the Viper get Manta.
                    I think, it's no need to counter Viper, just don't be a feed and let him fat.


                      BKB counters viper. Just don't pick a melee carry vs Viper because he can kite them for days, especially with Viper Strike.


                        Force staff / tp / bkb


                          don't trade right clicks with him in lane, the only time you should trade hits with a viper is if you nuke him also.

                          In mid lane get a bottle and nuke the wave right before the rune spawns, then go pick it up. Viper will miss farming the whole creep wave if he wants to contest the rune (since he has no AOE nuke and no mobility). You can also nuke the wave on odd minutes to go stack the jungle, once you can clear the stack you wont be behind on XP or gold anymore.

                          If you are a support you can wait until he pushes up a bit to zone your mid laner, then come in behind him and gank him, he doesn't have an escape or even high movespeed and a lot of health, so he will die to this. If he never zones the midlaner (which is when he is easiest to gank) then he isn't really wining the lane anyway.

                          he also sucks against illusion heroes, if your carry is an illusion hero then viper is useless since he has no AOE and cant build any. He also is shitty against rat dota cuz he has no hard disable (if his team has a lot you might not want to pick a rat anyway). If he is coming for you and your team wont be able to save you just TP out immediately, he cant do damage that fast and cant cancel your TP, so as long as you didn't waste time trying to fight/run first you shouldn't die to a solo viper.

                          finally avoid picking shit that can get kited, or picking a hero with a lot of damage over time spells (corrosive skin makes these backfire).


                            BKB doesn't counter viper, the slow from his ult goes through it so he can still kite you. Most of his damage is physical so he still kills you through BKB. He is one of the heroes who cares the least when the other team buys BKBs.


                              Antimage, farms way faster, drains all Viper's mana, once you get Manta he can't tell which is the correct hero and Viper has no lockdown so he can't gank AM.

                              Livin' Real Good

                                Hmm, I like Silver edge with Slark, I just tend to shit on Vipers for some reason with that hero.


                                    just go kill him, dont run


                                      Viper can flash farm if he buys Radiance first. If you add Manta and Octarine Core to it, Viper can aim for lategame without fear of being outfarmed or irrelevant.

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