General Discussion

General DiscussionSee u guys in 6.87

See u guys in 6.87 in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    Good luck guys! Hope you have fun with "balanced" dota

    Also when will 6.87 be? After shanghai tourny? Mid june? Or not cus valve is not going to release pitlord till they grind that wallet of urs

    Pale Mannie

      See ya later


        viva peru


          viva se asia

          Livin' Real Good

            The game actually is balanced compared to most previous patches...

            Who is there to complain about now? Invoker? He justt got nerfed in 6.86C, he's fine...

            If you can tell me who the new Leshrac is right now, i'd glady like to hear.



              You think Pudge with 4 sec. cool down on hook with Sceptre is not cancer? Let's complain about that now. #ReturnOfDendi

              Sexo Meister


                Try fighting arc warden rapier spam and 4s hook pudge with extended range


                  Patch seems really good to me. Nothing seems too OP or UP (though Abaddon might become OP once people get better at him)


                    Abaddon is already OP if you have a weak laning support and he has another strong offlaner. I'm going to start picking either timbersaw or bristleback though now whenever I see Abaddon picked against me.


                      Well es is still (a bit less, but still) Oracle got buffed, but at least has less nobrainer ult (but the initial dispell is way more than enough anyway).

                      Invoker got undiserved buff. Tuskar still op. dp is borderline op, it's rather on how meta will shift that will decide if she stay great, or go god.
                      (zeus mb borderline op between aether lens and veil). Dazzle still, but the early shift of meta don't favor him that much, so he stay at bay with the slight nerf he received.

                      But yeah, there's muh less of imbalance -at least less visible- (still don't get why invoker got buffed).


                        how is abaddon that op? if you shut him down during the laning phase he isn't really an issue. he is pretty bad against deathball and cant farm fast. sure his aghs is amazing but thats only if he can get it before it is too late.


                            See you in Fuck You

                            lm ao

                              I love Abaddon I never lose with that guy rofl unless my teammates are a different kind of idiot beyond saving

                              lm ao


                                Statistically 13 games wont do me any favor of discourse but wudeva shits broken if played well

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  "literally every game is abbadon abbadon abbadon"

                                  What position is he played tho? I started picking core Abaddon due to all the legion pickers (and because I hate people who take lc from me!). Support abaddon is good against lc as well, but having a core that can't really feed duels is nice too.

                                  lm ao

                                    Hey kitrak how can you just lose in 5 minutes in that Ursa match


                                      well 1 less person to fuck up my pubs see ya fam


                                        :D who cares dude

                                        El muchacho de los ojos t...

                                          Yeah this meta is full of wizzards hiting u from far away with extra damage cause aether lens and the spam of invoker and lone druid plus the new cancer Pudge, i dont know icefrog do this. I miss the era of the hard carrys like faceless void, i miss the old troll even... all these hard carrys but sniper he was real cancer. And the only ones who can stop all these magic just get nerfed, Huskar and Anti-Mage. this patch is so sad, but thres always a light in the darkens, spectre and medusa :)

                                          waku waku

                                            now spectre and zeus are imba

                                            i hate spectre the most though because it's fucking annoying how they always manage to use their active skills to their advantage. you can at least burst zeus down. but spectre will just dagger and haunt to escape. then once someone on your team gets caught out (which they inevitably will) spectre has 500 extra gold

                                            El muchacho de los ojos t...

                                              Yeah but the diference is that spectre and zeus never get buffed like invoker, pudge o lone druid and the new items are useless on spectre, and theres always silver edge to kill shes passives for 5 sec and if u 'cant' counter spectre just pick omniknight, the only one who can beat spectre in late game son


                                                agreed with op
                                                balance get worse and worse since 2014, but now it's really cancer
                                                i play dota since 2007
                                                but trash with 1k games say dota is balanced lolol


                                                  actually it's much more balanced.

                                                  And nope, spectre and zeus aren't imba, it's just that together they are imba.
                                                  Zeus deal a bit too much damage, just what spectre need, and spectre cover zeus weakness, as being great to counter a followup of a swift engage. (bye dagger).

                                                  Since veil is becoming popular we mb need to have zeus passiv nerfed by 1 or 2 % (and mb arc lightning cd to be slightly longer, (like 0.25 or 0.5 sec)).

                                                  The main problem is currently how gold, and reliable gold and gold per kill evolved. We have a nice "feature" in dota that allow us to pronounce killing most important aspect (and no it's not about making gold) denying enemy gold. But with all the easy access to reliable gold (even more with THE HUGE buff to gold kill) that aspect really disapeared.

                                                  Reverse last buff to gold kill gain
                                                  nerf reliable gold (mb giving only half the kill bounty in reliable -even better, have reliable gold "mutted" for the top 2 networth of the team-)
                                                  increase death gold penality, so we actually have an incentive to gank carry (right now the fear of dying is denying way more gold than dying itself).

                                                  Kind of sad we have the ability to make kill being an great anti snowball mechanism, but we go the "lol" way by giving even more gold to killing, so it match the gold of farming, thus making a HUGE snowballing heroes.
                                                  (and to come back to spectre zeus, they are able to grind that gold early, very easily, and thus snowball like no tommorow)


                                                    ^ totally agreed. It's like IO + Tiny combo. If one of the two is nerfed, it'll be utter trash. But if you let them come together, they are stronger than most of the combinations.


                                                        Can someone give me example of the most balanced patch and why it is balanced.

                                                        And if i can enjoy lone druid this patch is it mean this hero not balanced? I hope i can still enjoy play him next patch.
